Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 
GEAE 12th year - Number 47 - distributed: February 2004
    "Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                           Allan Kardec



" Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. "
Albert Schweitzer


Dear Readers,

So many sad things seem to be happening everyday. The media gives detailed accounts on how violence shows its horrible face everywhere. No good news seems to exist or if it does it appears to be so insignificant that the media has no eyes for it. However...

Many more good people exist on Earth than bad people. Good actions abound everywhere but good actions don't sell newspapers. Let's keep our eyes open and see how many people help each other in the streets, at the office or at home. We in fact are so used to see good actions that we don’t notice them even when they’re done to us.

As to those that cause violence, let's pray for them asking the Good Spirits to inspire them so that they wake up and realize that this may be their last
chance on this Earth before it's promoted to regeneration world. After all being God's children as much as we are we must love them and want them close to us in the wonderful future that waits for us ahead.

Much peace,

The GEAE Editors


Quantum Physics and Spiritism II: Comments on Some Paradoxes

Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca

Department of Chemistry, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey, 08854-8087, USA
Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, S.P, Brazil

The phenomena at quantum level present very different characteristics from those of our daily experience. Nevertheless, it is early to believe that spiritual agents cause them.

This paper was first published in Portuguese in the 487th – November 2003 - issue Jornal Alavanca, in Campinas, SP. This version is the author’s translation of the original paper.

In a previous paper [1], we presented an alert on some statements about Quantum Physics and spiritist or spiritualistic ideas. Here, we intend to comment on why the paradoxes from the quantum phenomena generate the idea that God or the spirits are behind them. We shall discuss a spiritualistic proposal of the Prof. Dr. Amit Goswami, published in his book “The Self-Aware Universe”[2], to solve these paradoxes. Prof. Goswami was one of the invited speakers in the IVth National Conference of the Brazilian Spiritist Medical Association, occurred June, 19th-20th in São Paulo, 2003.

One of the quantum phenomena that makes people pay attention is the so-called The Quantum Jump, where a particle “disappears” from one position (or a state) where it is and it “appears” in other position (or state) without traveling through the space or occupying the spaces between the initial and final positions.  This phenomenon has suggested the idea that the particle dematerializes in the initial position and materializes in the final one. Then, the idea of comparing this phenomenon with what the Spiritist Doctrine teaches about the materialization of objects appears easily in the mind of people not used to think scientifically. The mistake occurs, first because the isolated particles are not comparable to macroscopic objects. Second, the thinking that the “particle is dematerialized here and materialized there” is a classic way of reasoning because we are used to see macroscopic objects that are made of particles. There is not enough information and experiments to conclude that the phenomena of dematerialization and materialization of macroscopic objects described by Spiritism occur in the same way that occur for the microscopic particles: the quantum jump. It is important to remember that the intrinsic mechanisms of the quantum jump are not completely understood by Science.

Other interesting characteristic of the microscopic world is the so-called duality wave-particule. It means that a quantum object presents characteristics now as a particle, now as a wave, depending on how we are “looking” at it, i.e., depending on how the experiment is prepared to make a given measure of its properties. The interesting aspect here is the fact that it depends on our choice about the kind of experiment. We shall come back to this point later.

There is a postulate of the Quantum Mechanics called the collapse of the wave function.  A wave function is a mathematical function related to the physical properties of a given quantum system. In accordance to Quantum Theory the state of a system before making a measurement is represented by the superposition of all possible situations. Only after making a measurement a value of a given physical property is expressed. So, it is said that the wave function collapsed to the state represented by the measured value of that physical property. Here, as in the case of the duality wave function the observer plays a decisive role in the characterization of the physical properties of the system.

Another phenomenon that was tested experimentally is the so-called phenomenon of non-locality. In an experiment known as “the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiment” the possibility of sending information instantaneously from a point of the space to another was verified. The quantum jump and the collapse of the wave function are also non-local phenomena.

We don’t need to mention other examples in order to recognize that the quantum phenomena are completely different from our daily experiences. This strange and mysterious characteristic of these phenomena has leaded some spiritist brothers to formulate spiritualistic extrapolations so as to explain them. Despite the good intention of verifying the agreement between Spiritism and the modern theories of Science such studies need to be performed with much more rigour and care than that of the usual scientific works. It is because the responsibility of divulging spiritist statements related to Science is enormous. The reader can imagine what a scientist will think if he or she reads a strange or wrong scientific statement. It can repel him or her from be interested in Spiritism because of a wrong precipitated statement.

We wish to comment on something with respect to the Prof. Dr. Amit Goswami’s thesis. He proposes the so-called Idealistic Philosophy as the solution for the paradoxes of the quantum phenomena presented above. In accord to Goswami [2] one solution would be to postulate the existence of a big consciousness or a cosmic consciousness that would be all-present (to solve the problem of non-locality) and it would be connected to each human being (to solve the problem of the collapse of the wave function).

This proposal is very interesting in the spiritualistic point of view and, in our opinion, it constitutes the first serious spiritualistic proposal based on a scientific subject. Note that we used the word spiritualistic and not spiritist. The reason for that is that, in our analysis, despite the big or cosmic consciousness introduced by Goswami could be interpreted as the Creator, it does not solve or mention the problem of the Spirit as an individual consciousness. This is in disagreement with the Spiritist Doctrine that states that we are the “individualization of the intelligent principle” [3] (issue 79 of The Spirits’ Book), and that the intelligent principle is independent of the matter.

As the Prof. Goswami was a special invited speaker in the MEDINESP 2003, it is important to remember the alert made in the previous paper [1] in order to orientate the reader to receive Goswami’s proposals with precaution. We write down the words of the spirit of Erasto [4]: it is preferable to “reject 10 truths than accept just one lie”(our remarks and translation from the original in Portuguese).

We also would like to take the advantage to invite the reader to the exercise of prudence when he hears or reads, even from a spiritist person that scientific disciplines, as Physics, Chemistry or Biology are proving spiritist ideas. We have to take care about all material divulged with the adjective spiritist. Even the results of more serious research as the Prof. Goswami’s proposal must not be considered as completely true. It would be interesting to ask several professional scientists from the fields of Physics, Chemistry and Biology about these “new findings” before accepting them. It is very important that the authors of each work of research publish the complete explanation of the mechanisms and the details behind theirs proposals. It helps the reader to make a critical analysis of each idea. A statement does not have scientific value just because it is related to a scientific subject or because its author is a scientist. Each new idea must be analyzed in order to see and check the reasoning behind.

It is good to remember that the paradoxes of the quantum phenomena are not completely solved by the scientific community. The most prudent attitude is waiting for the development of the researches in this field of knowledge so as to have more certainties about the subject.

As a physicist, I can say that despite we still do not know the deeper mechanisms of the phenomena found by Modern Physics, they do not prove anything against the basic principles of the Spiritism. And what I, particularly, consider to be too much important to say is that the phenomena of Modern Physics can not be used to claim that the Spiritist Doctrine needs to be updated.


[1] A. F. da Fonseca, Jornal Alavanca n. 485, p. 5, (2003).
[2] A. Goswami, O Universo Autoconsciente, Editora Rosa dos Tempos, 4a. Edição (2001). The title of the original in English is: The Self-Aware Universe.
[3] A. Kardec, The Spirits’ Book, FEB, 2a. Edition (1996).
[4] A. Kardec, Revista Espírita 8, p.257, (1861).


Life after Life

Anderson, through Waldo Vieira

(message received on July  7, 1965 in New York City, New York, USA, reproduced from the Chapter 37 of the book Entre Irmãos de Outras Terras / Among Brothers of Other Lands. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1994)


Not all persons are given the wisdom, but all do have the gift to testify through our daily experiences the love to each other.

In truth, our social condition, color or race, age or nationality, do not prevent us from the duty to serve. We are challenged to do good things at all times. “God is love.”

Nobody is all good and nobody is all bad. Each of us is self-centered on a course of development to reach a higher plane of activities.

God has enshrined his divine attribute within us. As one goes higher, evolution is expressed by word, equilibrium, love and light.

Let us be progressive with Jesus. How can we do this? Service first.

Spiritual refinement is man’s soul experience, life after life, over and over again. Our present awareness extends over an extended period of the past.

The area of experience varies form man to man. Each man only exists in the place for which he has fitted himself.

Nobody can evade that which is in his own consciousness. Actually there is no death. As we live in our earthly body, our life continues in the beyond, according to our thought.

Therefore we come back to the physical world through rebirth, to conquer perfection, till we get complete command of our impulses and functions.


“Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” – Jesus (John, 3:7).

The Perfect Circumstance

Spirit communication received by

Yvonne Limoges

The Spiritist Society of Florida

Life is not perfect because humans are not perfect, but one has to eventually come to the realization, that what is perfect, is the circumstance wherein we find ourselves in life due to the Laws of Cause and Effect and live contentedly with that knowledge, because the Arbiter of that Law is God Who is Perfect and All Love and All Justice. So, as Spiritists, in realizing this…we should get down our hands and knees and humbly thank God for His Perfect law of circumstances and be grateful to be so very blessed. It takes a certain spiritual maturity to reach this point in our thinking and in our believing it. 

No matter what our circumstance, it is always such as would cause us further intellectual, spiritual, and
moral advancement. But, the responsibility lies with us to take advantage of the situation, or, repeat the same situations over and over, and, for those who remain so stubborn they will repeat them within even worse circumstances, until we realize God’s Omnipotent Authority over our lives in assisting us towards our own purification; as a wise Father towards His children, no matter how painful we find Life’s experiences. It is easier if we go with the flow, it is harder if we fight the circumstances and the obstacles. 

We can feel more of an inner contentment and an inner spiritual peace when we realize and accept these Truths; we will have an inner satisfaction one cannot explain.

We are never alone in our trials and tribulations! God helps us to persevere by providing those around us in the material life (relatives and friends, etc.) and in the spirit world (our spirit protectors), to inspire and assist us if we but utilize them. We are never given a heavier load than we can handle in a lifetime. Generally, what we lack in sustaining and accomplishing our goals in life is moral courage and persistence. We let ourselves become so desperate!
How horrible for us when we rebel (because we know we weaken at times) against God’s Plan for us, because of our lack of faith and our human weaknesses in complying with His Immutable Laws.

The harsh realities of pain and suffering we undergo are but a sieve to remove the impurities of our soul! It is the Law that we must work for our own self-improvement in order to receive its merits. The sooner we understand and accept these facts with calm resignation, the faster we will reach the state of purified souls who no longer must expiate and atone.




By Andre Luiz, through Francisco C. Xavier

(Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)


In the first days of September in 1939, the Astral City, like several other spirit colonies connected with American civilization, suffered the impact of the conflicting currents in the world of the incarnate. The Second World War was about to begin, and would be just as disturbing in the spirit spheres as it was destructive on the physical plane. Amongst us, there was considerable talk about the war in perspective. Many of us could hardly disguise our horror at the imminent social upheaval.

It had long been known that the great brotherhoods of the East had been enduring the antagonistic vibrations of Japan and experiencing great difficulties. But now, curious facts of marked educational significance could be observed. Just as the noble spirit circles of old Asia were acting in silence, the Astral City started preparing itself for the same kind of work. The Governor issued valuable exhortations bearing on fraternity and sympathy, particularly emphasizing the need to exercise special care in our thoughts, and in curbing our negative sentimental impulses. I saw that evolved spirits in these circumstances look on the aggressors not as enemies, but as trespassers, violating the universal order, whose criminal activities must be restrained.

"How unhappy are the peoples who become intoxicated with the wine of evil." Salustius said to me, "The temporary victories they may win will be so many steps down to their ruin, and the instruments of their final defeat. When a nation provokes a war, that nation is introducing disorder into the House of the Father, and will pay dearly for it."

I observed that the higher zones of life rise in justifiable defense against the assaults of the forces of ignorance and darkness, gathered to spread anarchy and destruction. I was informed by my fellow workers that such an aggressive country naturally converts into a powerful nucleus, centralizing the forces of evil. Disregarding the immense dangers they are incurring, their peoples, except for the noble and wise spirits in their midst, are intoxicated by their contact with the elements of perversion they themselves have summoned from the dark regions. Large working communities become instruments of crime. Infernal legions descend upon the great centers of collective progress, transforming them into places of cruelty and horror. But, while the forces of darkness lay siege to the aggressors' minds, spirit groups from evolved spheres hasten to the aid of the victims. If we should feel sorry for an individual who acts in opposition to the low of goodness, even more should we pity a nation that forsakes justice.

One afternoon, a few days after the first bombs had exploded on Polish territory, I was in the Chambers of Rectification with Tobias and Narcisa when an unforgettable clarion was heard for over fifteen minutes. Deep emotion pervaded us all.

"It is a summons from a very high sphere to the services of assistance to the Earth." Narcisa kindly explained.

"It is the signal that war couldn't be avoided – it will be waged with terrible consequences to mankind." Tobias exclaimed, disquieted, "Distance notwithstanding, all psychic life in America had its origin in Europe. We will have a difficult task preserving the New World."

The clarion call continued, with strange, soul-stirring modulations. I noticed that a profound silence had fallen over the Ministry of Regeneration. Noticing my anxious expression, Tobias explained:

"When the clarion call of alarm sounds in the name of the Lord, we must silence all noise down here, so we may hear its appeal in the depths of our hearts.

When the last notes of the mysterious instrument had died away, we went out to the great park, to watch the sky. Deeply touched, I saw countless luminous points, which looked like splendid little globes, shining in the sky.

"The clarion," Tobias added, equally moved, "is sounded by vigilant entities of a very high plane."

Returning to the Chambers the loud noises from the streets in the higher zones of the colony attracted my attention. Tobias left Narcisa in charge of certain important measures for the patients, and invited me to come watch the busy streets with him. On passing through the upper stories, on our way to Government House Square, we noted intense activity in all departments. Seeing my curiosity, Tobias explained:

"These crowds are going to the Ministry of Communication for news. The clarion we have just heard is only sounded on extremely serious occasions. We know that it announced war, but it's possible that the Ministry of Communication may give us some particulars. Look at that group going by…."

Two men and four women were walking along beside us, talking animatedly:

"Can you imagine what will become of us in the Ministry of Assistance?" asked one woman, "For many months the number of petitions we have received has been extraordinary. It has been difficult to keep up with the work."

"And what about us in Regeneration?" The older of the two gentlemen exclaimed, "All our activities have been considerably increased. In my department vigilance against vibrations of the Dark Realms requires incessant effort. I am wondering what will surprise us next…."

Tobias touched my arm lightly, whispering:

"Let's go and hear what some of the other groups are saying:

"Is it possible that European war will affect us all?"

The other, who seemed remarkably poised, replied serenely:

"I see no reason for jumping to hasty conclusion. For the present, there is nothing new but an increase in work, which, in reality, is a blessing. As to the rest, things appear to be following their course. Sickness teaches us to value health, and adversity gives us food for thought. Chine has been under fire for some time now, and yet you haven't shown any signs of apprehension."

"But now," explained his rather embarrassed companion, "it seems that I shall have to modify my plan of work."

"Helvetius, Helvetiuns," the other smiled and replied, "let's now forget about 'my plan of work' and think in terms of 'our plans of work" I turned to Tobias, who was calling my attention to three women to our left who were going in the same direction. The scene was picturesque even here, on an evening of anxious expectation.

"I am terribly worried about it," said the youngest of the three ladies, "because Everard mustn't return from the planet just now."

"But it seems," one of her friends answered, "that the war won't reach the Peninsula. Portugal is a long way from the seat of the war."

"But," inquired the third, "why worry about Everard's arrival? What could happen if he came here?"

"I'm afraid he would ask for me as his wife." Explained the youngest, "I couldn't bear it. He is so ignorant and I couldn't withstand his cruelty again."

"Don't be silly." Answered the second, "Have you forgotten that he would be kept in the Lower Zone, or someplace worse?"

"Poor thing!" Tobias said, smiling, "She fears the liberation of a thoughtless and cruel husband."

After a good while, which we spent observing the spiritual multitude, we reached the Ministry of Communication. We waited in front of the vast buildings used for information services. Thousands of entities were anxiously jostling each other. They all wanted information and clarification, and it was impossible to satisfy them. Extremely surprised by the loud clamor, I saw someone on the balcony high up in one of the buildings, asking for their attention. It was an old man of imposing appearance. He announced that the Governor would make an appeal within ten minutes.

"It's Minister Espiridian." Tobias informed me.

The noise and confusion subsided, and we heard the Governor's voice through numerous loudspeakers:

"Brothers of the Astral City, do not give yourselves up to agitation in thought and word. Affliction isn't constructive; anxiety won't uplift us. We must know how to be worthy of the Lord's call. Let us obey the Divine Will by working silently at our posts."

That clear and compelling voice, which spoke with authority and love, had a singular effect on the crowds. In the short space of an hour, the entire colony had returned to its habitual serenity.


On the Sunday following the sounding of the clarion, the governor had promised to participate in the regular prayer meeting at the Ministry of Regeneration. The main reason for the visit, Narcisa explained, was the preparation of new schools of aid in the Ministry of Assistance, and of training centers in the Ministry of Regeneration.

"Even though the conflict is so far away," said Narcisa, "we must organize certain specialized first-aid services, as well as appropriate training against fear."

"Against fear?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes. You may not know the high percentage of human lives extinguished simply by the destructive vibrations of terror, which are as contagious as any dangerous epidemic disease. We classify fear as one of mankind's worst enemies, because it settles in the innermost recesses of the soul undermining its deepest resources of strength."

Noting my astonishment, she continued:

"Rest assured. In emergencies such as this the Government values training against fear far above even the nursing courses. Serenity guarantees success. Later, you'll realize the tremendous significance of these measures."

I found nothing to say in answer to her. On the eve of the suspicious day, I had the honor of being chosen, along with a great many others, to clean and decorate the large hall which was set aside for the use of the Colony's greatest leader. I was understandably apprehensive, as I was about to meet the noble mentor for the first time. I wasn't alone in my feelings, however. A great many of my companions were in the same condition as I.

It seemed that the social life of our Ministry had begun to center around the great natural hall since dawn that Sunday, when caravans from all departments within the Ministry of Regeneration began to arrive. The Great Choir of the Government House Temple, together with the choir boys of the Ministry of Elucidation schools began the ceremony with a wonderful hymn entitled "Always with Thee, Lord Jesus", sung by two thousand voices. Other singularly beautiful hymns followed, filling the hall with their heavenly music. The gentle murmuring of the perfumed breeze seemed to respond to the soft strains.

The entire Regeneration staff had received entrance privileges to the enormous green hall, because the prayer meeting was dedicated to them. The other ministries were represented by delegations. For the first time, I had the opportunity to see workers of the Ministries of Elevation, and Divine Union, who appeared to be clothed in a bright luminous glow. The beauty of the festivities exceeded anything I could possibly have imagined. Musical instruments of sublime vibratory power filled the atmosphere with soft melodies.

At ten o'clock the Governor made his entrance, accompanied by the twelve Ministers of Regeneration. I shall never forget the noble and imposing figure of that old man, with snow white hair and remarkably lucid eyes, whose countenance seemed to reflect both the wisdom of age and the energy of youth; the tenderness of the saint and the serenity of the conscientious and just administrator. Tall and slim in his gleaming white tunic, he leaned of a staff despite his youthful gait.

Satisfying my curiosity, Salustius told me:

"The Governor has always favored patriarchal attitudes, because he believes that one should always administer with fatherly love."

As he took his seat in the place of honor, the children's voices sang the hymn "To You, Lord, Our Lives", accompanied by the melodious strains of harps. The energetic and loving old man glanced at the thousands packed before him, then opened a luminous book, "The Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ", my friend told me. Having carefully selected a page, he read slowly:

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet". (The Master's words, Matthew, 24, verse 6).

With his voice greatly amplified by electric vibrations, the Governor invoked the blessings of Christ. Then, after greeting the representatives of Divine Union, Elevation, Elucidation, Communication and Assistance, he addressed himself to all the workers of our ministry. It is impossible to describe the gentle but firm intonation of that unforgettable voice, at the same time loving and compelling, or to express on paper the exalted purpose of those divinely inspired comments of the Gospel, inspired by a profound veneration for sacred matters. Ending his speech, the Governor turned to the workers of Regeneration and said:

"Brothers whose labors are more closely connected with earthly activities, it is to you that I address my personal appeal, expecting much of your noble dedication. Let us give the best of ourselves in courage and service. Now that the legions of darkness intensify the difficulties of the lower spheres, it is imperative that we kindle new lights to dissipate the dense shadows obscuring the Earth. It is to you, workers of the Ministry, that I have dedicated this meeting with my heart-felt trust. At his moment, therefore, it is not our brothers whose minds already function in the higher planes of life whom I ask to shoulder this gigantic task, but you, who still carry some of the world's dust on your sandals.

"The Astral City needs thirty thousand workers trained in defense service, thirty thousand cooperators willing to forego all demands of rest and personal considerations, while our battle is waged against the unleashed forces of ignorance and crime. There will be plenty of work for all in the vibratory border regions between ourselves and the lower planes; for we cannot await the enemy at our gates. In collective organizations, prevention must be considered and essential measure for the preservation of internal peace. We, in the Astral City, are over one million people devoted to superior designs and to our own moral improvement. Would it be charitable to allow our colony to be invaded by millions of rebellious spirits? So there must be no hesitation in the defense of the common good. I know that many of you have the Great Crucified One in mind at this moment. Yes, Jesus gave himself up to a mob of rioters and criminals for the sake of redemption, but He did not hand over the world to disorder and ruin. We should all be ready for individual sacrifices, but we cannot give up our dwelling place to evildoers. Of course, our essential task is of confraternity and peace, love and assistance. It is obvious that we consider all evil as a waste of energy and all crime as a disease of the soul. Yet, we must bear in mind that the Astral City is a divine patrimony, which we must protect with the best energies of our hearts and souls. That which we cannot preserve, we are not worthy to enjoy. Therefore, let us prepare legions of workers to go on missions of fraternal love to Earth and to the Lower Zones and the Regions of Darkness, teaching, helping and comforting. But, we must above all organize, here in this ministry, a special legion of defense to safeguard our spiritual attainments within our vibratory frontiers,"

He went on in this way for a long time, stressing the importance of certain essential measures to be carried out, expounding deep considerations, which I would never be able to reproduce here. He finally closed his address by repeating the verse from Matthew which he had used to begin with, and again invoked Jesus' blessings on all his listeners, so that none of us should receive the divine benefits in vain.

Moved and fascinated, I listened to a hymn, which Minister Veneranda had named "The Great Jerusalem", sung by the children. As the Governor stepped down from the lectern in an atmosphere of renewed hope, a gentle breeze, perhaps from distant spheres, showered wonderful, blue rose petals on us all, which melted away as they touched our foreheads, filling our hearts with intense joy.

Next chapters: 43 & 44.


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