Year 16 |
Number 92 |
2008 |
February 15th, 2008 |
faith is only that which can face reason face to
face in every Humankind epoch."
Allan Kardec |
elect, in heaven, preserve no feeling of friendship or love for the
damned; they have no compassion for them and even enjoy the spectacle
of the tortures endured by their friends and relations. They enjoy
them, in the knowledge that they themselves are exempt from suffering;
and on the other hand, all compassion is dead in them, on account of
the admiration they feel for the divine justice." ('Somme Théologique'
of St Thomas Aquinas,
supp. to 3rd part, quest. 95, art. 1 and 2,
edition of Lyons 1685.)
This is
also the opinion of St
Bernard, in his treatise 'De
diligendo Deo,' chap. XV. - "These consequences are therefore
drawn by
certain mystical authors. To attain here below to a perfect life, one
must keep no criminal attachment; if then a father, a mother, a husband
or a wife, should die a criminal, or in a state of moral sin, one must
tear out of one's heart all remembrance of them, since they are
everlastingly hated of God, and one may not love them without impiety."
doctrine, destructive of all family feeling, and how
different from the teachings of spiritualism which strengthen family
ties by showing us the bonds which connect its members, preexisting and
persisting in the life of space. No soul is hated of God. God, who is
infinite Love, cannot hate. The guilty soul expiates, and works out its
salvation, sooner or later, by the help of its more enlightened
brethren. "
Excerpt from Leon Denis' Christianity and Spiritualism
[Chapter XI - Renovation - p. 220]
"Ye have heard that it hath been
said, thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say
unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them
that hate you, and pray for them which despite fully use you and
persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in
Heaven: for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and
sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which
love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans do the same?
And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? Do
not even the publicans so? (Matthew, 5: 43-47)."
Gospel According to Spiritism
[Chapter 12 - Love Your
Enemies - Translation by J. A. Duncan, 1987]
SPIRITUALISM by Leon Denis |
Divaldo Franco in Florida
Seminar with Alan Sanderson and Raul Teixeira
we look back at our own past with a little sense of criticism, we will
be able to identify the flawless attitudes which set us astray from the
path of progress and amelioration. How many times are we caught with
the idea that if we had the opportunity to go back in our past, we
would have done a lot of things differently. This line of thinking does
not deny the fact that we have indeed progressed, both materially and
spiritually. However, it is an irrefutable true that we still find
ourselves living in an unbalanced world. To come to this conclusion,
one needs solely to spend a few
hours watching the daily news around the world.
Why is it that we are unable to do better and
consequently improve the world where we live in? Has there been a lack
of good teachings towards righteousness as well as good examples? Are
the laws adopted at different ages and societies not good enough to set
us into the path of goodness and personal amelioration? Has religious
orthodoxy played an important role in this world scenario we live in
right now?
These are questions that demand urgent answers.
They set the stage for our own existential inquiries, which eventually
will point us in the right direction, helping us to hasten our own
improvement, and the improvement of the
world will undoubtedly be the end result.
art of "self-defense" has played a major role in preventing us to come
across the proper answers to these questions. This has been a constant
atavistic behavior attached to humanity. Therefore, we find it
easier to join the wide majority of our fellows human beings in the
useless blaming game, trying to find the reasons for our failures
elsewhere. The religious orthodoxy has not succeeded in driving the
intelligence of men towards fulfillment, for their catechism reaches
out with the solely purpose of achieving power. It cares not about
assisting us in developing our powers of reasoning, and therefore it
cannot help us resist the outside influences that we are bound to face
in our everyday
It is time for us to give heed to the aphorism that
served as a guide for the great philosopher Socrates in his life's quest to
seek the Truth, that is, "Know
thyself". This supreme objective is, in the words of one of the
greatest spiritist philosopher and writer, Leon Denis, "the most essential
study for us is that of ourselves. It is above all imperative that we
should know what we are and this is just the problem which, until now,
has been the most obscure".
Frankly speaking, we are forced to recognized that
there has not been lack of neither uplifting teachings and messages,
nor laws or examples to serve us as secure guidance towards balance,
goodness and happiness. In this regard it is appropriated to quote here
the great American historian and philosopher Will Durant when he says: "If man
asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor
needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks
laws in his own case superfluous."
The teachings imparted from the spiritual world in
the last two centuries, those under the banner of The New Revelation,
so-called "organized invasion"
of the spirits, to use the words of the great writer and spiritualist
philosopher Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
impels us to a complete different approach. These teachings, which were
compiled by
the French educator and philosopher Allan Kardec in a great synthesis known as the
Spiritist Doctrine, offer a safe and secure guideline that will help us
achieve happiness in this world, for it appeals greatly to our
reason and common sense and do not fools us by easy promises or
unreachable goals.
Amongst the primary
and essential characteristics of the teachings of the Spiritist
Doctrine, one
that clearly reaches out, is the principle of individual
It is about time for all of us to understand that happiness is within
reach. However, we need to break the barriers of our own atavism and
put a stop in the constant circles of laziness and dependence, waiting
for someone to do for us what we must do ourselves. If
we truly decide to take steps towards this direction, spiritism offers
a great deal of help, for it is a great tool in helping us to know
ourselves. So, let us acknowledge and follow the
gospel's maxim: "If you help yourself then heaven will come
to your aid".
It is also
opportune to remind Allan Kardec's wise advice in the Introduction of The Spirits' Book that says:
"Spiritist philosophy consists of teachings imparted by spirits, and
the knowledge thus conveyed is of a character far too serious to be
mastered without serious and persevering attention."
It is perhaps the only way that will eventually lead
us to embrace the true religion that Conan
Doyle spoke about in his uplifting message [Doyle on the New Man], channeled two
years after his decease in 1932, from which we extracted the following:
“Only one
true religion exists, only one reality behind all form,
belief, sect, creed and ceremony. This is a universal religion, neither
bound, nor circumscribed by geographical limitations, conventions or
prejudice. It has but one name, that name can be understood by any and
every man, be he white, black, yellow or red, by every woman and child,
by animal and bird, by tree and flower, and every creature instinct
with the Breath of Life. The religion of True Brotherhood has but one
meaning and one name, and that is Love”.
Antonio Leite
Editor GEAE
Back to
The Universal
Control of the Spirit Teachings
From the Introduction of The Gospel
According to Spiritism
Allan Kardec
Translation By Janet A. Duncan
Kardec Publishing LTD - England, 1987]
If the Spiritist
Doctrine were of a purely human conception it would offer no more
guarantee than the enlightenment of those who actually conceived it.
But no one on Earth could seriously contemplate the pretension of
possessing the exclusive and absolute truth. If the Spirits
who made these revelations had manifested to only one man we would have
no guarantee of their origin since we would need to believe, on his
word alone, what he said he had received as teachings from them. If we
accepted perfect sincerity on his part, the most he could do would be
to convince his circle of acquaintances. He would be able to form a
sect, but never be able to form a world congregation.
God wished the new revelations to reach mankind by
the quickest and most authentic path, so He entrusted the Spirits to
deliver them from pole to pole, manifesting everywhere without
conferring the exclusive privilege of hearing these words to any one
individual. One person might be deceived, could even deceive himself or
herself, but this could not happen when millions of people see and hear
the same thing. This constitutes a guarantee for each one and for all.
For the rest, it is possible to make one man disappear, but it is not
possible to make everyone disappear. It is possible to bum books, but
you cannot bum Spirits, and even if all the books were burnt, the base
of the doctrine would still be inexhaustible because it is not to be
found on Earth and would reappear in every place so that all might
partake of it. If there is a shortage of men to diffuse it, there will
always be Spirits whose action reaches everyone and even those whom no
person can reach.
So then, it is the Spirits themselves who do the
propagating with the help of innumerable mediums, disseminating all
over the world. If there had been but one interpreter, however favored
he might have been, Spiritism would barely be known. To whatever class
he belonged, that interpreter would have been the object of caution to
many people and not every nation would have accepted him, whereas the
Spirits communicate to the four corners of the Earth, to all peoples,
to all sects, to all parties and everyone accepts them. Spiritism has
no nationality and
does not stem
from any known cult that
might exist; nor is it imposed by any social class seeing that any
person may receive instructions from parents, relatives and friends
from the beyond. This is how it had to be accomplished if it was to
lead all mankind towards brotherhood. If it did not maintain itself in
neutral territory it would
nurture dissensions instead of pacifying them.
The force of Spiritism, as well as the cause of its
rapid spread, resides in this universal teaching. Where the word of one
solitary person, even with the help of the press, would take centuries
to become known by all, millions of voices are making themselves heard
simultaneously in every corner of this planet. All are proclaiming the
same principles and transmitting them on all levels, from the scholarly
down to the most ignorant, in order that no one be disinherited. So
far, this is an advantage that no other doctrine has to offer. If
Spiritism then be the truth, it is not afraid
of being unwanted by man, nor of modern revolutions, nor of the
physical subversions of this globe, because nothing can touch the
This is not however the only advantage which comes
from this exceptional situation. It also offers an unattackable
guarantee against all misgivings which might arise, be it from
someone’s ambition or be it through the contradictions of some Spirits.
We cannot deny that these
contradictions are obstacles, but they bring their own remedy with them
alongside the ill.
We know that Spirits, due to differences in their
various individual capacities, do not possess all the truth and do not
claim to. It is not given to all to be able to penetrate certain
mysteries. The knowledge of each one is proportional to their
evolution. Ordinary Spirits know nothing more than does Man himself,
but amongst them, as amongst men and women, are those who are
presumptuous and falsely wise, who think they know everything, but who
in fact are ignorant; these are the systematical ones who take their
own ideas to be the truth. In short, it is only the highly evolved
Spirits, those who are almost completely dematerialized, who find
themselves free from earthly ideas and prejudices. It is also known
that less scrupulous Spirits do not hesitate to deceive by taking names
which do not belong to them in order to impose their utopian ideas. As
a result of all this and in relation to all that is outside the
exclusive field of moral education, the revelations that any one medium
may receive will have an individual character, without any stamp of
authenticity and should be considered as personal opinions, from this
or that Spirit, and it would be imprudent to accept them or
thoughtlessly propagate them as absolute truths.
The first corroborative test to be undertaken is
without doubt that of reason, to which it is wise to submit, without
exception, all that comes from Spirit. Any theory in evident
contradiction to good sense, or against rigorous logic, or positive
facts that have been previously acquired should
be rejected, however apparently respectable be the name by which it is
signed. This test will no doubt be left incomplete due to the lack of
illumination of some people and the tendency of many to take their own
opinions as judgments of truth. That being the case, what are those
who deposit absolutely no faith in themselves to do? They should seek
what seems to be the majority and take this as a guide. This then, is
the manner in which you should proceed when judging what is said by the
Spirits, who are the first to offer the means of so doing.
Complete concordance of Spirit teaching is the best
proof of authenticity. However, it is important that this be received
only under determined conditions. The weakest type of concordance is
obtained when the medium, of his own accord, interrogates many
different Spirits about a doubtful point. It is evident that, if the
medium is under an obsessing influence or dealing with a mystifying
Spirit, then that Spirit may say the same thing under different names.
Neither is it any adequate guarantee to conformity when communications
are received by different mediums at the same centre because they may
be under the same influences.
Only one sure guarantee exists for
spirit teachings: This is the concordance that exists between revelations which have been received
spontaneously by a large number of mediums not known to each other and located in different places.
It is understood that we are not referring to those
communications which deal with secondary interests, but those referring
to the basic principles of the doctrine. Experience has taught us that
when a new principle is to be presented, it always happens spontaneously in different places
at the same time and in the same way, if not in actual form at least in
general content.
On the other hand, if by any chance a Spirit
formulates eccentric doctrine based exclusively on its own ideas and
excluding the truth, you may be sure that this idea will remain confined and undoubtedly will
collapse when confronted with instructions received from many other
places, similar to many examples which are already known. It was this
exclusiveness which destroyed all the biased doctrine which sprang up
at the time of the initiation of Spiritism, when each one explained the
phenomena according to their own beliefs, before the Laws that govern
the relationship between the visible and invisible worlds became known.
That is what we have based ourself on when
formulating a principle for the doctrine. We do not insist on it being
true just because it might be in accordance with our own ideas. Neither
do we have the least desire to uphold ourself as being the sole
possessor of the whole truth and we have
never said to anyone: "Believe in this because it is I who tell you".
We consider that our own opinion is nothing more than personal, which
might be true or false, as we are no more infallible than anyone else.
It is not because we were taught a principle that we believe it to be
true; it is due
to the fact that it has received the sanction of concordance.
The position in which we find ourself is that of
communications from almost a thousand serious Spiritual Centres,
scattered over highly diversified
areas of this planet. This gives us the possibility of observing on
which principles concordance is
established. It is this concordance which has guided us till today, and
it is the one which
will go on guiding us in new fields still to be explored. We have
noticed while studying these
communications, coming from France and outside, that from the very
special nature of the
information a new path is being sought and that the moment has arrived
to take a step forward. These
revelations, many times given through veiled words, have frequently
passed unperceived by many who
receive them. Others have thought themselves to be the sole receivers.
Taken in isolation, we
would have given them no importance and it is only the coincidence
which proves their
seriousness. Later, when these new teachings reach the public, there
will be many who will remember having
received the same orientation. This general movement which we are
studying and observing,
together with the assistance of our Spiritual Guides, is what helps us
to judge whether
it is the correct moment to do something or not.
This universal verification constitutes the
guarantee of the future
unity of Spiritism and will annul all contradictory theories. It is
here that in the future we
shall find our criteria for the truth. The cause of the success of the
doctrine as put forth in THE SPIRITS'
BOOK and THE MEDIUMS' BOOK was due to the fact that everybody had
confirmation, direct from Spirit, of what these books contain. Whereas
if all the Spirits had
come to contradict them they would have received the same fate suffered
by others who expounded
imaginary concepts. Not even the support of the press would have saved
them from shipwreck. But
on the contrary, deprived as they were of this support, they
nevertheless opened new paths and
have made rapid advancement. This is because the Spirits offered their
support and
goodwill which not only compensated but surpassed the lack of goodwill
on the part of Man. This
is what will happen to all ideas, whether emanated from Man or Spirit,
which prevail even in the
face of this confrontation and this is the final test whose strength no
one can deny.
Suppose it pleased some Spirits to dictate a book,
under whatever title
you choose, offering contrary teachings; let us suppose their intention
was hostile, with
the object of discrediting the doctrine and maliciously provoking
apocryphal communications. What
influence could these writings exercise if they were refuted by all
other Spirits? Anyone
wishing to launch a doctrine in their own name should first seek
assurance in combined concordance from
the Spirits. There is no comparison between a system devised by only
one person to that of
another devised by everyone. What can the arguments of slanderers,
wishing only to belittle, achieve against the opinion of the masses, if
millions of friendly voices from space make themselves heard in
opposition in every corner of the
Universe, as well as in family homes?
What happens to the innumerable publications which
have the pretention
of destroying Spiritism? Which of them has as much as caused a
hesitation in its
march? Till now no one has considered the matter from this point of
view without forgetting the
most important fact: each one
has been depending on themselves, without counting on the Spirits.
The principle of concordance is also a guarantee
against any
alterations to which Spiritism might be subjected by other sects
wishing to take possession of it for
their own ends, and so change it to suit their own ideas. Whosoever
tries to deviate Spiritism from
its providential objective will
never succeed, for the simple reason that the Spirits, as a universal
body, will cause any ideas contrary to the truth to fall.
From all this stands out the main truth, which is
that he who wishes to
oppose the established and sanctioned ideas could, to be sure, cause a
perturbation lasting but a short while, but could never dominate the
whole, not even for a moment and
certainly not over a period of time. We should also like to point out
that instructions given by
Spirits on points not yet elucidated by the doctrine should not be
considered as law, until these
instructions have been duly isolated and proven. Neither should they be
accepted except with all
due reserve and under the heading of 'awaiting confirmation'. From this
we understand the need
for greater prudence before making any such communication public. But
if they are deemed fit to be
publicised they should be presented as mere individual opinions,
possibly true, but awaiting
confirmation. It will be necessary to wait for this confirmation before
proclaiming it as a complete
truth, unless you wish to be accused of levity or of irreflected
The Superior Spirits proceed with extreme wisdom in
their revelations.
They never touch on the most important questions, except gradually,
until our intelligence
shows itself to accept a more advanced truth and when circumstances
show themselves to be favourable
to a new idea. This is why they did not reveal everything from the
outset, and still have not
told everything. They never give themselves to impatience, like those
who want to eat the fruit
before it is ripe. It is useless to try to hurry things forward beyond
the time designated by Providence
for its revealing, and if you do try, the serious Spirits will always
deny their assistance. Those
Spirits who are frivolous are not the least preoccupied with the truth
and consequently will give answers
to anything and everything. So it is in this manner that whenever a
question is premature,
contradictory answers will always be found.
The principles mentioned above have not been formed
as the result of a
personal theory; they are consequences which have been forced upon us
from the varying
conditions within which Spirit communication is manifest. It is quite
evident that if one
Spirit says one thing and thousands of other Spirits say something
different, we presume the truth does not lie with the
solitary communicant. For someone to imagine they possess the truth
against all the rest would be
quite illogical, be it man or Spirit. The really ponderous Spirits, if
they do not feel completely or
sufficiently clarified about any subject never give a definite answer,
but declare that they are
merely giving their own point of view and suggest that we await the
necessary confirmation.
However large, beautiful or just an idea appears, it
is impossible to
unite opinions right from the first moment. The conflicts which arise
in this case are the
inevitable consequences which such a movement would cause, and they are
necessary so that the truth may be
emphasized and the
sooner this happens the better, so that any false ideas may be
discarded. Any Spiritists who feels worried by this situation may be
tranquil, as all these isolated claims
will fall before the enormous and discerning force of universal
It is not the opinion of any man which will produce
unity, but the
unanimous voices of the Spirits; it will not be any man, least of all
myself, who will destroy
the Spiritist orthodoxy, neither will it be a Spirit wishing to impose
whatever it may be. This unity
will be accomplished by the universal gathering of Spirits who
communicate throughout the world, by
order of God. This is the essential character of the Spiritist
Doctrine; this is its force and
its authority. God desired that His Law be set upon an immovable base
and so did not trust the these
fundamentals to only one fragile
Before such a powerful tribunal, where neither
conspiracy, rivalries,
sects or nations are known, all opposition, ambition and those who seek
individual supremacy
will fall. We ourselves will fall if we try to substitute our own ideas
for those of God. He
alone will decide all lawful questions, impose silence an disagreement
and give reason to those who
have it. Before this imposing accord, from the voices of Heaven, what
value has an opinion
of a mere man or that of one Spirit? It makes no more impression than a
drop of water in the
ocean and even less than a child’s voice in a tempest.
Universal opinion, like that of a supreme judge, is
the one which is
pronounced last, being formed from all the individual opinions. If one
of these contains the
truth it merely shows its own relative weight in the balance and if it
is false it cannot prevail
against the rest. In this immense concourse all individuality
disappears and this constitutes yet another
disappointment for man's pride.
This harmonious assemblage is already being formed
and before the turn
of this century we shall see its full brightness shining forth in such
a manner as to
dissipate all doubt. The field is prepared and from now on potent
voices will receive the mission of
making themselves heard in order to congregate Man under one banner.
But until this actually
happens, all those who fluctuate between two opposing points of view
can observe in which way general
opinion forms. This will be the correct indication as to the
declaration of the majority of the
Spirits on the varying subjects
about which they offer orientation, and is an even more accurate sign
as to which of the two systems will prevail.
History of the Gospels
The Secret Doctrine of
Intercourse with the
Spirits of the
The New Revelation
Vitam Impendere Vero
Author of
"Après La
Mort, "Dans
L'Invisible," ETC.
Translated from the
French by
6 Henrietta Street
Covent Garden
book is out of
Electronic Edition
Study Group of Spiritism
= Second Part =
"The elect, in heaven, preserve
no feeling of friendship or love for the damned; they have no
compassion for them and even enjoy the spectacle of the tortures
endured by their friends and relations. They enjoy them, in the
knowledge that they themselves are exempt from suffering; and on the
other hand, all compassion is dead in them, on account of the
admiration they feel for the divine justice." ("Somme
Théologique" of St Thomas Aquinas, supp. to 3rd part, quest. 95,
art. 1 and 2, edition of Lyons 1685.)
This is also the opinion of St Bernard, in his
treatise "De diligendo Deo," chap. XV. - "These consequences are
therefore drawn by certain mystical authors. To attain here below to a
perfect life, one must keep no criminal attachment; if then a father, a
mother, a husband or a wife, should die a criminal, or in a state of
moral sin, one must tear out of one's heart all remembrance of them,
since they are everlastingly hated of God, and one may not love them
without impiety."
Monstrous doctrine, destructive of all family
feeling, and how different from the teachings of spiritualism which
strengthen family ties by showing us the bonds which connect its
members, preexisting and persisting in the life of space. No soul is
hated of God. God, who is infinite Love, cannot hate. The guilty soul
expiates, and works out its salvation, sooner or later, by the help of
its more enlightened brethren.
Spiritualism re-establishes this communion of souls
which is a source of strength and of light. By showing us life under
its true aspect, where evil spirits are but wandering spirits, capable
of a return to good, by giving us the means of influencing them, of
improving their condition, and aiding in their progress, spiritualism
puts an end to a deplorable antagonism, it renders impossible any
return of the scenes of possession of which the past is so full. It
inspires man with the only right attitude towards the higher spirits,
his guides and masters, and towards the inferior spirits, his brethren.
We see thus, in space and on earth, spiritualism
exercising its beneficent influence.
Man, say the spirit voices, learn to know yourself,
to understand the laws governing the world and society. You speak ever
of your rights; know that you have no rights other than those acquired
by your own moral value, your degree of advancement. Do not covet
riches, they bring great obligations and heavy responsibilities in
their train. Do not seek an idle and luxurious life; work and
simplicity are the best instruments for your progress, and your future
happiness. Know that all is ordained with equity, that nothing is left
to chance. The position of man here below is that which he has made for
himself. Bear therefore with patience these necessary evils, chosen by
yourself. Pain is a means of elevation; the suffering of the present
expiates bygone faults and paves the way to future bliss. Your earthly
existence is but a page of the great book of life, a short passage
which connects two immensities, the past and the future. The globe
which you inhabit is only an atom in space, an inferior sojourning
place, a place of education, of preparation for higher lives. Do not
therefore judge the divine plan by the narrow views of the present.
Eternal justice is not the justice of man. Trust yourself to the
supreme Wisdom, fulfill the part assigned to you, and which you chose
before your birth. Work with courage to ameliorate your lot and that of
your brethren. The harder your task, the more rapid your progress.
Fortune and pleasure are but drawbacks to him who wishes to rise. You
can carry away with neither houses nor riches, but only the qualities
you have acquired; those are the imperishable riches of which death
cannot deprive you. Ask help of your invisible guides, who will not
fail you. Love all men; practice charity and justice towards all.
Remember that you form but one large family, proceeding from God. The
only happiness, the only harmony here below is by union with our fellow
men, union of thought and of heart.
We often hear this question: Is modern spiritualism
a science or a religion?
Until today, the paths followed by the human mind in
its search for truth have led to opposite results, an evident sign of
the inferiority of thought, confined and limited in its sphere of
action. But a day must come, and soon, when man will enter a region
where these two forms of ideas will unite and amalgamate.
Modern spiritualism is the ground on which this
meeting will take place. No other doctrine can furnish mankind with the
all-embracing conception which reaches from the depths of lowest life
to the summit of creation, to God, and links all created beings in an
endless chain.
When this idea has thoroughly penetrated the mind
and soul and become the principle of education, it will no longer be
possible to separate science and religion, and still less to combat one
by the other; for science, hitherto confined in the circle of earthly
life and of the material world, will have recognized the invisible and
lifted the veil which coves the fluidic life; she will have sounded the
beyond, to discover the forms and laws thereof. And the future life,
the ascension of souls through all its numberless abodes, will be no
more a hypothesis, an unproven speculation, but a living truth.
It will no longer be possible to combat religion in
the name of science, for religion will cease to be the narrow exclusive
dogma, the material worship which we have known. It will be the
crowning point of all the conquests and all the aspirations of the
human mind; the flight of thought based on conviction, on the knowledge
of the invisible world and of its laws.
Then each one will understand that science and
religion are but words, used to express the inferior states of human
conceptions, the groping of thought in its earliest endeavors, the
transitory state of the spirit in its evolution towards the truth. The
state expressed by these words will have disappeared with the shadows
of ignorance and superstition, to give place to knowledge, the real
knowledge of the soul and its future, of the universe and its laws, and
with this knowledge will come light and strength, which will enable the
soul at last to take its proper place and play its true part in the
work of creation.
Science has always gloried in her conquests, and her
pride is legitimate. Nevertheless, human science is provisional,
incomplete and changeable. It is but the accumulation of the ideas of
one century which the science of the next surpasses and submerges. In
spite of their blind negations, and their narrow obstinacy, the views
of scientists are each day disproved on some point. Laboriously erected
theories collapse to make room for others. Throughout the ages, thought
advances, but in its march, how many hesitations, periods of eclipse,
and even backward movements there are!
It is in consequence of the routine and prejudices
of science that certain writers have vehemently attacked her, and
accused her of powerlessness and sterility. Such accusations are
unjust. As we have shown, bankruptcy has only attained the
materialistic and positive systems. On the other hand, theology, by
driving the mind towards mysticism, has evoked an inevitable reaction.
Mysticism and materialism have had their day. The
future belongs to the new science, the psychic science which studies
all phenomena and seeks for their causes, which recognizes the
invisible world, and realizes a magnificent synthesis of life and of
the universe, to spread the knowledge thereof throughout humanity.
The idea of the supernatural will be destroyed, but
all the unexplored dominions of nature, filled as they are with
inexhaustible riches, will be opened to human research.
It is under the influence of modern spiritualism
that this scientific evolution is now being produced. In spite of all
assertions to the contrary, the new science owes its existence to this
alone, for without the impulse given by it to human thought, this
science would still be in the future.
Spiritualism brings to each science the elements of
a veritable renovation. Through the knowledge of these phenomena, it
leads physical science to the discovery of the subtle form of matter.
It illumines all the problems of physiology by the knowledge of the
fluidic body, without which it was impossible to explain the grouping,
in the organic form, and on a determined plan, of the innumerable
molecules which constitute our earthly body, as well as the
preservation of the individuality and of memory, through the constant
changes of the human body.
Thanks to this knowledge psychology is no longer
checked by so many obscure questions, and especially by that of the
multiple personalities, each unknown to the other, which succeed each
other in the same individual. Spiritualistic experiments furnish to
pathology the means of curing obsessions and possessions, and the
innumerable cases of madness and hallucination connected with them. The
practice of magnetism, the utilization of the curative fluids,
revolutionize and transform therapeutics.
Lastly, modern spiritualism enables us better to
understand the evolution of life, by showing us its principle in the
psychical progress of the being, himself constructing and perfecting
his form throughout the ages.
This evolution, showing us our lives as simple
stages of the long ascending journey through the worlds, confirms the
views of the astronomers, who tell us of the small importance of our
planet in the scheme of the universe, and favors the inhabitability of
the other worlds of space.
It is thus that spiritualism enriches and vitalizes
the most diverse realms of thought and of science, hitherto limited to
the study of the visible and inferior world of matter. Spiritualism, by
proving the existence of the fluidic world which is the prolongation,
the complement of the first, opens up limitless horizons. And as these
two worlds are connected and react constantly one on the other, the
knowledge of one is incomplete without that of the other. Spiritualism,
by bringing them nearer, by uniting them, will render possible the
explanation of the phenomena of life and the solution of the many
problems before which science has hitherto been powerless and dumb.
This renovating action which experimental
spiritualism exercises on science will also make itself felt on
religion, but more slowly and less easily. Of all human institutions,
the religious are the most refractory to all reform, all forward
movement, nevertheless, in common with all things, they are subject to
the divine law of progress.
In the higher plan of evolution, every symbol, every
religious form must give place to higher and purer ones. Christianity
cannot disappear, for its principles contain the vital germs; but it
must cast off the diverse forms which it has taken on in the course of
ages and regenerate itself at the fountain of the new revelation, rest
itself on the science of facts and become once more a living faith.
No religious ideal, no form of worship is
unchangeable. A day will come when the present dogmas and forms will go
to join the fragments of the antique worships, but the religious ideal
will not perish; the precepts of the Gospels will always rule the
conscience, just as the grand figure of the Crucified One will endure
throughout the ages.
In a certain measure, the beliefs, the various
religions, taken in their successive order, may be considered as the
steps by which thought climbs, in its upward course, towards the
greater conceptions of a future life and a divine ideal. From this
point of view they would have their use, but there always comes a time
when the most perfect becomes insufficient, a time when the human mind
rises beyond the circle of its usual beliefs, to
seek a more complete form of knowledge.
It then sees the fundamental principles which are
common to all imperishable truths, whereas all the rest, symbols,
forms, rites, are so many passing accidents in the history of humanity.
Its attention becomes detached from these forms and
expressions, and turns towards the future. There it sees, towering
above all Churches, above all exclusive religions, a vaster religion,
which will embrace all creeds, which will have neither rites, nor
dogmas, nor barriers, but will testify to the universal facts and
truths; A Church which, above all sects and Churches, will extend its
mighty arms in protection and in blessing. It will see a temple in
which the whole of mankind will reverently unite its thoughts and
beliefs in one only confession of love and faith, which will declare
itself in these words: Our Father which art in heaven!
Such will be the religion of the future, the
universal religion. It will not be a close corporation, an orthodoxy
governed by narrow rules, but a fusion of spirits and of hearts.
Modern spiritualism, by the stirring up of ideas
which it provokes, prepares its coming. Its growing action shakes the
Churches out of their present apathy and forces them to turn towards
the light which is rising above the horizon.
It is true that before this light, before the depths
which it illumines, many souls attached to the past still tremble and
become dizzy. They fear for their faith, for their old and shaken
ideals; this brilliant light dazzles them. Is it not Satan, they say,
who thus flashes before the eyes of men a deluding mirage? Is not this
the work of the spirit of evil?
Be comforted, fearful souls, there is no spirit of
evil but ignorance. This ray of light is an appeal from God - God who
wishes to call you nearer to Him, that you should leave the dark
regions to enter the luminous spheres.
The Christian churches need not be alarmed by this
movement. The new revelation comes not to destroy, but to enlighten, to
regenerate them. If they will understand and accept it, they will find
in it an unexpected help against the materialism which is ceaselessly
breaking down their defenses; they will find in it a new power of life.
Have you seen those grottoes ornamented with
stalactites and white crystals, and the subterranean galleries of
diamond mines? All their riches are buried in darkness. Nothing betrays
their hidden splendors. But the light penetrates, and instantly all is
illuminated; the crystals and the precious metals glitter, the vaults
and walls reflect the dazzling fires.
This light, the new spiritualism brings to the
Churches. Under its rays all the hidden riches of the Gospels, the
jewels of the secret doctrines of Christianity buried under the mass of
dogmas, the veiled truths emerge from the night of ages and appear in
their full splendor. That is what the new revelation offers to the
religions. It is a succor from heaven, a resurrection of the dead and
forgotten things contained in them. It is a new flowing of the Master's
thought embellished, enriched, brought to light by the help of the
Celestial Spirits.
Will the Churches understand this? Will they feel
the power of the truth which manifests itself, and the greatness of the
part they may yet plat, if they can understand and assimilate it? We do
not know. But it would be in vain that they would try to combat it, to
stop its progress. "This is the will of God," say the voices of space,
"and those who lift themselves against it will be broken and
dispersed." No human force, no dogma, no persecution, can stop the new
dispensation, the necessary complement to the teaching of Christ,
announced and directed by Him.
It has been said: "And it shall come to pass, in the
last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall
see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."
This time has come. The physical evolution and the
intellectual development of mankind have reached a point where they can
furnish instruments sufficiently supple and refined for the higher
spirits to use as vehicles for their manifestations and means of
spreading their teachings. That is the sens of these words.
The powers of space are at work and everywhere their
influence is felt. But what are these powers, you will ask?
Members and representatives of the churches of this
world, hear and engrave it on your memories.
Above the earth, in the vast fields of space, there
lives, thinks, and acts, an
Invisible Church, which watches over mankind.
It is composed of the Apostles, the disciples of
Christ, and of all the wise men of Christian times, but with them you
would find also the high spirits of every race, of all religions, all
the great souls who have lived in this world according to the law of
love and charity.
For the judgments of heaven are not as the judgments
of earth. In the ethereal spaces, the souls of men are not asked for an
account of their race or their religion, but of their deeds and of the
good they have done.
That is the universal Church; it is not limited as
are the conventional churches of this world; it is a union of the
spirits of all those who have suffered for the truth.
Its decisions, inspired by God, rule the world. It
directs the advance of modern spiritualism and helps its development.
The spirits which compose it fight and work for it, some from space, by
influencing its defenders (for there exists no distance for spirits,
whose thoughts vibrate through infinity), others by coming down to
earth, and sometimes by clothing themselves in a body of flesh, by
being born again among men to fulfill once more the role of divine
missionaries. God holds in reserve other hidden forces, other choice
souls for the hour of need.
The earth will see dark days, days of grief and
mourning, the tempest will burst. Violently will the fogs of ignorance
and the mists of corruption be dispersed.
The tempest will pass; the blue sky will reappear.
The divine work will receive a new impulse. Faith will be reborn in the
souls of men, and the Christ-thought will shine once more over a
regenerated world.
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To resume, modern spiritualism is neither a science
nor a religion. Science and religion are two separate and distinct
forms of revelation. Spiritualism is the revelation in its most
complete sense, the revelation of the universe in all its magnificence,
under its double aspect, visible and invisible, the revelation of the
eternal and divine laws which now appear to us in their majesty,
directing the worlds through space, presiding over the evolutions of
life, introducing everywhere order and harmony.
The new spiritualism is the study of man, not in his
passing form, but in his spirit, in his imperishable ego; it is the law
of progress affirmed and explained.
It is a doctrine of life, of truth and of light; its
moral resources, its means of consolation are infinite. It is a gift of
God, a manifestation of His thought. It rests on the science of facts,
and extends a hand to true religion, to pure Christianity, to the
eternal religion of love, upraising and regenerating it.
Science and religion have hitherto lived in
different realms. Today, they can no more remain thus divided,
everything tends to bring them together, to reinforce one by the other.
An entirely new era of thought is inaugurated. It is
time to pass from the reign of legend, miracle, and blind faith to that
of reason, enlightened belief, science, and law. Mankind must at last
be delivered from narrow systems and rigid routines, to participate in
a great, an infinite life.
The work is a grand and mighty one. Spiritualism
calls on all intelligences, on all generous minds, to join in it. The
field of action is without limit. Scientists, thinkers, artists, poets,
all those who are interested in profound science, ideal beauty, and
divine harmony, will find therein a source of inexhaustible
Spiritualism is the bond which unites the two worlds
and the two humanities, for the world of spirits is one with the world
of mortals. By birth and death they are continually interchanging.
Spirits are only men divested of their earthly envelopes; they are
interested and participate in all that goes on amongst us, all the
commotions which disturb our world react on them. From this comes a
close union and the necessity of mutual relations, by which the forces
of the visible world, combined with those of the invisible, will effect
the universal harmony. In this way an intimate communion between earth
and space, between the spiritual world, celestial and eternal, and the
material and perishable world, the world of mortals, will be
Complementary Notes [1]
This message was extracted from the homepage of
The Mercian Order of St. George
The following message, from Arthur Conan Doyle, was recorded
in 1932, only two years after his Passing. The words are a spur to
those that can see a bright dawning for the future, through the mists
of present day troubles.
“We would emphasis again, and yet again, the need for a common
brotherhood among men and nations, for only when humanity, as a whole,
quickens, realizes and understands that the whole race lives, moves,
and has its being in a universal spiritual force, which continually
sustains everything, can it save itself from eventual destruction. Let
us not lose hope; it is indeed true that the values of life will, some
day, be entirely changed. Would that conditions would change with them,
for Man will be forced, through the sheer suffering and privation he
will presently undergo, to seek this greater Truth to sustain him.
“How simple it would seem to tell Man about this Truth, which is
everywhere and in everything, but what a complicated conundrum it is
for the worldly-minded. Yet over here, in the Spirit Land, all souls
are brought at last to this understanding, and we are only too thankful
to believe, share and live safe within the fold of Universal
“No other way of living is open to the world. At present, the nations
subsist on suspicion and fear. None will give way, for each is afraid
of the other. In the business world, nearly every man is fighting
against his fellow, to secure and hold to himself, his own particular
grain of corn... Where is all this leading? Most surely neither to
security, nor to enduring prosperity, but to the fast tearing down of
all that civilization has laboriously established.
“Let us take heart. In days to come, we shall see humanity ennobled.
There will presently dawn a vision of True Brotherhood, to uplift Man’s
heart. He will then know that all life, his own and that of everyone
else, is contained within one stupendous Heart of Love, and he will
recognize that even his physical life pulses with its beating. He will
know that he cannot hurt his brother without suffering a corresponding
injury himself, for to hate, or to go to war with any man, or nation,
is to go to war with himself. To slay another man is spiritual death to
the slayer. That is why it is said that those who draw the sword must
surely perish by the sword.
“The New Man, to come, will know that he can draw no breath, think no
thought, without reaction throughout the world. He will know that death
can never ultimately reign in God’s Universe, that when Man once
understands himself and God, neither Heaven nor Earth can hold aught
for him of death. For the New Man, there can be neither beginning nor
ending, for he will see Life as one unending cycle, ever evolving, ever
revolving, which holds every human soul in its embrace for evermore.
“If he violates one law, one Truth of God, he must affect the
well-being of all men. It is true, adversity must bind the soul of Man
to its fellows, ere the world shall find such salvation as this. We are
witnessing on Earth today, the havoc wrought by materialism. This is
death, death through materialism, and incidentally, the beginning of
the end of materialism.
“Materialism will die hard, hence the suffering that must come. How
else can it be, when Man has worshiped Mammon so often and so long?
After sore pangs of suffering, we see a New Birth, the dawning of a new
and glorious day of spiritual realization and spiritual recognition. A
spiritual basis for Man’s communal life will come. In every art and
culture, in science, statecraft and religion, Man will be inspired and
directed from the Halls of Wisdom.
“Man’s bitter travail, his evolution, his progress, will bring him some
day to such an end as this. He will strive ever forward to the time
when there will be but one brotherly thought prevailing, one pure
harmony, one selfless desire, and pure love abroad in the world. Never
will Man become established in aught but his own sorrow, so long as he
seeks for personal gain, or supremacy.
“Only one true religion exists, only one reality behind all form,
belief, sect, creed and ceremony. This is a universal religion, neither
bound, nor circumscribed by geographical limitations, conventions or
prejudice. It has but one name, that name can be understood by any and
every man, be he white, black, yellow or red, by every woman and child,
by animal and bird, by tree and flower, and every creature instinct
with the Breath of Life. The religion of True Brotherhood has but one
meaning and one name, and that is Love”.
communication received by Alysia Pape
Water purifies thoughts and
emotions, and it calms the soul; it is one of God’s creations. The
waves rock you, like a mother would rock you back and forth when you
were little, to sooth and love you. It cleans you when you swim in it,
with God’s love and wonder. When it does, it washes away the cares that
you should not worry or be bothered with. When you look around at the
beach, look at God’s creations and thank Him for making such a wondrous
place, to be cleansed and to focus yourself at.
by James E. Beichler, PhD
= Fourth Part =
The Pre-Revolutionary
is no specific date or event that
marks the beginning of this period in history, so 1970 is just a
convenient date chosen for reference purposes. For several decades,
quantum theory has claimed to be the most accurate theory ever
developed by science, so quantum theorists regard the quantum theory
as the most fundamental theory in physics. For a few decades after
the 1950s this statement held some truth, but quantum theory was
still undergoing changes. The Copenhagen Interpretation has been
losing its hold over physics in general and the philosophy of quantum
theory in particular for the last three decades. David Bohm
introduced the concept of ‘hidden variables’ in the 1950s and
expanded upon that concept in the following decades. He raised enough
questions that other physicists and philosophers joined the
philosophical debate, leading to experiments in the 1980s that
challenged the basic concept of
locality. Eugene Wigner stressed the role of consciousness in the
measurement problem of quantum mechanics opening other avenues of
research. Quite clearly, philosophical challenges to quantum
orthodoxy became popular after the 60s, but neither indeterminism nor
the discrete nature of space and time, fundamental properties of a
quantum reality, were ever challenged or debated. Only one physicist,
Mendel Sachs, has ever spent any time and effort in challenging the
differences between the continuous nature of relativity and the
discrete nature of the quantum and he has been yelling in the wind
for several decades with very few scientists paying any attention.
On the other hand, general
has grown more relevant in the past three decades. As of the 1950s,
there were no practical applications of general relativity, but the
space program and advances in technology have rendered general
relativity quite practical in both science and culture. The
relativity theory as a whole has become an important aspect of modern
science that can no longer be ignored, but not to the extent that
continuity has gained many new adherents as the most fundamental
basis of physical reality. On one hand, the notion that a ‘theory
of everything’ or TOE might be possible in the near future has been
growing within the scientific community. This belief reflects a
belated acceptance of Einstein’s concept of a unification of the
laws of physics, but the TOEs proposed so far do not come close to
fulfilling Einstein’s dream. Einstein always argued that his
‘unified field theory’ would be based upon the continuity of the
space-time continuum and the discrete quantum would emerge from the
mathematical model. On the other hand, the modern TOEs are actually
quantum field theories that seek to explain gravity on the basis of
the discrete quantum. Quite frankly, attempts are only being made for
the quantum to gobble up relativity leading to quantum gravity, the
opposite of what Einstein predicted.
But the quantum and
relativity models of reality are now equally accurate, so neither
should hold preference over the other regarding their fundamental
nature. Even though no one would openly admit the fact, the quantum
and relativity are competing theories and competing theories are a
hallmark of a pre-revolutionary period. Ideally, every science is
based upon a single fundamental theory, so physics cannot be
stretched between two different fundamental theories, especially two
theories that are mutually incompatible. Considering the fundamental
nature of the basic hypotheses of these two theories, whether
physical reality is discrete or continuous at its most fundamental
level, it would seem that unifying them under a single theoretical
structure would initiate a very strong revolution in science. Even
so, very few scientists will even admit that the quantum and
relativity are competing theories because the quantum paradigm is so
strong and exclusive. Only a few brave scientists and scholars will
even admit, let alone accept, the existence of deficiencies in the
quantum as valid reasons to reassess the theory. Since there is such
a strong reluctance to even question the basic hypotheses upon which
the quantum theory is constructed, it seems that science would never
accept the simple truth that the deficiencies and problems with the
quantum theory are due to the fundamental problems inherent in the
discrete model of nature. Yet the problems with the quantum theory
have not only been overlooked, but have been multiplied and further
exaggerated by the increasing complexity of the quantum field
theories. What was once a philosophical problem of the reducibility
of space has evolved into the use of perturbation methods and ad hoc
renormalizations for calculational purposes in the quantum theory.
At the same time,
the relevance of consciousness to scientific inquiry has increased
due to quantum physics, but there is still no recognition of the
existence of a quantum Cartesian Paradox. A few scientists have been
forced to address the idea of consciousness within psychology since
1970, due in large part to progress within that field and within the
medical fields of
brain anatomy and physiology. Cultural interest in consciousness has
also been peeked, partially due to the introduction of Eastern
philosophies in the west, but also due to other influences. Changes
in parapsychology also occurred after 1970. In many ways,
parapsychology has become more physically oriented and several well
known physicists have weighed in on the subject. There has even been
talk of creating a new science of Paraphysics. Yet neither psychology
nor science in general acknowledge that the Cartesian Paradox still
exerts a major influence in science and that it still needs to be
resolved. All they see is a very low level problem with the
subjective/objective nature of reality while psychology, quantum
theory and science in general are afraid of this possibility.
According to the simple lessons taught in a freshman university
course of ‘Psychology 101’, you cannot solve a problem until you
admit it exists. Science can neither solve nor resolve the problem
because it does not recognize that the problem exists. Science can
neither discern nor define its own fundamental problems, rendering a
new revolution necessary for science to continue its fast pace of
Within the present
quantum and related paradigms in other disciplines, the paranormal
will never be accepted because it would force the scientific
community to confront the possibility that mind can act directly on
nature without intervening material mechanisms, proving the existence
of mind and consciousness as real and natural ‘things’. If mind
and/or consciousness were real ‘things-in-themselves’ rather than
arbitrary esoteric and mystical qualities, then the ending of life
would not necessarily require the ending of mind and/or
consciousness. Acknowledging the physical reality of mind and
consciousness would render the Cartesian Paradox an illusion dredging
up all kinds and types of religious taboos, but it would also imply
the real scientific possibility that consciousness can survive death
of the human body. So acceptance of the paranormal as a
scientifically verified reality is completely anathema to science
even though the paranormal has been a part of science for centuries
and is necessary to define the leading front of science in its forays
into the Cartesian realm of Mind.
The very notion of
consciousness implies the existence of the paranormal, so they are
inexorably linked together. Science in general does not want to live
or deal with consciousness, but it cannot live or deal without
consciousness, as recent trends in science and culture have
demonstrated. The problem is not going and will not go away, while
ignoring it will not solve the problem. Science has gone too far and
too fast in the growth of knowledge and that growth keeps bringing
science back to mind and consciousness and their role in the
physical/material universe. In fact, interest in consciousness
studies as an interdisciplinary science has grown dramatically in the
past two decades, a fact that indicates that science is rapidly
approaching a make or break situation with regard to mind and
consciousness and this bears directly on the scientific acceptance of
the paranormal. The scope of the interdisciplinary interest also
provides a tacit recognition that psychology alone is ill equipped to
deal with consciousness. Consciousness affects all the branches of
science and philosophy together, so it is a major concern to all of
them. A science of psychology based on behaviorism rather than
consciousness merely circumvents the problems set forth by the
Cartesian Paradox without finding a solution for the Paradox. In the
end, neither physics under the quantum paradigm nor psychology under
the behaviorism paradigm can solve the Cartesian Dilemma without the
intervention of a revolution in science. Yet the impetus for the
revolution and its solution must come from elsewhere.
real revolution in science, like the last revolution, will be founded
upon changes in the major paradigms of physics because physics is the
science that deals directly with
physical reality. However, the revolution will include the other
sciences as well. The key is the successful development of a ‘theory
of everything’ in physics from which the revolution can proceed.
However, the present attempts to develop a TOE in physics do not go
far enough because they do not address the most fundamental problems
that need to be resolved. To develop the TOE, scientists need to
understand that the determinism/indeterminism and the
objective/subjective dualities are secondary to the real dualities
that science must confront and resolve. Both are modern disguises for
the Mind/Matter Paradox. Science must return to the most fundamental
problems in order to progress: The Mind/Matter or Cartesian Paradox
and the reducibility problem of space and time, which implies that
the continuity/discrete paradox be solved once and for all.
upon a time, the Cartesian Paradox was necessary to define the
boundaries of science so that science could advance, but now those
boundaries are no longer necessary and instead inhibit the growth,
progress and advance of science. Science has tried an end run around
this barrier once before by changing the meaning of the duality, but
both historical and recent trends in science show that a compromise
middle-of-the-road solution will not work this time around as it did
after the last scientific revolution. The paranormal (or
praeternatural) has always acted as an effective barrier between the
extremes in both the supernatural and natural worlds defined by Mind
and Matter, respectively. So advances in science have often come at
the expense of the paranormal as science carved out a larger part of
nature as its domain.
At the end of the
Scientific Revolution the boundary between Mind and Matter was all
the way to the right and everything that was not physics was Mind.
But over time, Newtonian physics and Natural Philosophy expanded
their domain, shifting the boundary to the left and giving birth to
the other sciences as the boundary moved toward Mind.
By the latter half of the
century, Newtonian science had become so successful that it began to
speculate on mind itself. This resulted in three different movements
within science and culture: philosophical questions were raised
regarding the relation of science to reality and the philosophy of
science gained importance; the development of psychology as a science
of mind; and the Modern Spiritualism movement. Most scholars and
scientists view the Modern Spiritualism movement during the 1900s as
an aberration, but it was instead a pop-science reaction to changes
in the Cartesian boundaries. But these same changes also led to the
Second Scientific Revolution as Newtonian mechanics clashed with the
electromagnetic theory. The Cartesian boundaries did not settle again
until after the revolution when psychology lost ‘consciousness’
and concentrated on a behaviorist model of mental interactions rather
than tackling the difficult questions by looking directly at mind and
in science has brought us full circle once again. Recent trends in
science have again emphasized the importance of mind and
consciousness, which have become not only relevant to the advance of
science but also crucial to the understanding of physical reality.
The same trends show the paranormal to be an integral part of science
and even necessary to the continuing progress of science. Today, more
scientists and scholars are forced to acknowledge if not accept the
paranormal simply because it is becoming too hard to reject as
evidence grows. But the whole of science will never accept the
paranormal without a theoretical basis and a new paradigm, which will
not happen unless there is another scientific revolution.
many in the physics community have reached the conclusion that a TOE
is necessary for the advance of physics. Physics has clearly reached
a milestone in its development, but it has also reached an impasse.
The quantum and relativity theories must be unified, but more than a
simple unification that accomplishes little else other than
unification is needed. Because of fundamental differences between the
discrete quantum and the continuity of field explained by relativity,
the expected unification will provide extremely fundamental and
profound changes in the scientific perspective of reality, amounting
to a complete revolution in human thought. A valid TOE must also
explain life, death, mind and consciousness and doing so implies the
reality of the paranormal as well as the possibility that
consciousness survives death of the human body. Science fears this
last possibility because science will be forced to enter a new domain
of reality without any apparent bearings to right or guide itself if
the concept of an afterlife is confronted, but science will be forced
by events to accept it. Science cannot avoid its own future.
The coming revolution in
science will surely shift the division between Mind and Matter far to
the left and the paranormal will almost certainly become an accepted
part of future science. At no time in history has science been
completely divorced from the paranormal; they have traveled the road
of progress together. So it should come as no surprise that their
fate is the same and they will join as one in the near future, but it
is truly a revolutionary and novel idea for most scientists.
James E. Beichler.
“Either/Or: Spiritualism and the roots of paranormal science.”
Yggdrasil: The Journal of Paraphysics,
1, 1 (Winter Solstice 1996). WWW.
James E. Beichler.
“Ether/Or: Hyperspace Models of the Ether in America.” American
Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings,
179 (20 December 1988): 206-223.
James E. Beichler. “To
Be or Not to Be! A ‘Paraphysics’ for the New Millennium.”
Journal of Scientific Exploration,
15, 1 (Spring 2001): 33-56.
Albert Einstein. The
Meaning of Relativity, 6th edition. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1956.
Thomas Kuhn. The
Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press,
Stephen Mason. The
History of the Sciences, Reissue edition. Macmillan, 1962.
Isaac Newton. Principia
Mathematica Naturalis Philosophae. 1687. Second edition. London,
1702. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
(Principia). Translated by Florian Cajori. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1934.
Mendel Sachs. Einstein
versus Bohr: The Continuing Controversies in Physics. LaSalle,
Illinois: Open Court, 1988.
Lee Smolin. Three
to Quantum Gravity. Basic Books, 2001.
Dr. Beichler received
his PhD. in 1999 from the Union Institute and University. He combined
previous work in science and Master Degrees in Physics and the History
of Science with hew research in Parapsychology to design his own
program in Paraphysics. He presently holds the only advanced degree in
Paraphysics in the world from an accredited school. He is an Associate
Professor of Physics at West Virginia University at Parkersburg. His
areas of expertise include the historical and philosophical foundations
of Non-Euclidean geometries, late nineteenth-century science and Modern
Physics. Dr. Beichler also conducts theoretical research in the Physics
of Consciousness and has developed a unified field theory based on a
five-dimensional Einstein-Kaluza model of space-time that can explain
life,mind and consciousness. Dr. Beichler has published articles
through and given presentations before the Society of Scientific
Exploration, the U.S. Psychotronics Association, the Academy of Spirituality and
Paranormal Studies, Inc. and the Tucson conferences "Toward a
Science of Consciousness" and Quantum Consciousness. He is presently
completing a book, "To Die
For: The Physical Reality of Conscious Survival", which
offers the first ever scientific theory of death and the afterlife. The
book is expected to be published in about three months.
from the Editor: Mr. James E. Beichler is also a member of the
Publications Committee of the Academy
of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies.
Written by Y.
I have been in so many situations
where I know that the good spirits in the spirit world have intervened
on my behalf. Since I have known about what Spiritism teaches most of
my life and especially being a medium, it is very noticeable to me when
they do so. Yet, I believe anyone who really takes the time can also
discover this fact as well.
Life is full of ups and downs and trials and
tribulations. There are also different circumstances that come up
involving the people in our lives. We are so materialized that we go
about and do the best we can without stopping to think that there is an
invisible world all around us full of spirits who love and care for us
and would do anything they could to help us, and do.
Nevertheless, to show our humility and to express
what exactly and clearly it is what we want, we may pray to God and
good spirits for assistance. You will be very surprised at the results
that you can get! Some things that may come about will definitely seem
like it was an absolute miracle!
I know for a fact that the good spirits have
intervened when I have been in danger, in personal situations, in
problems with people on the job and other places, in all kinds of
meetings, help with relatives, and much, much more.
Spirits inspire, make suggestions, give consolation,
cheer us up, and influence us and others in the material world in many,
many ways; even in some ways we aren’t aware of!
Don’t forget that you have your own spirit guides as
well as relatives and friends (from this and past lives) in the spirit
world that are ready, willing, and able to assist us if it is for a
worthy reason that is for our own good or for the good of others, and
they are permitted to do so (for some trials we must go through to
progress). Spirits are one of the forces of Nature!
Divaldo Pereira Franco
Florida 2008
Seating space is limited

Miami Saturday March 15, 2008
at Hotel Embassy Suites
3974 NW South River Drive, Miami, Florida, USA, 33142
7 pm to 10 pm
Tickets $25, $30 at door
- Science and Spiritism
- Jesus and Life
Simultaneous Translation to English
More Info/reservations
Buy Tickets on line
2nd |
U.S. Spiritist Symposium |
Propelling Our Integral Healing with the Spiritist Therapy |
Saturday, April 19, 2008
11AM - 6PM
The New York Historical Society
170 Central Park West - New York, NY 10024 |
Ticket includes lunch box, refreshments
and a visit to the museum
Pre-registration required at
(212) 265-2687
Registration ends on
April 13 at 11PM (EST)
Limited seats avalilable |
The sole purpose of the Spiritist Symposium is to promote the English
speaking Spiritist movement; to strengthen and value the efforts of all
Spiritist centers that promote Spiritism in the English language.
Art, Spirituality
& Therapeutic Moment
The Spiritual Laws
of the Spiritist Practice -
Vanessa Anseloni
2:45PM–Lunch Break
& visit to the museum
1:45PM – PANEL
Immune Surveillance
of the Soul
- Photography of
the Thought - Nahur Fonseca (AKSS, MA)
- Mediumship and
its therapeutic features - Susana Simoes (CLSG, FL)
- Christ
consciousness and its miracles - Anisio Resem (SSSD, CA)
2:30PM –
The role of the
spiritist therapy in my life
Paula Schmidt (SSB,
MD) and Edith Martinez (SGNY)
The Spiritist
Foundation and Its Therapeutics
Main principles of
1) Existence of God
– Eduardo Guimaraes (IESS, NY)
2) Immortality of
the soul – Addison Cornwell and Dulce Story (LISS, NY)
3) Reincarnation -
Carolina Strosnider (SSB, MD)
4) Multitude of the
Inhabited Planets – Andreia Marshall (CSSC, FL)
5) Communicability
of the Spirits – Brian Vosberg (LLSC, NJ)
The Basic Books of
6) The Spirits’
Book – Elmo Delandes (SGNY, NY)
7) The Mediums’
Book - Eliana Preda (Blossom)
8) The Gospel
According to Spiritism – Leonardo Vieira (SSB, MD)
9) Heaven and Hell
– Fernando Flores (AKSS, CT)
10) Genesis –
Gustavo Pinto (CSSC, FL)
The Spiritist
11) Passes – Livia
Trevisani (AKCSCO, FL)
12) Spiritually
magnetized water – Ovande Furtado Jr. (JASS, PA)
13) Obsession &
Disobsession – Ricardo Mastroleo (AKSEC, TX)
14) Prayer – Junara
Araujo (SGNY, NY)
15) Intelligent
Sleep – Fernanda Ferreira (AKSS, MA)
16) Fraternal
Counseling – Julio Carvalho (SCDL, NJ)
17) God at Home –
Felipe Bucalo (LISS, NY)
18) Spirituality
for Children and Youth – Hugo Melo (IESS, NY)
19) The
therapeutics of Charity – Gilberto Neves (AKSS, MA)
20) Inner
Transformation – Ligia Carvalho (SCDL, NY)
3:45PM – Coffee
Why American
Spirituality needs Spiritism
- Amy Biank (Angel
Center, IL), Gloria Coelho (CSC, CO), and
Mauricio Cisneiro
Genesis: Kardec’s
masterpiece - Jussara Korngold
1. Spiritist Society of Baltimore (MD)
2. Spiritist Group
of New York (NY)
3. Christian
Spiritist Study Center (FL)
4. Allan Kardec
Spiritist Society of Massachusetts (MA)
5. Spiritist
Society Love and Light (NJ)
6. Spiritist Center
Divine Light (NJ)
7. Conscious Living
Spiritist Group (FL)
8. Kardecian
Spiritist Federation of Florida (FL)
9. Allan Kardec
Spiritist Society of Marlboro (MA)
10. Bezerra de
Menezes Spiritist Society (MD)
11. Inner
Enlightenment Spiritist Society (NY)
12. Spiritist
Society of San Diego (CA)
13. Allan Kardec
Christian Spiritist Center of Orlando (Fl)
14. Caritas
Spiritist Center (CO)
15. Allan Kardec
Spiritist Educational Center (TX)
16. Path of Light
Spiritist Center (NJ)
17. Blossom
Spiritist Society (C A)
18. Intuition
Unlimited / Angel Center (IL)
19. Long Island
Spiritist Society (NY)
20. Allan Kardec
Spiritist Society of Danbury (CT)
21. Allan Kardec
Spiritist Society of Maryland (MD)
22. Spiritist
Medical Association - US
23. United States
Spiritist Council - USSC
The English translation of the Manual of Support
for Planning and Organization of National and International Spiritist
Events by Elsa Rossi is already available FREE on the
internet on the web site - www.elsarossi.com
You can read some topics about organizing congresses,
seminars, forums, workshops, conferences, open-day, symposiums,
meetings, etc.
Also, a new tale is available "Alain
the Little Ghost from Beyond". The author uses daily situations
in order to create educational stories, thus emphasizing the benefits
of not telling lies and not fighting against their brothers and
sisters. Her stories focus on the key human qualities of forgiveness
and tolerance.
Elsa has already published 3 books in Portuguese, English
and Spanish. More books in Spanish, French, English (revised) and
Portuguese can easily be accessed on the internet for free. www.elsarossi.com
The Black Crow and the Fox with
Golden Fur
The Good Little
The Enchanted Garden
The House in the Orchard
My First Teddy Bear
The Little Greedy Caterpillar
Alain The Little Ghost From Beyond NEW
Learning How to Pray
Best wishes!
Elsa Rossi
report in Portuguese - Boletim do GEAE
report: "The Spiritist Messenger"
Council - mailto:editor@geae.inf.br
Portuguese (Boletim
do GEAE)
English (The
Spiritist Messenger)
Spanish (El
Mensajero Espírita)