The illusion of war

by Renato Costa.


I wrote the message below on September 14, 2001 and sent it to a spiritualist board to which I used to write. The American people were living the aftermath of the horrible events that had happened three days before. The American members of the list were outraged and shocked and I was seeing people who would never reveal the least negative feeling talking about war and revenge as if taken by a collective obsession. The message was one of several that I wrote at that time in an effort to wake them up from the illusion that war would be the best choice. I think it´s time to reproduce it .


When I was a boy in this life I was very interested by military strategies but had a force within me that avoided me from both liking war atrocities or getting involved in aggressions of any kind. The science of war fascinated me; the horrors of war terrified me.

I only learnt the reason for such apparently conflicting feelings when I did a regression some years ago to a life in Prussia. In that life was a young man during the Franco Prussian war and my father was a very high level man in the Prussian army, a general, I think. My father had taught my brother and me everything about strategies and the brave actions conducted in wars. I was fascinated with his stories whereas my brother hated them. When it was the proper time I went to the army anxious to go to war, what my brother refused to do. The war began and there I went, brave and full of illusion about glory and national pride. After the war was over I was back home another man. Having killed and injured many enemies, having seen my friends dying in agony, having seen so much blood pouring from wounds with no help available, so much misery and despair, I was shocked and deluded. My eyes stared at the apparently empty space before me and I spent the rest of my life like that, wandering everywhere while me eyes would only show me the horrors of that war and the atrocities I had done and seen. The Law of Casualty worked its way at me very quickly. In my following life, according to another regression, I was a merchant in Arabia conducting my family to a safer place when a German aircraft bombing killed us all.

Now I am a man of Peace. Wars no longer confound me. Wars cause wars. Violence produces violence. The only granted defense against violence is Peace and as the Spirit Joanna de Ângelis so well put when she said through the medium Divaldo Franco: “Peace within you will help the construction of peace in the world”.


Source: The Spiritist Messenger, 15th Year, Number 82, January 2007

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