Spiritism: A Tool at Everyone’s Disposal to Improve their Lives

by Antonio Leite.


Since immemorial times, men has struggled to find the solution to the basic and universal questions regarding his own reality, his place and his role in the universe. Thus, immersed in his own quest for an answer, he asked: Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I doing here? Where do I go after the phenomenon known as death?

Undoubtedly, to some extent, all branches of religion and philosophy have helped us in our search for these answers. However, it is our unavoidable duty, to strive to find these answers for ourselves. In order to do so, we must comply with the well-known saying that was carved on the gate of the Oracle of Delphi and says:

Know Thyself,

which was adopted by the greatest philosopher and teacher of all times – Socrates, as the main guideline in his quest for knowledge of the self.

This attitude is the only one that will allow us to achieve progress, for it will help us to have a better understanding of our own reality as immortal spirits. It is also the primary antidote to avoiding misleading and erroneous interpretations of the messages conveyed to us by many evolved spirits. They are many, and regardless of their religious or philosophical affiliation, as benefactors of mankind their main goal is to help us to achieve a better level of progress and amelioration. From their privileged position they are able to unveil small facets of the Great Truth, which we are able to grasp now.

In this regard it is opportune to pay heed and mention the lesson and the warning of one amongst the greatest benefactors of mankind – Shidartha Gautama, better known as Buddha, and here is what he says:

Do not believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything (simply) because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it.

Now, where does the Spiritist Doctrine fit in this puzzle? The spirits responsible for the teachings comprised in the doctrine of Spiritism and Allan Kardec himself, fit perfectly well in this category of great benefactors of mankind. The prior ones from the spirit world, with the aid of the latter one as an incarnated spirit, put forth a set of principles which represents a safe guideline to help us in our quest for knowledge and spiritual progress.

Spiritism in its threefold aspects, that is to say, philosophical, scientific and moral, is a rational doctrine with an attractive and universal appeal that will assuredly help us in our quest for self-discovery.

The teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine, wise as they are, give us the right answers to the questions above, by letting us know with certainty that we are all brothers and sisters. It also tells us that we are immortal spirits, children of God who were created in the same condition and endowed with free will to pursue progress and happiness. Furthermore it teaches us that the phenomenon known as death is just a stage in our journey towards progress and that life goes on.

Finally, the most important teaching that the spirits provided to us , which is crystal clear in the Spiritist Doctrine, is that we must earn the condition to be the masters of our own destiny. In order to do so, we must comply with the urgent call of duty and responsibility. In this regard it is worth to listen to the advice of one amongst the greatest spiritists authors – Leon Denis, when he says:

Let us often have the willingness to study and meditate, for in doing so, the soul gathers new strength and light. May we be able to end each day by saying: I have accomplished some useful thing – I have won some victory over myself; I have comforted or assisted some needy person; I have enlightened my brothers and worked for their good. Finally, I have done my duty!


Source: The Spiritist Messenger, 13th Year, Number 61, April 2005

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