Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th, 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 

GEAE 12th year - Number 55 - distributed: October 15th, 2004

    "Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                           Allan Kardec



"The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively not by the false appearance of things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice."

Arthur Schopenhauer



Dear reader of The Spiritist Messenger,

Let us share with you our happiness at this occasion and let us commemorate together the date of October 15, 2004, which represents 12 years of work by GEAE, The Advanced Study Group of Spiritism, using the Web as a means to study life based on the Spiritist Doctrine. In this month we also commemorate 200 years of the reincarnation in Europe of Allan Kardec, the codifier of The Spiritist Doctrine.

These have been 12 years of continuous, serious, humble and dedicated work done by a lot of people – incarnate and discarnate – all united with a common goal, contributing that way for the success of our group. We have faced difficulties, mostly due to the fact that all of us, editors, collaborators and readers, have to care for our private and professional life and find time available for the group’s activities. Besides that, negativity and fanaticism form outside have acted as restrictive forces to the work. We have succeeded in going through those difficulties with much support especially during the initial activities of the group. Gradually the group became stronger as more value was added to it by several goodness path workers who had been called for this mission from the spiritual plane and promptly answered the call.

We knew that everyone lacked available time to dedicate more to the task from the start but the group was created anyway, since our life must really go on in total harmony.  We must accomplish our duties and do it well. In order to do that our group has the objective to support everyone. It doesn’t absolutely mean imposition to anyone. Everything that’s imposed is in essence a violation of free thinking right. However, the need to tell right from wrong, goodness from wickedness can be found in God’s Law. That’s what we search. Our will is to contribute the better we can to humanity’s and to nature’s progress, that is, contribute to God’s Law.

Dear reader, we are referring specially to you who, in your silent reading or without showing your presence in any part of the world, feel the need to evolve and understand the meaning of going always forward. We know how much you would like to tell us what you think after reading an interesting text or comment. We also know that you would have a lot to contribute although that cannot happen at this moment. Never mind. The improvement of you personal behavior is what we care for, no matter if you are a Spiritist or not. The means we use to spiritually evolve is not important. What’s important is the way we do.

How does the improvement of our life happen? This we have to learn with much work.

We could think that improvement meant having better material conditions, like more money, a better job or occupation, buying something we wanted. Not simply that! It’s obvious that any improvement in life3 is welcome. Some people don’t even need more material things, since they have plenty. But they surely need much improvement! We are talking of the moral support necessary to face storms, that support that stimulates us and pushes us upwards on the quest for interior peace, that offers us a hand when we need to stand up since we are susceptible of falling down at any moment. A wall that is well built over solid soil and using good material can last for long, provided that necessary maintenance is done. However, if built on a soft and inadequate soil , that same wall will quickly collapse unless it’s rebuild with proper techniques considering  the kind of soil available. Everything depends on time. The wall is a conglomeration of atoms and as such it will suffer slowly wearing by time due to nature’s restrictive forces.

Our spiritual or psychological structure depends a lot on the environment where we live. If we live in a proper environment we will be strong and resistant. However, if we live in inadequate environment with strong restrictive forces, we must be prepared with proper spiritual maintenance in order to live well and turn out winners in our work, with the help of the powerful forces of good, reducing our sufferings on the quest for eternal happiness. This way we will drive the progress and the balance of the universe.

Spiritism always supports us as our eternal consoler, since it’s well founded as philosophy, religion and science, assuring a better future to all those that want it, according to the merit of each one.  We need to benefit from this as soon as possible, making shorter the path of unnecessary suffering.

We always thank GEAE’s spiritual mentors for the chance they put in our hands and where we stand as mere tools. We are referring as “us” to you also, dear reader.

Congratulations to all for being in search of truth and life. Let us go forward for ever in search of love and never-ending peace.

Long life to GEAE!!

Raul Franzolin Neto
Pirassununga – São Paulo - Brazil


In 1991 I had decided to do my PhD studies abroad. A good friend of mine, who worked for the same Company as I, had taken the same decision and he stimulated me a lot. My wife also supported my decision and subscribed to do her own PhD studies as well. After some research, we found out that the University most appropriate for the studies we wanted to do was UMASS - University of Massachusetts – and the second one, Case Western Reserve University. We sent applications to both, although our preference was the first one. My friend was successful, and left his job to start his studies in September 1991. However, I didn’t succeed in getting the approval form my company, and quitting was out of question. I had the option get a leave and request a scholarship from CNPQ, but the whole process would take longer than what was available for starting the classes in September. We proceeded anyway, and CNPQ granted the scholarship starting January 1992. Even though UMASS did not accept new students in winter, CWRU did, and “destiny” sent us to CWRU. Thus, in January 1992 we moved to Cleveland, USA where CWRU is located.

I remember to this day the anxiety I felt, knowing that I was leaving the work I used to do at Centro Espírita João Batista (John the Baptist Spiritst Center), in Rio de Janeiro. I was not a leader or a lecturer, but it allowed me to learn a lot. I remember the talks I used to have with D. Zely, who was then the president of the Center. Because I wanted to carry on my spiritist studies, although there were no Centers nearby, I carried with me the collection of the Spiritist Magazine, which I hadn’t yet read.  I remember that D. Zely used to say that working opportunities would certainly appear and that I would possibly be able to belong to some group.

After setting up my family in a rented house, I mail ordered a computer, in order to do some work at home. Soon after getting it running I got to know the Cleveland Freenet, a local BBS, provided by the City of Cleveland and CWRU. Even though my job was not related to computers, I became interested in the subject and started to study the world of BBS and e-mail. With the help of my friend who was living in Massachusetts I found Bras-Net, an e-mail distribution list in Portuguese, gathering Brazilians and friends all over the world. It was great to be able to exchange letters with other Brazilians living in different countries, read news about Brazil, jokes, the RUI (Radio Uirapuru de Itapipoca – a funny weekly e-letter) and take part of several discussions. It was a little of Brazil running through the wires…

One day I found in my mailbox the e-letter from Raul Franzolim, inviting anyone interested in exchange information about several subjects. I remember the text did not make it clear that a spiritist was writing it. But, after months, it was the closer thing to Spiritism that I found on the net. I replied immediately and became a member of the GEAE group.

I used to wait eagerly for the messages, and I remember to have participated early of the discussions. Shortly after I and Raul found that we lived in the same state and about two hours driving apart. It was one of those coincidences”… We visited each other several times, and the friendship got stronger with time. I believe that it would not happen, if I were living in Massachusetts…

When Raul returned to Brazil, after completing his Post-Doctoral work, he was concerned about GEAE’s survival. I committed to giving part of my time to organize and distribute GEAE’s newsletter every week until he could get his feet back on the ground and return to his duties. But, when I completed my PhD, in 1996, and had to return to Brazil myself we decided to create the Editorial Board, organization that proved to be reliable and is in effect until now.

In my opinion the GEAE newsletter is a Spiritist Magazine of the Internet Age. The participation of the subscribers is the spice that enriches the discussions. It is a newsletter made by its subscribers who bring the subjects and the themes for discussion. It is not the Editorial Board that writes the newsletter, but you, the readers and subscribers that do it.

And the most important is the clear action of our spiritual friends guiding, stimulating, taking our inspiration in the same tune, and bringing new subjects in a non-stop work that helps to spread the word of the Spirits Doctrine.

Now GEAE is turning twelve. The humble proposal of a weekly e-mail page, born out of necessity to exchange ideas and thoughts, grew a lot and reaches places we could never imagine, even in our wildest dreams. But, better than all, it touches people’s hearts and the souls of its readers, bringing an always open communication channel, ready to healthy discussions about the Spiritst Doctrine. In my opinion, a Doctrine that can serve every aspect of our lives.

May God bless us all!

José Cid
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil


Around 1994 I was working as a communication systems developer when I made the initial contacts with the Web, which was starting to be available to users outside the academic area. The technologies for accessing the Web were limited, very far from the present resources. However, they already allowed a relatively easy exchange of emails. Texts were in pure ASCII - alphabetic characters without accentuation symbols - and we had to improvise accentuation and use certain artifices, as the use of "emoticons", to give some life to the texts. It was a time when people still used  "netiquette", a set of consensual behavior rules, as avoiding sending unasked advertisements.

One day when I was reading the emails of a newsgroup - an ancestor of the modern lists and interest groups - called BRASNET, I found a copy of “Boletim do GEAE”  number 1, which had been posted by José Cid. José had been coordinating the group since Raul Franzolin, who had created the group in 1992 while he was in the USA, had returned to Brazil.

I subscribed to the group and for a certain time I only followed the exchange of ideas. I was deeply impressed by the way José conducted the discussions. He did so in such a way that GEAE seemed the virtual equivalent of those friendly meetings that used to happen in the universities in order to study deeper a difficult subject. We could see clearly that the group that took part in the discussions was made of serious people dedicated to learning. The ideas were presented and discussed with replies and counter-replies always converging to a broader understanding of the initial question, no one showing either vanity or personal pride.

Feeling encouraged by the simple and brotherly environment, I decided to send some comments on the history of spiritualism, a theme that has always interested me a lot. Little by little, I started taking active part in the discussions. Due to a certain incident - an email sent to the group by a person willing to advertise political ideas – certain changes had to be made in the way GEAE's work was done. So, José started to use a distribution list, which was created and cared for by Sergio Freitas. There was also a plan to create a FAQ so that the modus operandi and the rules of the group could be explained to new members, a task where I got involved more straightly.

In 1995 Sergio organized the first Website of GEAE and in that same year FEESP (The Spiritist Federation of the State of São Paulo) authorized us to upload The Spirits’ Book to the site and leave it available for download. Transcribing it to digital format tool almost a whole year. We scanned the book’s pages, had them read by the OCR software and then checked the result for errors caused during the process.

The team that took part in this work was the kernel of the Editorial Board formed in 1996. José’s return to Brazil, after having finished his studies in the USA, represented a big challenge to the continuation of GEAE and so he and Raul decided to create this working group with editing and moderating role. The Editorial Board made possible a less personal and more independent exchange of ideas. Today the Board is formed by Ademir Xavier, Alexandre Fonseca, Antonio Leite, Edgar Crespo, José Cid, Raul Franzolin, Renato Costa, Yvonne Limoges and me.

José and Raul invited and convinced me to be part of the Editorial Board. I hesitated for a while because I didn’t see myself as prepared for the task. I had no experience in editorial activity and my activities within the Spiritist movement were very little. This experience in GEAE turned out to me as an extraordinary school. I still don’t consider myself either as an experienced editor or as a writer. However I have been learning from my friends that have been taking part in GEAE how to organize ideas and express them in an honest and brotherly way. They also lead me to know Spiritism better mostly by showing me where I was wrong and showing me different point of view. Not to say of the studies I had to do in order to be able to reply to the most difficult questions or to understand arguing that was beyond my knowledge.

The most important of all is that GEAE kept growing little by little all along those years, giving us the chance to meet people from a large number of places, from several countries. Each of those people – who form the study group in a proper sense – brought its personal view of the world and our Doctrine. Those contacts were largely valuable.

We finally get to the commemorations of GEAE’s 12th anniversary and start its 13th year of continuous publication. It’s important to observe that this work – this experience of brotherly communication through the Web, which justifies the adjective “advanced” in its name – wouldn’t have been possible were it not for the sound base build by Kardec. The drive for this search of a better understanding of the world comes from how Kardec emphasized the need for studying and for personal improvement. That’s the reason why Spiritists are always struggling to study, carefully examining each idea before deciding to accept or reject it.

The Spiritist Doctrine is the view that unites us all and makes possible a biweekly edition. “Boletim do GEAE” number 481 was distributed to 3.499 subscribers and The Spiritist Messenger number 54 to 651. The communication facilitators – our true role as Editorial Council – would be useless if the extraordinary gathering link provided by the Doctrine didn’t exist.

Congratulations GEAE !

Tank you very much, Kardec !

Happy Birthday, Kardec e Happy Anniversary to all the members of GEAE !

Carlos Alberto Iglesia Bernardo

São Paulo – Brazil


Here's how I became engaged in the works of GEAE:
The history of Spiritism was always marked by communication events. The flow of information that reached Earth in the last quarter of the XIX century was a communication revolution never seen in mankind's history. Spiritism was conceived as scientific doctrine entirely based on the new teachings of the invisible world, teachings there were fully consistent with the ethical and moral aspects of the Christian philosophy, once devoid of the external aspects of conventional religion.
A second revolution was to take place in the last quarter of the following century, the XXth. 100 years after the organized invasion, the advent of the Internet marked a new era for humankind. GEAE was then the result of two revolutions both never seen in previous times. I'm particularly proud of having lived at such times when calculating machines found a new application as communication tools. In fact, my interest in GEAE (that appeared in October 1992) was alive as soon as I was fully plugged to the net in 1996. Based on principles of affinity I was attracted to GEAE work soon after my first works as webmaster of "Spiritism to the World", one of the first Spiritist sites in English at the time. GEAE was then a mature group that electronically published regular newsletters in Portuguese. These newsletters delivered news and information to the Portuguese speaking community, notably formed by Brazilian that lived both in Brazil and abroad, that were of practical interest. The speed and format of the "electronic bulletins" were greatly appraised and, until today, constitute the core work of the group. However, everybody knew that the work in Portuguese was limited because of language restrictions. The idea of GEAE-EN (an English version of GEAE) was a natural one. To motivate a constant flow of information in English similar to that in Portuguese, a version of the GEAE bulletin was conceived. I took part of this work at the end of 1997 after an e-mail invitation of Carlos Alberto. The first GEAE-en newsletter was launched in December 1997. Since then the number of Spiritist friends (and groups) that receive and read the GEAE-En bulletins increases yearly.  
In a certain sense, the initial aim of GEAE-EN was somewhat bold. It soon became clear that linguistic differences are far from being the only obstacles in improving the flow of Spiritist related information in the web. Cultural differences are also important. New members joined GEAE-EN to further improve and maintain the group's work: Antonio Leite (in NY/USA), Renato Costa (in Brazil) and Yvonne Limoges (in FL/USA). Their participation affected fundamentaly the work of GEAE-EN, boosting their activities in a way never seen before.
I would like to thank GEAE at its 12th birthday for the opportunity of work. I believe that GEAE is an important tool of communication that transcends the physical frontiers among countries and cultures. Spiritism needs the cooperation of people for the worldwide knowledge of its superior messages. Before internet, nobody was able to say how this could be possible if not by the work of the Spirits. Today we know that local news and spirit communications (brought by exceptional mediums) may become worldwide available by the works of groups like GEAE.
I'm proud of being one of its members.

Ademir Xavier Jr.
Campinas - São Paulo - Brazil


I consider my approach to GEAE as one of those salutary incidents that happen in our lives, which most of time we tend to see as accidental. It happened in the beginning of the 1995, when I was already living in America for almost a year. One day I typed the word Spiritism in one of the web browsers, and I was surprised to find the website of the group. When I mention the word surprise is due to the fact that at the time the WWW was yet in its very beginning and I was not expecting to find any spiritist group with homepage on the Web.

My first impressions regarding the homepage were very positive and immediately I started surfing through it. After reading the group's FAQ I started reading the Portuguese newsletters, which at the time was around issue number 150. I was impressed with the quality and the voluminous material available there and even more with the simple, fraternal and dynamic way that the many themes was discussed by the members of the group, always having the Codification as the basis. My first message was sent to them when the group's fourth anniversary celebration was going on (newsletter 210), and I offered a small contribution in the form of an article written by my friend Christiano Torchi, titled Iniciação ao Conhecimento da Doutrina Espírita. As I kept in touch with the group and collaborated more actively, I was thereafter invited by Ademir Xavier to join the Editorial Council, which happened in December 2000, and since then I have been participating in the elaboration of the Portuguese newsletters (newsletter 404).

It is unnecessary to stress how beneficial it has been to me to participate in this fraternal study group and to be able to exchange ideas about the Spirits' Doctrine. As we study this great doctrine more carefully we are able to perceive our smallness and how we need help, which we will seek in the fraternal intimacy of those who vibrate in the same harmony and are moved by the same aim, the search for truth. Throughout the last 12 years of existence GEAE has been a marvelous stage for this searching, which is always conducted by the safe guidelines of the Codification, being its members aware of the advice of Allan Kardec:

"Let us add that the study of such a theory as that of Spiritism, which introduces us at once to an order of ideas so novel and so grand, can only be fruitfully pursued by persons of a serious turn of mind, persevering, free from prejudice, and animated by a firm and sincere determination to arrive at the truth."

Let us thank God and Kardec for this marvelous opportunity by working for our own education and serving our brothers and sisters with simplicity and humility. Let us act as true workers of God following the recommendation of one of the most humble workers for the spiritist's cause, Herminio Miranda:

"Workers of God we all aim to be and we will be every time that we erase our name in the supreme glory of the anonymity in order that our work be of God, Who makes the seed to sprout and the tree grow, and not ours, who simply cast the seed on the ground. We are the carriers of the message, not its creators, for neither men nor spirits create; they simply discover that which the Father created."

May the good spiritual friends continuous to assist us.

Antonio Cunha Lacerda Leite
New York – USA


We were, and continue to be, very pleased and honored to have been asked to become members of the GEAE board. We believe that the members of the GEAE board work hard to present Spiritist thoughts, ideas, and material which are progressive and open-minded, while keeping true to the Doctrine. We felt that we had found fellow Spiritists who work hard to maintain a fine balance between the three aspects of Spiritism: scientific, philosophical, and religious/moral. This website provides the analytic and scientific aspects Spiritism, but there is also material which touches our hearts and souls... for Spiritism should satisfy both our reason and be in harmony with our sentiments.

Edgar Crespo and Yvonne Limoges
Spiritist Society of Florida – St. Petersburg, Flórida – USA


My first interaction with GEAE happened in January 1998 when, after some time visiting GEAE’s website, I visited the links page and saw that a certain international book publisher and reseller’s URL was being listed there among many others. Knowing that the aforementioned company’s website published articles in favor of atheism and against Christianity, I wrote to GEAE explaining the fact and suggesting that the link was deleted. Sérgio Freitas, who had been the creator of GEAE’s website, replied to my message thanking me for the information, saying that the link would be deleted and explaining that they had no way to check in detail every information they got from so many parts of the world,

From then on I visited GEAE’s website once in a while reading articles and downloading available works.

In June 2003 I was busy looking for Spiritist articles to populate the Articles section of IEJA’s website when I read a very good article written by Carlos Iglesia who was available at Portal do Espírito. I immediately wrote to him asking his permission to reproduce the article at IEJA’s website. Ademir, who had been caring for the English section of GEAE’s website and for editing The Spiritist Messenger, was very busy at the time and lacking time for the work. So, after visiting IEJA’s website and seeing that it had an English section, Carlos asked me if I could help with GEAE’s website and bulletin in English. Feeling much happy and honored by the invitation I promptly accepted the invitation.

Ever since I have been doing my best to be useful whereas undoubtedly the good Spirits that care for GEAE have been doing much better helping me. As the saying goes, for every good action we do God gives us twice as much.

Renato Costa
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil


In 1995, I subscribed to the eletronic newsletter in Portuguese (Boletim do GEAE). In 1996, I sent my first contribution to the Editorial Board of GEAE. It was a comment on a text written by Raul Franzolin Neto about evoution. My comment was published in the issue 196 of GEAE's newsletter and was followed by a
polite answer from Raul. It made me feel the seriousness of GEAE with respect to Spiritism and that all contributions are dealed with respect. I felt that I really belonged to a group (a friendly group) and that I was not merely a distant spectator. That is why we always ask the readers to send contributions in the form of comments, questions and articles. The group is for all of us.

In 2001, I had the opportunity to exchange various e-mails with one of the members of the Editorial Board, Antonio Leite, about something that was published in the GEAE's newsletter.

In 2003, I made small contributions sending some articles and comments about scientific topics related to Spiritism. All of them were commented upon by Ademir Xavier (another member of the Editorial Board) in a very fraternal and constructive way.

In October 2003, I had the opportunity to visit an University in New Jersey, USA. I was received in USA by Antonio Leite and we became very good friends. We talked a lot about Spiritism and the Spiritist Movement in both USA and Brazil.

In March 2004, I was already in Brazil, when I received the invitation to join the Editorial Board of the GEAE. I accept with a enormous feeling of gratitude to the group and to God for the opportunity to be useful, even though I know of my great limitations.

At this time, we are commemorating the bicentenary of Allan Kardec's birth. We would like to share with all readers of the GEAE's newsletter and visitors of the GEAE's website our profound feeling of gratitude to God for Life, to Jesus for the alive example of Love and to Allan Kardec for giving the last time of his life to work hard to show us that  it is God that we have to adore (in spirit and true) and it is Jesus that we have to follow as our Guide. Also, Kardec let us the certainty of the continuity of the life and that our path is towards the progress.

The best form of honouring the Kardec's effort is making our effort in the intimate reform and by the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine. The Spiritist Doctrine is the one which deserves all the merit; it has the power to make the Man better; It is Spiritism that instructs all of us. We ... we are only the beneficiaries of the spiritist instructions; we are the intermediaries of the spiritist instructions; we are Spiritism's "arms", "legs", "mouths" and "fingers" (to write on the computers) in such a way that it is the Spiritist Doctrine shines for every internet user, each new visitor of the GEAE's website and every one.

May Jesus strengthen and iluminate us now and ever.

Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca
Brotas – São Paulo - Brasil

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Spiritual and Moral Laws

Compiled and edited by  Yvonne Limoges

The Spiritist Society of Florida

March 2004

9 -        The Law of Reincarnation

             (The Spirits' Book – Second Book Chapter II & Chapter IV and The Gospel According to Spiritism – Chapter 5)

10 -     The Universal Control of the Spirits

            (The Gospel According to Spiritism – Introduction)

The information contained in what we call the Spiritist Doctrine or Spiritism was not the invention of any human being but teachings communicated to humans by spirits from the spirit world. Although humans who were mediums were used as instruments to transmit these teachings, the same information was consistently transmitted through different mediums unknown to each other and at different times and in different places. What Allan Kardec did, using his scientific reasoning, was compile the information that was logical, consistent, and corroborated by more then one spirit communication, in order to finally publish the books he did.

Spirits have been communicating with mankind since its existence but more intelligent spirit teachings and messages have now been allowed as mankind has advanced in science and progressed to a certain level of intelligence and morality and where superstition would have no place.

As we evolve on this planet we will continue to receive spirit communications teaching us many new things… but only when we are ready to receive them.

The guarantee that what they teach us, after first using our reason to decide if the information makes sense, is if the same new idea or teaching is spontaneously received by a large number of mediums who do not know each other and are located in different places.

The spirit world has worked (and continues to do so) in unison under a Divine Plan according to the law of progress to help propel mankind to evolve to higher levels of understanding regarding its true nature and purpose on this planet and in the universe.

Next Chapters: 11 & 12

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Spirit Communication received through a medium from the Spiritist Center  La Buena Nueva,
of the former town of
Gracia, Spain.
 Copied and annotated by AMALIA DOMINGO SOLER
Translated from the original Spanish by Edgar Crespo
Edited by Yvonne Crespo Limoges
The Spiritist Society of Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.
First Electronic Edition by GEAE (2002)
Chapter 5

The Spirng of Health

The past always appears better! As a general rule, lost yesterdays make our hearts  mysteriously laugh, although misery had oppressed and tortured us; there seems to be a secret happiness in remembering the confused hours, in the shadows of the past.

Why is this, dear God? Ah, it's easy to guess, because the less years we must account for, the less responsibilities we will have had. That's why looking back at our time in the past, it appears better to us, because for each hour which transpired, wherein we may have committed a transgression or we initiated a crime, or, we lamented an abuse or deplored a punishable lie, it seems very true, the person who said; “a long life, much to account for.”

Dear Lord, my journal has been very long and I have seen so much...! I have sounded the depths of the human heart, and looked attentively on the flight of human intelligence, and if I had been around the world one hundred times, I would not have been able to see, such a variety of ideas and such confused feelings, as I've seen in the many years that I've passed, in this corner of my beloved village!

What eagerness men have, to appear that they've been good! Therefore, they do not sin through ignorance! They know right from wrong, they know what evil is, and what it is, to be evil. It’s like Adam when he tried to hide from God, after having sinned, embarrassed in his nakedness. It is the same with men who want to hide the nudity of their vices, with a cloak of hypocritical virtues, and there is nothing that does this better, in this deception of souls, than the traditional religions.

Religion is supposed to admit only the Truth, but religions are only a cloak that cover humanity’s misery; and I have accepted the fulfillment of being a priest, with the firm resolve of being a martyr, if necessary, but not a sinner. That's to say, we all sin, but there are improprieties which are premeditated, and faults that correspond to our moral and physical weaknesses. The obligation of man is to sin the least possible, being that absolute perfection is only possessed by God.

Much strength is needed in this world, to be tolerant with those who are hypocrites, because they make one a target of much hate; it being that they recognize my rectitude, and know that I do not condemn, because I remember what Jesus did with that sinful woman. It's known that He made concessions for sinners, but never with sin itself.  I will pull to my arms, any who  genuinely tells me, “Father, I am miserable and a sinner...!”  But, I will reject, abominate, and cast out from my presence, anyone who comes acclaiming their love of God and detachment from material things, when I see them enjoined together with human vanities, like an oyster in its shell.

Why, then, do they pursue me, which places me in the position of uncovering their mask, and telling them face-to-face that which most offends man, which is to cite their defects? Dear God, have mercy on me, remember that I am weak.. I have feelings, I have loved,  and I have struggled with myself, all of my life. Why then, do they demand virtues that I do not possess?  Why is it that they want me to take part in another’s problems, when I am overwhelmed by the weight of my own?

Dear God, every day that passes I am more convinced that I must have lived before, and will live tomorrow, so that I will be able to realize the dreams in my mind. I know that my strength is now spent, and I have need to rest in a new existence. But in that new life, all will be forgotten, except the companion of my soul [the girl he loved], because without the love we have for one another, I could not comprehend the purpose of life.

Dear God, oh how I wish to finish my journal.... so full of oppositions, having to struggle openly, creating powerful enemies. Yes, I want to live in a little corner of the earth, with my hut surrounded with palm trees. I want to love a woman with pale cheeks and black curls. I want to embrace to my heart, beautiful children, who would call me father!

I want to bless God when the birds salute Him! I want to go into meditative ecstacy, when the sun caresses the earth. Finally, I wish to recover my strength, I want to acquire life! I want my  spirit to smile! I wish that for a time, no one will come to me with the laments of men! I wish to ignore the history of mankind! Do not call me egotistical, dear God, because I carry many years of struggle. The career of a priest is one of the most painful, if he wants to fulfill his obligations.  There's so much expected from a priest!

Without a doubt, I accepted being a priest as an expiation because, upon seeing so many infamies, so many secret crimes, my being is shaken. And I find myself so insignificant, when I have to keep within me, so many abuses. When I want to criticize someone, my superiors threaten me, and tell me that, ‘the end, justifies the means.’ Then, oh how I suffer, God! I do not believe in good endings without there being just means, and I tell their eminences, “Sirs, one either believes in God, or one does not. If we recognize a Supreme Intelligence, if we consider a gaze that's Infinite, which is fixed on us constantly from within Creation, then we should understand that, for those Eyes that are Eternal, there is no way we can deny what we feel. Therefore, false devotion  serves nothing. What worth is it, if men accept something, that has no value to God? Are religions special conveniences for creating privileges in the world? No, religions should serve to bring men closer to God, because religions are the reins that restrain our runaway passions, and, if we are not able to intimately better ourselves, then we are as the atheist who believes in nothing, like one who builds a place of worship to cover a crime.

God, I confess, I lack the strength to struggle with men,....... so please take from me, my  love of truth, so that I will be able to tolerate their hypocrisy. Or, give me more strength to be able, in those moments of supreme need, to overcome these struggles, so that my poor body can conserve its strength for when it’s needed, so that I will not be overcome, and will still have strength for my spirit. Right now I feel defeated, I've supported many cruel days, and when I am in contact with the world, I feel profoundly wretched. Oh humanity, how you poison everything!

Who would have told me that a tranquil spring of water (which the villagers called ‘The Spring of Health’) would give cause to me of such annoyance, bitter disappointments, and, at the same time help accomplish good deeds. I have saved a rose surrounded by spiny thorns!

Beloved manuscript, when I leave this earth, God only knows where you will end up. But whomsoever your new owner is, I wish that he will learn from these confessions of my soul, and he will reflect that if one goes astray in life, this leads us towards reckless and immoral  passions. He should also see the hypocrisy and deceit which have almost always been the motives behind religious institutions.

At the foot of a mountain, between two boulders, there springs forth an abundance of crystal clear water, that quenches the thirst of the children of my parish. In those happy afternoons, where I did not know the miseries of the world, I enjoyed sitting near this rustic spring where I contemplated my youthful family who ran joyfully about. Upon finishing the frugal snack they had brought, they would drink happily from that nectar of Nature, so necessary for life.
One day, upon seeing so many happy faces, with their sparkling eyes and mouths full of the water, which they had drank with so much enthusiasm, I said to them, “Drink, drink, my children, this is a ‘Spring of Health!’

And, from then on, the inhabitants of my village called this humble spring, ‘The Spring of Health’!

In truth, the water was beneficial for the health of the innocent children, who joyfully followed me so that I'd let them play with Sultan and tell them ghost stories. For pure souls all water is good! Furthermore, when I first came to this village, I had noticed that lack of care in the  cleanliness of the little ones, so I slowly started to instill in them that to be a good Christian, it was a duty to be clean. So that they would more fully obey me, I told the children, “If every day you wash your eyes twice, in the ‘Spring of Health,’ your eyes will never go bad..”

Those innocent ones, who loved me very much, religiously fulfilled the mandate of this priest, believing that the water had a miraculous quality to it, but this quality only consisted in the cleanliness of the children and their mothers, in a habit that was gradually acquired. This was how ‘The Spring of Health’ originated. Things almost always start from simple beginnings, and since there was no harm in it, I let them believe that the spring had some special quality which preserved their eyesight, provided that my faithful parishioners continued the good habit of personal hygiene.

One day, one of my superiors came to me, and he suggested that it would be convenient to see if possibly one could build, a small chapel next to ‘The Spring of Health,’ because when the women came to collect water, they could pray, as it was necessary for sinners to find small temples everywhere, in order to repent their sins. Meanwhile, the water could then become the property of the chapel, a small fee could be charged for it, so as to be able to build a new hermitage.

Looking at my superior with a fixed stare, I coldly told him, “I understand full well your good intentions but.....excuse me, I am not in agreement with them. There is no need for more temples, we have more than enough already. And putting a price on that water, we can’t do it, as  that water does not have any special qualities, which chemically I have examined, and it has no special substances.”

“But they call it the ‘Spring of Health’,” he said.

“I gave it that name, so as to give more incentive to the parishioners in maintaining the habit of good personal hygiene. I did it for their own benefit. Cleanliness is health, and I wanted to give these poor beings what is most necessary, their health. They have had excellent health, and wisdom tells us that cleanliness invigorates and strengthens the body. Raise your chapel wherever you wish (which I believe is unnecessary anyway), but leave this ‘Spring of Health’ alone. I do not want financial speculations under the shadow of religion.”

“You are a terrible priest,” said my superior,“You do not know how to awaken religious faith.”

“Never... in the manner in which you wish to awaken it! I exclaimed. “If God is the Truth, then only the truth should be offered!”

“You may have to let it be,” he said, “Because a very rich family was attracted by this ‘Spring of Health’ and will soon be coming here. The first born of this noble family is very sick and her mother, a very devout woman, hopes her daughter will be cured here. And, she's made a promise that if her daughter recovers her health, she will pay to build a new chapel next to the blessed spring. So, I repeat, do not become an obstacle in the building of a new house of prayer.”

I was about to reply, but it seems I heard a voice say, “Be quiet and wait!”

So I said nothing. My superior, thinking he had convinced me with his reasoning, departed  with much more fondness towards me than was his custom.

A few days later, the wealthy family he told me about, arrived in the parish. That's to say only part of them, because only the mother and her eldest daughter came, with some servants who after seeing to their needs left for the city, leaving only an elderly manservant and the girl’s nurse behind. I immediately went to pay my respects because that is what I had been ordered to do. Even if I had not been ordered, I would have gone because I had a feeling this family brought with them a mystery. Even though I would wish to flee from people when I have a presentiment that a crime is going to be committed, I conquer my feelings and do whatever is possible to prevent it, because I believe that my only obligation is: to prevent evil and practice goodness.

Indeed, as soon as I saw them, I knew that my feelings had not been mistaken. The mother was a woman with a good heart, very God-fearing, but conceited by her noble ancestry. She would have let herself die, one hundred times before admitting into her family a commoner. The daughter was just as proud as her mother. She was superstitious, and, absolutely dominated by religious fanaticism and by the pride of her noble birth. One could tell that she was sick by her
pale looks, and her face had the expression of a person with a grave illness; one noticed everything bothered her, starting even with herself.

For the first time in my life I was diplomatic, and let them talk. They said, that they had come with plans to pay for a new chapel near the ‘Fountain of Health’. But, the young woman who was named Clarisa, first had to be cured by its water, which they felt she would be. I looked at them and asked for the strength of will to keep myself silent. I understood that Clarisa was sick, but her sickness had a remedy. I tried to study that woman’s character, noting that she had a heart made of marble, and because of excessive pride, she had a vicious intellect. She had formed an idea of God, so absurd and so inadmissible, that one could not remain calm listening to her, due to her disdainful reasoning.

Every day she went to ‘The Spring of Health’ to drink the water, but her paleness got worse, her impatience grew, and her character became embittered. I tried to take charge of that soul which was so rebellious, by being sweet to her, but I soon learned that her spirit would only be made to obey through religious terror. Therefore, I became a strict priest, being very severe with her and continuously mentioning the word ‘Hell’ (which is something that I could never believe in).

Her mother, on the other hand, had better qualities, with a character which was sweeter. She became more friendly with me, until after a time she confessed the following, “Father, I have a weight on my conscience which oppresses me, it's something that I have resisted telling my husband. But, I did tell my confessor, and he approved of my plan. Now lately, since I have heard you speak, I do not know what is happening to me. I feel confused and bewildered. I lose myself in the thousands of ideas going around my head, and the situation is so grave, that I need a person with strong willpower, to help me come out of this dilemma.”

“For some time, I've known that you suffer,” I said.

“Oh Father, oh, so much! My daughter Clarisa, disgracefully, is going to become a mother in the worst way imaginable. It's enough for you to know that the child she carries is from an incestuous love. She and her brother (an illegitimate son of my husband’s), an unhappy bastard, have been victims of satanic temptation. The honor of the family above all, is at stake. I discovered this horrible madness but, it was too late to remedy the damage done. We have been forced to use violent and extreme methods to try and abort this being, so horribly conceived, but all has been in vain. We came here to try new remedies, but it has been useless. Therefore Father, I come to you for help at this critical moment.”

“How can I help you, madam? Speak, as I am at your service.”

“Thank you, Father, I expected no less from you, and I'm ready to pay you for your services. When the child of that crime...when the fruit of that incestuous passion, comes into the world, it will be necessary to drown its cries,” she said. She continued, saying, “In order to make amends to God, the Eternal, we will build, in the place which will serve as the forgotten one’s grave, a chapel which will take the name of that nearby spring. It will be called, ‘The Chapel of Health’! Then my daughter, rid of that sinful burden, will get better, and it will seem that she was cured by the waters from that blessed spring. The new sanctuary will be renowned, and with the
founding of this great work, the Church of God will be aggrandized. Although, the means through which this will happen, is not as commendable as I would like, the end result could not be better; the honor of a noble family will remain without blemish, and, by the building of this chapel, which in time will be famous, the faithful will come to implore the mercy of God.”

“And that, is what you will have need of, madam, the mercy of God, the Eternal, so that He will pardon you for infanticide,” I said.

“An infanticide, Father?...”

“There is no other name for the assassination of a child. You wish to build a chapel over a tomb! You want the blood of an innocent being, to serve as mortar to unite the rocks of a new church, to cover a crime! Do you think, poor sinner, that this house of prayer will be pleasing to the Divine Jehovah? Do not blaspheme anymore, madam, because woe unto to those who do. Do you think that those who have committed incest will be less guilty, so that after they commit a murder, they can place the first rocks to build a cathedral? No, madam, God does not want more temples, because He has formed them in multiples, in the conscience of each man,”I replied.

“Then how will we disarm His anger?” she asked.

“Do you believe that God gets angry like a weak mortal?  Do you believe that the sad stories of this planet can reach His Sublime Throne? When has dark mud tarnished a rainbow?”

“What can I do, then, to perform something meritorious? I confess, Father, I'm afraid.”

“What to do? Listen to me, and woe unto you if you do not obey me! Your obligation is to secretly look for someone to take custody and care of that poor child, who is coming into this world, who I know, has a purpose in life. If you wish, I'll take care of everything. In addition, the amount that you were about to spend in building the new chapel, employ it more appropriately by leaving an inheritance for that poor orphan, whose misfortune was to be born without receiving a kiss from his mother, and, since family pride and fatality deprives it of the bread of the soul, do not take away from it the bread of the body, because your blood runs through it’s veins,” I said.

“Oh, Father, what you propose is too compromising, and dead men don’t talk!”

“Don’t talk? What are you saying? A dead person talks more than a whole generation! Do you know what it is, to be persecuted by the ghost of a victim? I know, but not from my own experience (thank God), many criminals have told me their misfortunes. I know that remorse is the carrier of torment, and it crushes men.  I, in the name of God, and because of my love for my fellow man, positively prohibit you from carrying out this cynical plan. Let me have my way.  I will find a family in a nearby town who will take care of that child, born out of insanity, you will then be fulfilling the law of God. Do this, or otherwise, you will see a priest become a relentless  judge,” I told her.

I do not know what transformation comes over me, when I prevent someone from committing a catastrophe, but I feel myself grow. I'm no longer the timid pastor of souls who flees from danger, but a severe judge who would make a declaration to any of earth's sovereigns. I am not dazzled by the brilliance of their crowns, I feel so strong. I feel vested with such a special power, that if they did not obey my mandates, I would not respect the laws of society, and I would let the whole world know the truth, before consenting to a felony.  I exercise, in those brief instants, such a power of subjugation upon those around me that, they obey me, either through moral ascendancy, or through force of will. When I see that the life of an innocent is in danger, I will use all means to save it.

It took me a month, to find a family who would take the child. I assured them that they would receive a substantial sum for his care, so that he would have a good future. Till the moment that Clarisa gave birth to that child, I was her shadow, preaching for her to have love for her fellow man. That young woman listened to me with a sort of profound amazement, and it appeared that her sentiments were becoming humanized. But, I did not have peace of mind until, I saw for myself that child, in the arms of it’s wet nurse, sleeping sweetly. It was a boy. Poor creature, you would have been condemned to die, before being born! I've saved you from certain death. I wonder what your mission here on earth will be?  Only God knows!

When Clarisa was leaving to return to the king’s court, she came and shook my hand warmly saying, “Father, thank you. I came to you desperate, and thanks to you, I leave peacefully. Watch over him, Father. When he can pray, teach him to pray for his mother.”

Upon hearing these words, and knowing that I had been able to cut from her heart, the icy coldness it had, I felt an immense and pure satisfaction, a feeling so great that in that moment, it repaid me for all the bitterness I had been feeling. By the remembering of this good deed, I will acquire the strength to resist the abuse that awaits me. I know that my superiors will call on me, and question me, asking for a long explanation as to why the chapel will not be built by the ‘Spring of Health.’

I suffered much, my superiors cast grave charges upon me, but.... my conscience is at peace. God, I have saved an innocent child from a certain death and have assured his future well?being. Also, I did not take part in a holy fraud by converting natural water, into something miraculous, and evaded committing a lie. In addition, I prevented two souls from committing infanticide. Is this not better?  Is this not more just, than building a chapel over the tomb of an innocent being? Who knows what that child might become some day!

Dear God, I feel I have strictly fulfilled my duty and I am calm, but at the same time, these unjust recriminations have fatigued me. They have taken the air out of my life, to the point where, I have found no place left to breathe.

Many call me a heretic, and a false minister of God. Dear Lord, give me the will power to  remain silent, because I cannot reveal the secrets of the confessional. I love You very much, God!  I believe, we should worship You by a doctrine of good deeds. It is not good to commit fraud in Your name. If in You, all is Truth, we should not worship You with hypocrisy.

Next chapter: 6

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Learning from Joanna de Ângelis:
Joanna of Chuza, a Disciple from the Very Beginning

Renato Costa

This article was originally published by Casa Editora O Clarim in Revista Internacional de Espiritismo, Year LXXIX, num. 06, July 2004

Evolution and Apprenticeship

According to the teachings of our Doctrine, we know that a Spirit must evolve in wisdom and goodness from its initial state, when it’s created simple and ignorant, until it reaches its final aim, that is, the perfection of Pure Spirits.

Basically, Spirits may evolve in two ways. One of them, when a more advanced Spirit teaches them something it knows and they humbly accept the received teachings and from that moment on it starts acting in accordance to the learned lesson. Faster and easier, this is the only way that enlightened Spirits need in order to learn, although it is mostly inadequate for ignorant Spirits. These latter, still living in their spiritual childhood, never trust the experience of others, but they always choose to experience again the events that others described as already lived by them.

It happens however that the more evolved a Spirit gets, the more patient and indulgent it becomes. So, although it knows our weakness, it doesn’t leave us victims of our primitive choosing criteria. Instead of that, it keeps teaching us always, with its words and life experiences, confident that we will wake up one day from our spiritual lethargy and realize that God’s laws apply to all with no exception, thus accepting from that moment on received teachings and reported life experiences from more advanced Spirits as if they were our own experiences and learned lessons.

After having reached the status of good disciples, learning stages will be easier, leaving more time available for doing good deeds, repairing our wrongdoings and enlarging our minds towards what’s pure, beautiful and sacred.

Bearing in mind what we have considered up to now, let us listen, as good disciples, to the descrption of a few lives of our wise and loving Joanna de Ângelis, trying to obtain from those accounts the profound teachings they contain, so that we can try to use them in our behavior from now on. In this article we’ll talk about Joanna of Chuza, a disciple of Jesus from the very beginning.

Joanna of Chuza

What we know nowadays about Joanna de Chuza is partly contained in the Gospel according to Luke and mostly written by Spirit Humberto de Campos in the book “Boa Nova” (Good News), through the mediumship of our beloved medium Chico Xavier.

The Sermon on the Mount - wall picture in the Sistine Chapel painted by Cosimo Roselli (1439-1507) and Piero di Cosimo (1462-1521)Joanna was the wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, king of the Jews from 4 BC to 39 BC. After having received a grace or a healing from the Master and having known his teachings by listening discreetly to his preaching, she tried to follow him. Shebeing advised by Jesus not to do so but to stay at home and, through her words and behavior, help the evolution of the husband who had been trusted to her in that life. 

When her son was born, she dedicated her body and her soul to his upbringing and moral education, with the same zeal and love she had for her husband. Following Jesus from a distance, as much as her occupation as zealous mother and dedicated wife would allow, she was one of the women who provided financial help to Jesus and his disciples.

After the martyrdom of Jesus, Joanna joined other women and went to the tomb, taking spices and ointments so that they could wrap up the dead body of the Master. Arriving there, they found the tomb empty, thus being able to testify the survival of the Spirit after the death of the body, as Jesus had taught them.

After the death of her husband, she had to work for other families in order to raise her son, something she did with dignity until she was old.

During one of the many persecutions suffered by the early Christians, Joanna was imprisoned with her son and other followers of Jesus being all taken to the circus in Rome. There on August 27, year 68, she was sacrificed by being burnt on a pyre stake together with her son and several other martyrs who refused to renounce their faith.

Humberto de Campos’s account of the last moments of Joanna contains additional information that interests us in a particular way. Humberto de Campos tells us that when the flames had already started to touch Joanna’s body and while she serenely lived those painful moments with her mind focused on Jesus, she was interpellated by an executioner, who asked her:

- Has your Christ only taught you how to die?

to what she placidly replied:

- Not only how to die, but also how to love you! ...

Under the tremendous emotional and mental dilemma of having to choose between keeping faithful to Jesus or betraying him in order to save her life and that of her son, she found strength to give victory to her mind and submit her emotions.  And, on the supreme moment she proved to have learned in the deepest of herself how to love even her executioners.

How much did Joanna de Chuza learn close to her beloved Master!


Let us ponder now. What lessons does our modest evolution stage allow us to extract from the final moments of Joanna of Chuza? Will it be the case that her example will only serve us when we are able to die for Jesus? I don’t think so.

We must never be afraid of supporting the teachings of our Master and friend. We must not be coward failing to act to repair injustice when it’s present, if we are able to face it with the light of our acquired knowledge. No matter how unfavorable circumstances may be we must never leave the teachings of Jesus, remaining patient, gentle and dedicated to all the people around us, no matter if they treat us well, bad or if we are indifferent to them. Let us develop our senses so that we may learn how to love those that offend us or hurt us, seeing in them brothers and sisters who are behind us in the evolution path and who for that very reason deserve our help and understanding.

Let us practice that sublime attitude of Joanna of Chuza on a small scale from now on. If we are still unable to love our enemies, let us start learning how not to hate them. If we are still unable to use the knowledge that we acquired in order to take light to where darkness prevails, let us at least learn how not to increase existing darkness with our confused feelings, dominating our emotions and educating our mind to what is good.
Jesus doesn’t expect radical changes in us, knowing as he knows our imperfections and weakness. More evolved Spirits follow Jesus more closely so that we can more easily see the aim we have to achieve. However, as the old saying tells us, a road of a thousand miles always starts with the first step. Let us so be determinate and take our first step. Keeping our eyes focused on the aim, we will surely get there one day.


Will the lessons from Joanna’s last minutes of life be the only ones we can learn? I am sure they aren’t. Such an elevated life is a source of perceivable lessons that an article like this one is too much short to comment, let alone the many that we fail to notice due to our shortage o understanding. From those that are clear to us, I would like to comment a very important lesson that may have passed unnoticed.

On a Saturday afternoon I was preparing the study that originated this article and inspiration refused to come. I had written the introduction on a weekday late in the evening after the kids had already gone to bed. It had come free from the mind to the computer’s keyboard, straight, with no doubts, no hesitation. Why was the text that afternoon so difficult to write? I wrote, erased, and wrote again, the work wouldn’t go. Why? Then an idea came to my mind: ”Shouldn’t you be playing with he kids?”  And so I stopped my work and went to play with the kids, staying with them till late until they went to bed. When I went to a nearby market to buy some refreshers for them to drink a new idea came to my mind: “How do you want to teach to others something you haven’t already learned?”

That’s it, dear brothers and sisters, the other lesson from the life of Joanna de Chuza that I am glad to comment is the teaching she received from Jesus. When she wanted to follow him the Master told her not to do so but to remain close to her husband and become for him an example of Christian life, thus fulfilling the mission that had been entrusted to her.

The main mission of those who constitute a family is close to it, serving with words and behavior as a model of what being a Christian means.  Those who place the activities they believe to be Christian or, in our case, Spiritist, before their family duties, duties that are always assumed in the spiritual plane, are wrong if they think that such is God’s will. No. That was not what Jesus taught Joanna of Chuza and the account of her life allows us to learn.

The Spiritist worker must be absolutely serious concerning his assumed duties in the Spiritist Center, in his job and at home, never failing to be present and active in any of them for a frivolous or foolish reason. However, the worker must never ignore a real family need using the argument that a duty at the Spiritist Center or at his job demands his presence. If children of Spiritst workers don’t follow Spiritism, if children of hard working men and women take wrong paths in their life, aren’t those signs that the commented lesson from Joanna de Chuza’s life still has to be learned?


•    Costa, Renato. Aprendendo com Joanna de Ângelis (Learning from Joanna de Ângelis).  Study presented at Joanna de Ângelis Spiritist Institution, on December 11, 2003.

•    Santos, Celeste e Franco, Divaldo P. A Veneranda Joanna de Ângelis (Venerable Joanna de Ângelis). LEAL. Salvador, 1998.

•    Xavier, Francisco Cândido. Boa Nova (Good News). Dictated by Spirit Humberto de Campos. FEB. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.

•    Bíblia Sagrada (The Holy Bible). Translated from the originals by the Monks of Mardesous. Ave Maria, 1997.

•    Expoentes da Codificação Espírita (Exponents of Spiritist Codification). Federação Espírita do Paraná. Curitiba, 2002.

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