Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 
GEAE 12th year - Number 51 - distributed: June 2004
    "Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                           Allan Kardec



"The wise man looks not to how long he lives, but to how he dies. For him death has no terrors, because it is the day of his birth to immortal life. And he will be mindful of those he has left behind, and will commune with them. "


Science and Spiritism

    If there is a duty in life from which no one can escape, it is that of striving in order to know thyself and to search for the truth.

    Along the way we will find much help and we should not underestimate the achievements of scientific knowledge and the assertions of the men of science and the erudite. However, it is our own duty to seek and follow the path that will eventually guide us towards the knowledge of ourselves and reach the relative truth, for absolute truth does not belong to this world.

    Undoubtedly, the contribution of scientific knowledge has had a great impact in many of the humankind's achievements. Nevertheless, the opinion of men of science ought not to be considered under all circumstances as being necessarily and absolutely conclusive.

    In matters related to faith and belief the majority of men of science and the scientific community as a whole have upheld a position of intolerable prejudice throughout the centuries. This idiosyncratic attitude had a reasonable justification in the past due to the fact that the narrow-minded sectarian religious movements would threaten anyone who  would dare divulge new ideas, and as we all know Science was kept at bay for over a  millennium. However, now the situation is different, for in the civilized world, where scientific knowledge flourishes, freedom of speech and religion prevail. Nevertheless, that same position of vanity, pride, arrogance and intolerable prejudice is yet a constant in the venues of the scientific community, when men of science are called to cast their judgment in regard to these matters. 

    The majority of men of science still deny the existence of the spirit and the afterlife, and passionately try to make us all believe that we are simple matter and that the annihilation will be complete with the advent of what we know as “death”. There still prevails among these enthusiastic partisans of the materialistic ideas a systematic contempt for the extraordinary work of psychic research undertaken within the last two centuries by many men of science and other erudite scholars in the field of spiritism, spiritualism and other philosophic venues. The vast literature and the works of research undertaken by men of the rank of William Crookes, Frederic Myers, Joseph Olive Lodge, Arthur Conan Doyle, Gabriel Delanne, Ernesto Bozzano, Robert Hare, James Hervey Hyslop, William James and many, many others, are still kept under a cloud of suspicion and scorn.

    This paradoxical position of men of science gives us an idea of the difficulties that we will face in our struggles to achieve enlightenment and truth. Their attitude can only be understood under the assertion made by Allan Kardec in item VII of the Introduction to The Spirits' Book, which says:

    “It may even be said that scientific men are more apt to be prejudiced than the rest of the world, because each of  them is naturally inclined to look at everything from the special point of view that has been adopted by him;

    The wide majority of men of science are still trapped inside their high sense of pride and prejudice and living under the dilemma depicted by Kardec, that “of the anatomist, who in dissecting the human body, looks for the soul, and, as he does not find it under his scalpel, he concludes that it does not exist.”

    The erudite spiritist author and scholar, Herminio C. Miranda, casts an insightful and wise verdict in regard to this matter, in chapter 2 (Science in Searching for the Spirit), in his interesting and delightful book Survival and Communicability of the Spirits, FEB 1975, in these words:

    “The researcher who desires to search for the human spirit ought to abandon his preconceived ideas and to give up from the ingenuity of want to jail it within a test tube in order to exam it under the lens of a microscope”. (Translated by the Editor)

    The harsh attitude of these men of science and their indifference to the reality of the spirit and the afterlife should not be a source of distress to us in our struggles to achieve enlightenment and progress. Let us rather accept it as a challenge. Furthermore, it is good to remember Allan Kardec's words within the aforementioned Introduction in regard to the competence of Science to cast judgment on these matters:

    “Science, properly so called, is therefore incompetent, as such, to decide the question of the truth of Spiritism; it has nothing to do with it; and its verdict in regard to it, whether favourable or otherwise, is of no weight.”

    “We see, therefore, that the task of deciding as to the truth or falsity of Spiritism does not fall within the scope of physical science. When spiritist beliefs shall have become generalised, when they shall have been accepted by the masses (and, if we may judge by the rapidity with which they are being propagated, that time can hardly be very distant), it will be with those beliefs as with all new ideas that have encountered opposition; and scientific men will end by yielding to the force of evidence. They will be brought, individually, by the force of things, to admit ideas that they now reject; and, until then, it would be premature to turn them from their special studies in order to occupy them with a matter which is foreign alike to their habits of thought and to their spheres of investigation.

Antonio Leite - Editor


To Find God

Anderson, through Waldo Vieira

(message received on July 9, 1965 in New York City, USA, reproduced from the Chapter 41 of the book Entre Irmãos de Outras Terras / Among Brothers of Other Lands. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1994)


Christian life hinges upon brotherly love. We may give expression to the best within us.

The Gospel teaches us that there may be always a new beginning every moment so as to gain Christ’s presence.

Patience is the power to bring to us the kingdom of happiness. Jesus knows our shortcomings and gives us His tolerance. Let us help each other. Live is the law.

We must wake up. Devotion claims fulfillment. He who knows, becomes responsible. The world needs help.

Let us be of service at every opportunity. IN the Gospel as well as in business one must look ahead.

Jesus said: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And not one of them shall fall to the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”

We cannot measure God’s glory around us, but we can recognize the divine attributes of God through our love to our felloe man.

As far as it goes, the definition of the New Testament, “God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God abideth in him”, carries with it the promise that by living and practicing pure love man will finally attain the state of union with his Maker foe ever.

Would we find God? Then we need to follow Jesus Christ. Service with Him is the real easement of life’s problems.

Good things do not come to us by chance. The happiness and the peace in the soul’s kingdom come from love’s service. When we find love in our heart, Jesus is there.


“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” – Jesus (Mathew, 6:21)]




By Andre Luiz, through Francisco C. Xavier

(Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)


Like a child led by his benefactors, I arrived in my hometown with the indescribable sensation of a traveler returning home after a long absence. The countryside hadn't changed noticeably, the neighborhood's old trees were still there, as were the sea and sky and that same indefinite scent. Full of excitement and joy, I no longer noticed Laura's anxious and preoccupied expression. I took my leave of the small caravan which went on ahead. Clarence embraced me and said:

"You have a whole week at your disposal. I'll come to see you daily, since I have to return regularly to take care of some problems regarding Laura's reincarnation. If you wish to return to the Astral City, you can do so in my company. Be well, André."

After a last goodbye to Lysias's devoted mother, I found myself alone, inhaling deeply the air of times past. I didn't waste time examining my surroundings, but quickly made my way through the streets towards my home. My heart beating fast, I approached the large entrance gate. As in the past, the wind whispered softly through the small park. Azaleas and roses bloomed there, greeting the spring. Opposite the front door gracefully rose the palm tree with Zelia and I had planted on our first wedding anniversary.

Intoxicated with joy, I entered the house. I noticed that it was greatly changed. Where was the old "jacaranda" [11] wood furniture? And the large picture of our family, where Zelia, myself and the children had formed such a gracious group? What had happed? Afflicted and anxious, I began to stagger with emotion. I went into the living room, where I saw my youngest daughter, now quite a young lady. Almost at the same moment, Zelia came out of our bedroom with a gentleman who, at first sight, appeared to be a doctor.

I shouted my joy with the full strength of my lungs, but the words echoed through the house unheeded. Suddenly I understood the situation and, disappointed, fell silent. I held Zelia in my arms with all the tenderness I had held for so long, but she seemed absolutely insensitive to my caresses. Looking extremely anxious, she asked the gentleman something I could not quite catch. Lowering his voice, he answered:

"I won't be able to make sure diagnosis until tomorrow. The pneumonia is presenting serious complications, owing to his high blood pressure. Dr. Ernest will need the utmost care and absolute rest."

Who could Dr. Ernest be? I was lost in a see of questions, until I heard my wife plead in anguished tones:

"Oh, Doctor! For the Lord's sake, save him! I couldn't bear a second widowhood!"

Zelia wept and wrung her hands showing acute nervous distress. A thunderbolt couldn't have struck me with greater violence. Another man had taken possessions of my home, and my wife had forgotten me! The house was no longer mine. Had it been worthwhile to wait so long to be met with such disillusionment? I ran to my room only to find the spacious chamber completely changed. On the bed lay a middle-aged man, clearly in a poor state of health. Three dark entities walked to and fro beside him, doing their utmost to aggravate his sufferings.

My first instinct was to despise the intruder with all my strength, but I was no longer the same man. The Lord had summoned me to the practice of his doctrine of brotherly love and forgiveness. Although I knew he was surrounded by inferior entities, devoted to evil, I wasn't able to help him immediately.

I sat down, bewildered and disappointed, watching Zelia walk in and out of the room several times and caress the patient with the loving tenderness that had been all mine. After a few hours of bitter observation and meditation, I returned to the living room, where my two daughters sat talking. New surprises followed. The elder had married and carried a little baby in her arms. But, what about my son? Where could he be?

After giving the necessary instructions to an old nurse, Zelia, apparently calmer, joined the girls:

"I came to see you today, mother", said my eldest child, "not only to pay Dr. Ernest a little visit, but also because, all morning, the thought of father hasn't left my mind, and my heart seems to feel his presence. It's a feeling I can't define..."

She couldn't finish, and her eyes filled with tears. To my great surprise, Zelia answered her with sharp authority:

"Nonsense! This is the last straw. Worried as I am, I still have to put up with your silly attitudes. You must control that old-fashioned sentimentality, my child. I have strictly forbidden any mention to your father in this house. Don't you know how it annoys Ernest? I sold everything that reminded me of the dead past, even had the wall redecorated. Can't you help me with my efforts?"

"Since my sister became involved with this darned Spiritism, " the younger girl added, "she has kept her head full of nonsense. Such foolishness! The idea of the dead coming back is the height of absurdity."

I am not expressing religious convictions." She answered, still crying, "Is it a crime to remember and miss our father? Don't you have any love in your hearts? Have you no feelings? If father were here, mother, his only son wouldn't be out acting so crazily."

"Nonsense." Zelia retorted irritably. "Each of us must follow the fate assigned by God. André is dead. Remember that and please stop lamenting the irremediable past."

I approached my weeping child and dried her tears, murmuring words of comfort and encouragement, which she registered subjectively as consoling thoughts. Well now. Here was I in quite an unexpected situation. I finally understood why my friends had for so long delayed my visit to my earthly home.

Sorrows and disappointments followed in rapid succession. I felt as if my home had been transformed by burglars and ruined by voracious worms. Belongings, positions, affection, nothing was left but the faithful heart of one daughter. All the long years of suffering and torment in the dark regions beyond the tomb, even the bewildering agony of the first days after death, had not made me shed such heart-breaking tears. The night came and went, and a new day dawned, finding me in the same perplexing condition, hearing words and witnessing attitudes I could never had imagined. In the evening Clarence came to see me as he had promised. Seeing how desperate I was, he tried to comfort me with friendly and wise words:

"I understand your sorrow, but I can't help rejoicing at this splendid opportunity. I have no new instructions for you, as any advice now would be inopportune. However, my dear friend, I can't forget the recommendations of Jesus to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. This, when followed, works real miracles of happiness and understanding in our lives."

I thanked him with emotion, and asked for his continued support. Clarence smiled and left. Then, facing bitter reality, absolutely alone in this hour of trial, I began to meditate on the meaning of the Gospel's command. Gradually my thoughts became calmer. After all, why condemn Zelia's actions? Had I been the spouse left alone on Earth, would I, perhaps, have borne the prolonged solitude? Wouldn't I have found a thousand excuses to justify a second marriage? And why hate the poor, sick man? Wasn't he also my brother, in the House of Our Lord? Our home might be in even worse conditions if Zelia hadn't accepted his support.

It was necessary for me to fight and conquer my ruthless selfishness. Jesus had led me to new sources of enlightenment, and I could no longer act as a simple man on Earth. My family no longer consisted of only a wife and three children, but was made up of hundreds of patients in the Chamber of Rectification. It expanded to include the whole universal community. As I gave myself up to this new trend of thoughts, I felt that true love was beginning to flow from the blessed wounds which had been inflicted on my heart.

11 - High quality Brazilian wood. (Transl. Note)


I felt terribly tired the second night. I was beginning to realize the value of spiritual nourishment through mutual love and understanding. In the Astral City I could go for several days of active work without ordinary food. The presence of our dear friends, their affection, the absorption of pure elements through the air and water had been enough to refresh me. Here, however, in my earthly home, there was nothing except a battlefield where my loved ones had ceased to be my friends.

 I thought about Clarence's inspiring words, and they brought some peace and comfort to my heart. For the first time I began to understand human needs. I was not Zelia's keeper, but her brother and friend. Likewise, I was not my children's master, but their companion along the road to spiritual enlightenment.

 I recalled Laura telling me that we should all act like the bees, approaching the flowers of life, the memories of the noble souls we have met along the path, and extracting from each the substance of good examples, to acquire the honey of wisdom.

 I decided to take her advice and began by remembering my mother, who had sacrificed herself to return to the Earth and adopt those unhappy women as beloved daughters. Similar edifying examples abound in the Astral City. Minister Veneranda had been working for centuries for the benefits of the spiritual group closely related to her. Narcisa was serving in the Chambers to obtain spiritual endorsement of a return to the physical world to help her loved ones. Hilda had overcome the dragon of inferior jealousy. And what about the countless gestures of fraternity I had received from my friends in the colony? Clarence had welcomed me with the devotion of a father, Lysias' mother had received me as a son, and Tobias had made me his brother. Each of my new friends had offered me something useful to help me build up a new mental attitude.

 I tried to distance myself from the apparent ingratitude I found in my old home. With divine love above all, I put the needs of my fellow man before my own personal sentiments. Though extremely tired, I entered the room of the sick man, whose condition worsened from moment to moment. Zelia was standing by the bed holding his head in her arms. In tears, she pleaded:

 "Ernest, Ernest, have pity on me. Don't leave me, my darling. What will become of me if you die?"

 The sick man caressed her hands and managed to answer with intense affection, in spite of the strong dyspnea that affected him. I prayed to the Lord to grant me the strength necessary to be understandable, and to consider this couple as my brother and sister. I could see that Zelia and Ernest loved each other deeply, and if I truly wanted to be their brother, I must certainly do everything in my power to help them. I set to work. I began by trying to enlighten the ignorant entities who kept a close link with the patient. My difficulties were enormous, and I felt exhausted.

 In this emergency, I remembered that Tobias had once told me that not all the inhabitants of the Astral City needed an airbus for transportation – those more evolved could use volitation as a more convenient means. They could also communicate over long distances mind-to-mind, using thought language. Those who are attuned use the process of mental communication at will, regardless of distance.

 I remember how useful Narcisa's help would be, and made up my mind to try. I concentrated, and in the vibrations of a fervent prayer to God I addressed Narcisa, asking for her help. I told her mentally of my painful experience and my great desire to help, and pleaded urgently with her not to abandon me.

Then the unexpected happened. After some twenty minutes, while I was still concentrated in my prayer, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. It was Narcisa, who had answered my call.

 "I've heard your call, my friend," she said, smiling, "and here I am." I couldn't have been more happy. The devoted nurse looked around and immediately understood the gravity of the circumstances;

 "We don't have time to waste." She said. She immediately began applying strengthening passes to the patient, raising a barrier between him and the dark entities, who disappeared as if by magic. Then she turned to me and said firmly:

"We must resort to Nature."

 I followed her promptly. Sensing my curiosity, she explained:

 "Man is not the only one to receive and emit fluids. All Nature does the same. In our patient's case, we need the trees. They will be a great help to us."

 Wondering at this new lesson, I followed her in silence. After arriving at a place filled with enormous trees, Narcisa called out to someone with words I couldn't understand. In a few moments eight spirit entities responded. To my great surprise, I saw Narcisa ask them whether there were mango and eucalyptus trees in the neighborhood. Having received the required information from her friends, who were unknown to me, Narcisa turned to me and explained:

 "The brothers who have just come to our aid are ordinary workers in the vegetable kingdom."

 Said Narcisa. Seeing my wonder, she continued:

 "You see, there is nothing useless in Our Father's House. Wherever there are those needing instruction, there will also be those willing to teach. Whenever a difficulty arises, Providence comes in. The only unfortunate being in the Divine Creation is the improvident spirit who condemns himself to the abysses of evil."

 With the emanations of the eucalyptus and mango trees, Narcisa quickly manipulated a certain substance, which we applied to the patient through his ordinary breathing and by absorption through his skin. Ernest improved visibly. Early the next morning the doctor observed, extremely surprised: "What an extraordinary reaction! A real miracle of Nature!"

 Zelia was happy, and the house was full of life again. As for myself, I felt great joy in my heart. Deep courage and beautiful hopes reinvigorated me. I recognized that, deep down within me, the strong chains of inferiority had been broken forever, and true brotherly love and a sincere wish to serve had taken their place.

 That same day I followed Narcisa back to the Astral City. For the first time, I tried volitation. In a moment's time we had covered great distances. The banner of happiness unfurled in my soul. I told the generous nurse about the lightness I was feeling, and she explained:

 "In the Astral City, a great number of our friends could easily do without the airbus and go about on their own within the areas of our vibratory range, but as the majority have not yet acquired that faculty, we all abstain from using it in public places. This abstention, however, doesn't impede us from using it outside of town, when it is necessary to cover long distances and save time."

 A higher comprehension and new joy enriched my spirit. Instructed by Narcisa, I went to and from between the earthly house and the spiritual city without any great difficulty. I was thus able to intensify the treatment of Ernest, who improved rapidly. Clarence visited me daily and showed himself satisfied with my work.

 At the end of the week, my first leave of absence from the Chambers of Rectification had come to an end. Ernest's health was restored and the couple, whom I now loved as my dear brother and sister, were happy again. It was time, now, to return to my duties. In the peaceful light of a gorgeous sunset, I left for the Astral City totally changed. In those seven short days I had learned precious practical lessons in understanding and brotherly love. The sublime beauty of the evening filled my mind with lofty thoughts.

 How great is Divine Providence! I said to myself. How wisely the Almighty plans our work and life situations. How He attends to His Creation with such love!

 All of a sudden something broke my meditation. Over two hundred of my companions were coming in my direction. They greeted me joyously, giving me a generous welcome. Lysias, Lascinia, Narcisa, Silveira, Tobias, Salustius and many other workers from the Chambers were there. Taken by surprise, I was at a loss and did not know what to do. It was then that Minister Clarence came forward, holding out his hand:

 "André, until now you have been my pupil in this city. Today, in the name of the Governor, I declare you a citizen of the Astral City!"

 Why such magnanimity when my triumph was so small? I couldn't hold back the tears of emotion which choked my voice. Thinking about the wisdom of Divine Mercy, I threw myself into Clarence's fatherly arms, crying out of gratitude and joy.

The End



Spiritual and Moral Laws


1 - Introduction

2 – The Creator – First Cause and Creator of all Things
(The Spirits Book – First Book Chapter I)

3 - The Universal Fluid
(The Spirits Book- First Book Chapter II & Chapter IV)

4 - The Spirit and the Spirit World
(The Spirits Book- First Book Chapter II & Second Book Chapter I)

5 - The Perispirit – the Envelope of the Soul
(The Spirits Book – Second Book Chapter I)

6 - The Law of Cause and Effect
(Heaven and Hell - Chapter VII)

7 - Three Conditions Necessary for the Elimination of a Fault 
(Heaven and Hell- Chapter VII)

8 - The Science of Prayer
(The Gospel According to Spiritism – Chapter 27)

9 - Reincarnation
(The Spirits Book – Second Book Chapter II & Chapter IV and The Gospel According to Spiritism – Chapter 5)

10 - The Universal Control of the Spirits
(The Gospel According to Spiritism – Introduction)

11 - Plurality of Worlds
(The Gospel According to Spiritism –  Chapter 3 and The Spirits Book – Book One Chapter III)

12 - Conclusion

NOTE: The books by Kardec (where the information for each chapter came from) are contained in parentheses beside each chapter’s title. The chapters in this section contain some points that were taken verbatim from these books, some items were edited for more clarity, some of the information was summarized, and some of the items presented are our own inspired comments on a particular topic.

Compiled and edited by  Yvonne Limoges

The Spiritist Society of Florida

March 2004

1. Introduction

This section attempts to explain the science regarding the Spiritual Forces in the Cosmos (although we do not pretend it is complete). Forces that traditional religions and conventional science has yet to accept, has either misconstrued, and/or not completely understood. Traditional religions consider many of these phenomena as supernatural or miracles, and, conventional science (since it finds it difficult to study spirits who have freewill who will cooperate or not) holds the general opinion they do not exist and consider them either a figment of our imaginations or are hallucinations due to chemical reactions in our brain. But, Spiritists know they are factual by way of our reason, through diligent study, and over 120 years of practical experience regarding these phenomena. Many people in the world who don’t know about “Spiritism” have an inner intuition about these moral and spiritual laws because they are universal in nature and their own spirit is aware and has knowledge of them.

This section discusses the effects of: 1) the Creator (the Supreme Intelligence and First Cause of all things in the Cosmos, without which nothing would exist or occur); 2) spirits and some of their qualities; 3) the spirit world; and, 4) the interaction of these upon us in the material world. New words are used to explain some of these ideas and phenomena, they are introduced to you, and Spiritists continue to use these terminologies. Kardec stated, “the fundamental principle of Spiritism is the relation of the material world with spirits.” There is no other science that currently exists for this specific purpose. This science has religious and philosophical implications as well. What currently comprises the Spiritist Doctrine for Spiritists is only a base from which to continue further studies in this field and that is what Spiritist organizations all over the world continue to do.

This section also presents explanations regarding Moral Laws that provide an explanation for what appears to be the inequities of material life, but nevertheless have logical and just causes. 

Used in this section are excerpts from Anna Blackwell’s English translation of the books of Allan Kardec from the French. They are: The Spirits Book and Heaven and Hell – The Divine Justice vindicated in the Plurality of Existences (chapter VII). Also used is information from the Kardec book The Gospel According to Spiritism translated from the Spanish by Yvonne Limoges.

Persons wishing to seek a more comprehensive explanation should read these books in full.

NOTE: These books in English can be found on-line at The Advanced Study Group of Spiritism website at:  (click on “resources” then click on “electronic books”).

back to Index

2. The Creator

-    The Creator is First Cause and Creator of All Things.

-   What we call the Supreme Intelligence, the Creator, or God is not completely knowable by us at our current level of spiritual, moral, and intellectual development. (Spiritists do not believe in an anthropomorphic God)

-    The Creator’s Supreme Will is All Powerful. The Creator is Eternal, Totally Perfect, and All Love.

-    The Creator Knows All things: past, present, and future, and from the smallest to the greatest of things.

-    The Creator is Supremely Just and Good.

-    The Creator’s Works can be seen in the harmonious order and beauty of Creation. The Power and Wisdom of the Creator is manifested in Creation.

-     The Supreme Intelligence Created Universal Laws to govern the Cosmos. But in addition, nothing is allowed to occur unless it is permitted by the Supreme Intelligence; for the Supreme Will continues to exert influence upon all planes of existence. (It would be illogical to assume that the Creator would cease to be active after creating the Cosmos)  

-     The Creator created the spirit world, the material world, and the universal fluid (this last one permeates and acts as an intermediary between the two worlds).

-     The Creator Created spirits (or souls) that are the intelligent principles of the Cosmos. “They were created in a state of simplicity, ignorance, and with freewill so as to receive the merit of their own deeds. They were given a mission, with the view to enlighten themselves and gradually arrive at relative perfection by gaining knowledge of the truth that would bring them closer to knowing the Creator. This relative perfection is a condition of eternal happiness for them.  All spirits eventually come to this state.” (from Kardec’s The Spirits Book - Second Book Chapter I)

-     Purifying ourselves of all materiality and practicing unconditional Love in its purest form is how we can eventually reach closer to comprehension of the Creator.

-     It can be said that the Omnipotent Creator Demonstrates Unconditional Love, Beneficence, and Solicitude towards us that can be seen and expressed, through and from, the morally superior spirit messengers, who are sent to assist, protect, inspire, and communicate with us to further our spiritual and moral progression.

back to Index


Society for Psychical Rerearch Pays Tribute to Montague Keen

Mediumship, Survival and Psychical Research: A Tribute to Montague Keen


To be held at Royal Society of Arts, 8 John Adam Street, London WC2 on Sunday 27th June, 2004 from 10:00 am - 5:30 pm


Montague Keen, or 'Monty' as his friends called him, was a member of the SPR for nearly 60 years. As Chairman of the Image and Publicity Committee, Secretary of the Survival Committee and an energetic member of the Research Activities Committee, he made huge contributions to the Society. He was also a prolific writer, a superb lecturer and an indefatigable investigator, best known for his research into phenomena associated with physical mediumship. Monty died 'in action' during a public debate on telepathy at the Royal Society of Arts in London on 15 January, in the middle of making a cogent point against the critics. This special meeting is being held as a tribute to Monty, in the room where he died, and will focus on those subjects to which he dedicated himself so passionately. The speakers include many of his closest collaborators and they will discuss some of his most famous cases.

9.30 - 10.00: Registration

10.00 - 10.05: Chairman's Introduction - Prof. Bernard Carr

10.05 - 11.00: Montague Keen's Vision of Survival of Consciousness: Then and Now - Prof. Gary Schwartz

11.00 - 11.30: Coffee

11.30 - 12:00: The Importance of Fieldwork: Monty's Last Case - Guy Lyon Playfair

12:00 - 12.30: The Evidence from Physical Mediumship: The CEMA Circle - Maurice Grosse

12.30 - 13.00: After-Death Appearances: The Presence of the Passed-On - Dr Rupert Sheldrake

13.00 - 14.30: Lunch

14.30 - 15.00: The Limits of Consciousness - Dr Adrian Parker

15.00 - 15.30: The Scole Case and Monty's Research into Survival - Prof. David Fontana

15.30 - 16.00: Montague Keen: A Champion for the Cinderella Science - Prof. Archie Roy

14.00 - 16.30: Tea

14.30 - 17.30: Memories of Monty: Contributions from the Floor

The nearest tube to the RSA is Embankment or Charing Cross. John Adam Street comes off Villiers Street, which connects these two stations. There are no parking facilities at the RSA. There will be breaks for lunch, tea and coffee at the times indicated. Sandwiches and soft drinks will be provided for lunch. The cost of lunch, tea and coffee will be covered by the registration fee. Please return a cheque for your fee as soon as possible, marking the envelope 'Monty Day'. You may, alternatively, telephone the SPR office to pay with a credit card. Advance booking is essential: tickets will be sent to all applicants.

Send to: The Secretary, Society for Psychical Research, 49 Marloes Road, Kensington, LONDON, W8 6LA

FEES: Members £45, Non-Members £50, Concessions: £5 reduction for Students/Benefits/Over 60s



Source: International Survilvalist Society homepage

Editors' Additional Notes:

1. Montague Keen, a man with a lifelong interest in paranormal phenomena, along with two other members of the SPR (Society for Psychical Research) Professors Arthur Ellison and David Fontana, participated in a two-year investigation period on the works of The Scole Experiment, which lasted for 5 years. He was responsible for much of the detailed work associated with the investigation and the preparation of The Scole Report, a voluminous, comprehensive and scholarly account of the findings of this experiment, which comprises Volume 58, Part 220 of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, published on November 1999. Later we will publish material related with the work, the findings and the claims of novelty of the experiment in the Spiritist Messenger, for it has a far-reaching implication for us all.

2. One of the speakers for the event Guy Lyon Playfair is the author of the following books, among others: The Flying Cow - Research into Paranormal Phenomena in the World's most Psychic Country and The Indefinite Boundary - An investigation into the Relationship between Matter and Spirit. Both books are related to the researches that the author undertook when living in Brazil as a journalist for a long period of time. He had the opportunity to know Spiritism and the Spiritist Movement quite well.

Chapter 7 of the latter book - The Little Red Rish - where the author writes about the series of books channeled by Francisco Candido Xavier through the spirit of Andre Luiz, is of great interest.


On The Spirits' Book, Jay Em


I would like to share some information with you regarding my studies into Spiritism.

The information contained here is based purely on my opinions and experiences. Some of the subject matter will contradict some of your beliefs so I  will apologise in advance.

About 18 months ago I decided to do research into spirituality. The reason I started the research was because of an experience I had when invited to a séance about 7 or 8 years ago.  I am sure that I don't have to go into the details as you have probably heard it all before.

I decided to read as many book written by Mediums as possible to see if I could get an explanation of the phenomena I witnessed. The third book I read was "The Spirits' Book". I remember thinking to myself something like  "This is IT!".

The day after I started reading the book a lot of weird coincidences started to occur around me. I was bombarded with a lot of spiritual events from the TV, radio, newspaper and other sources. I know that when you are thinking of certain objects you tend to notice that object more than usual but this was ridiculous.

I won't go into the details but I eventually got the "hint" to try meditation. I sat down quietly one day, put some music on, and started  to meditate. This was when I noticed a presence in my mind so I said "Hello". It said "Hello" back to me.

I started up a conversation with this voice mostly on spirituality and science and discussed many of the topics in the Spirits' Book. The voice agreed with many of the ideas and was non-committal about others. But still it was just a voice. I told the voice that I could not believe that it was real until I had some sort of validation.

I received a validation (of sorts) when my wife came in half a hour later and told me that a woman she barely knew came up to her and told her that she talks to her spirit guides. This was totally unprompted. This is the kind of coincidence I was talking about earlier. I have had many conversations since then with this voice but I do not believe everything (and sometimes anything) it says. I have also communicated with other voices.

I continued my studies into spirituality and noticed that certain books on science where coming up as coincidences for me. I read these books especially the books on Relativity and Quantum Physics.

I do not suggest here that I am an experienced medium nor that I am an expert in science.

I studied Spiritism for six months. I decided that the works required some changes. These changes could be considered minor but it would change the entire context in which you understand the Spirits' Book. The major  change was that the Universal Fluid is God's spirit and that we evolve to this state. I know this sounds blasphemous but I was getting a "thumbs up" from my guides.

This means nothing in itself. The end product of this modification is you must pose the question? Where did God come from? Did God have a maker? The mind can go crazy with this stuff.

At this point a friend gave me a copy of a book called "Conversations with God". This book was in a similar Q&A format to The Spirits' Book and I thought that it was unusual at the time. I read a few parts and decided to give it back. If anything it was just a spirit playing with the author.

After a while I decided to check the book out again at a bookstore. As I picked it up I opened it randomly to any page and read a quote by "God" that said something like: "I AM THE BODY OF ANOTHER"

Was this some sort of validation from my guides that the development was correct? I don't know the answer to that but I am open to the possibility.

After this I started to read the Conversation with God material. I do not know if it is God talking to the author but my experiences with the other side fit closer to this model than to Spiritism. ..or both actually.

I noticed many similarities with The Spirits' Book. Almost a "next version" if you like.

A have created a new posting on the CWG discussion forum at the following link:

If you have any guidance then I will greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your time.

Dear Jay,

Thank you for your message.

I am glad that you are developing your mediumship. Just care to use it only for good and noble purposes, that is, only use it to help needed people.

Doing meditation is an excellent way to develop mediumship because in both processes we have to stop our thoughts. In mediumship we must stop our thoughts in order to listen to other Spirits' thoughts while in meditation
>we do that in order to better know our own self.

As to Spiritist concept of God, the Editorial of a recent Spiritist Messenger issue talks about the issue so I'll just reproduce it here:

"The Spirits' Book's first question shows the wisdom of Allan Kardec as well as the answer shows the wisdom of the Spirits that worked together with him.

Kardec did not ask "Who is God?" since such a question would carry a prejudgment, to say, understanding God as a being, a creature. He asked "What is God?" instead, being thus prepared for the answer that the Spirits would give: "God is the Supreme Intelligence, First Cause of all things."

The answer given by the Spirits didn't give any chance for a misinterpretation. They didn't say that God was "the Creator" but "the Primary Cause". There is a huge difference between those two expressions. The idea of God as the Creator is present in other religions and it has been frequently questioned by the advances of science. After all, the more science advances the further back in time the idea of a Creator must go. In the past one could say that God created the plants, the animals, the planets, no longer today. Even when some theologians tried to see in Stephen Hawkins' proposal of the Big Bang the moment of creation, the famous and brilliant scientist said that his theory did not account for a Creator.

Being the Primary Cause however is something rather different. The primary cause is primary, that is, no matter how further back in time science shows the mechanism of evolution working, the primary cause will always stay before it as the starting point of everything."

As you can see, there is no meaning for Spiritists in asking who created God. God is not a creature so God can't have had a Creator. God is the primary cause, primary no matter how far back we go in time.

Much peace

Renato Costa

Hi Renato,

Thanks for getting back to me. I agree with most of your reply. Where I have a problem is that these concepts are based on a 3 dimensional view of the universe with time flowing. The words "First Cause" has a implied time

I do not profess to understand everything about this subject but studies into Relativity and even the lastest research into Quantum Physics show that time appears to be spacial.

I bring this topic up here because I would like you to consider the case that all 4 dimensions where created and filled at the same time. Even using the word "time" in the last sentence doesn't make a lot of sense. We simply
are tranversing a portion of it at the moment.

This is the explaination of time given in the CWG material fits in with my experiences with the spirit world.

Another thing I would like you to consider is the level of intelligence answering in the CWG books. I will accept that it is totally man-made. But what if it is a spirit? The intelligence replying, in my opinion, is greater than that of the responses in The Spirits' Book. Also there does not seem to be any evil intention in the replies either.

The Spirits' Book tells you to critically analyse the information given by any spirits. I don't think the Spiritism model allows for highly intelligent, benevolent spirits to mislead us.

Where does this leave s? Isn't it possible that both understandings belong under the one umbrella. All either side has to do is admit that they do not know everything there is to know about spirituality.

Could you imagine what would happen if two forms of spirituality merged into one. Instead of fighting each other, there would be world-wide interest in a positive way. Who knows what would happen.

Thanks again for you reply.

Dear Jay,

There are infinite paths to perfection and none of them is worse or better than anyone else. Each Spirit is dwelling in a specific position in its chosen path so the paths that it can see ahead are all possible choices for
it to follow from that point onwards. So, we don't need to make two belief systems get close to one another. The important thing is that the one we choose is complete enough to explain our main doubts about everything that calls our attention. For a very ignorant person for example a very primitive belief system will do a good job. For a scientist, on the her hand, only a complex one may fit. Spiritism is for me the most adequate belief system at the evolution stage where I am now. There must be another one most appropriate for you. Go on in your search and be successful.

As to the meaning of time I keep to the traditional one. Time is not a physical dimension as 3D space is. Considering it as a 4th dimension is only a theoretical approach that serves a scientific model. We must always have in mind, however, that models are not reality but just rough approaches to it. History has plenty of examples that a model that is valid for some time may be discarded by a better one not a long time after.

Much peace



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