Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th, 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 

GEAE 13th year - Number 56 - distributed: November, 2004

"Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                           Allan Kardec



"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. "

  Martin Luther King Jr.


Dear Reader,

Last month there was a very historic and important event held in Paris, France and that was the IVth International Spiritist Congress.

Carlos, one of the members of our Board, was present at the event and he wrote a report to be published as the Editorial for this month’s first issue of the newsletter in Portuguese, the Boletim do GEAE number 484. We thought that it would be a good idea to translate it into English and publish it in our English Section as well. Here it is:

In the beginning of last October the IVth International Spiritist Congress was held in Paris commemorating 200 years of Allan Kardec’s birth. It was an extraordinary event because it was held in Paris – the city that saw the birth of Spiritism in the XIXth century – over one thousand Spiritists from several countries attended. Most of the people present were Brazilians although there were also representatives of all countries that have a seat in the International Spiritist Council.

I attended the Congress with a group that had been organized by RW Turismo, a tourist agent with headquarters in São Paulo that have Spiritist owners. They include in their packages some trips that are interesting to Spiritists. This group alone had about 100 people. We arrived a little before the Congress would start and stayed there until some time after it finished, allowing us to both attend the event, and have a time to visit the “City of Lights”. I have to confess that it was impossible not to shirk some of the lectures and extend some sightseeing visits.

Paris is a wonderful city and if we observe its historical monuments and extraordinary urbanism, it’s easy to understand what it represented in the times of Napoleon III, when The Spirits’ Book was first put up for sale at the Orleans Gallery in the Palais Royal. The admiration we have for Kardec is even more profound when we understand how fearless his initiative was considering that despite the freedom of thought that was characteristic of the French society at the time, Spiritism brought revolutionary ideas. The Spiritist Doctrine launched a new look on humanity showing how insignificant and ephemeral were human ambitions and establishing a base for true brotherhood among the people of all nations and this was done in the most prestigious center of European power and pride. It was for the citizens of this city that the Spirits wanted to tell in the first place that true civilization wasn’t yet present on Earth, since injustice and lack of love still ruled everywhere (see Question 793 of The Spirits’ Book). That’s why they were the first to find The Spirits’ Book for sale in their bookstores.
The Congress went by very well. Several lectures talked about the historical aspects that drove Professor Rivail to the study of the spiritist phenomena and from that to the writing of the Codification. An exposition was held parallel to the Congress and a special CD in several languages was launched for the occasion. The Congress and the exposition were both crowded every day even though many people did the same as I did taking advantage of every chance to stroll around in Paris. It was very easy to find and meet people holding the folders of the Spiritist Congress in the subway and at the main tourist places.

There were so many people together that it was hard to find people we only knew by email and even harder to talk to anyone for long. In a certain sense success was so great that certain challenges were clearly left for the future. The size of Spiritist events is changing and the organization must provide better conditions in order to gather in a single place so many people from so many faraway places. It’s also necessary to think of more flexible schedules for the lectures, leaving more time available for parallel events, and for the meeting of people that only meet in such events. The morning period would be better used that way than having one lecture after another all day long, something that makes them very tiring.

Another fundamental issue for the future of Spiritism is the official language to be used in such events. Simultaneous translation wasn’t as good as it could have been probably because the interpreters lacked the knowledge of Spiritist terms and ideas. Friends from English speaking countries had much difficulty in understanding the lectures and Brazilians also had the same problem when the lectures were held in languages other than Portuguese. We must think on how to deal with this problem adopting one or two official languages to be used in international events and training professional interpreters in the knowledge of the spiritist vocabulary. In order to make that possible we must encourage the use of those languages in the communication among Spiritists from different countries. The more we can make use of a national language wherever Spiritism is present would be more conducive to this situation. Not only Spiritism and reincarnation must be words in use in other countries but all the Spiritist vocabulary must be easily available for whoever decides to translate it.

It seems to me that this Congress marked the beginning of a new stage for the Spiritst movement, a stage when after becoming mature in Brazil, it must return to the old world where it was born. After being hardly hurt by the turbulences of the XXth century European countries are now living a state of mind characterized with no belief in religious values and more materialistic. It looks as though people are living in glories past with no hope for light and goodness in their futures. There is an enormous shortage of faith and solid moral values. Only Spiritism is able to bring to the old European countries the renaissance of reasoned faith and revived Christianity, not the one represented by its majestic cathedrals but simple fraternity that says, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself”.

Much Peace

The GEAE Editors

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Spiritual and Moral Laws

Compiled and edited by  Yvonne Limoges

The Spiritist Society of Florida

March 2004

11 -        The Plurality of Worlds
                (The Gospel According to Spiritism – Chapter 3 and The Spirits Book – Book One Chapter III)

            Our current technology has discovered that there are more planets in the universe then our own solar system. This information was already transmitted to us by the spirit world in the1850 ’s. The spirits also tell us that there is intelligent life on other worlds as well (although we have yet to discover them).

            This plurality of inhabited worlds fits in with reincarnation because as beings evolve, so does the population of the planet. Those beings too stubborn to change their ways and who try to impede the law of progress will be sent to more inferior worlds more in keeping with their backwardness. Those who progress faster then the population of a world can be sent to more morally advanced and peaceful worlds.

            The spirits have taught us that although beings evolve unevenly on a particular planet as a whole it can be said that generally there are five basic categories of planets. They are: the primitive worlds, the worlds of tests and atonements, the regenerating worlds, the blessed worlds, and the celestial worlds. The populations of all the worlds evolve changing themselves each time into a world of a higher intellectual, moral, and spiritual level.

Our earth has already transformed from a primitive world to one that is currently a world of tests and atonements. We can see that based on our current state of affairs (where misery, evil, and violence abound) we have a long way to go in this progression before our transformation into a world of regeneration where the majority of the spirits will be striving to be good and where evil will not predominate.

In general, an individual spirit incarnates into a world where it advances through all phases of progress that it can on a particular world. It passes on to morally higher worlds to evolve further until it has reached its goal as a purified spirit. A spirit is rewarded for its progress by ascendance to better worlds. Persistence in wrongdoing and/or continued indulgence in materiality and wanton sensuality in all aspects cause it to prolong its stay in the unhappy worlds of tests and atonements. It takes constant efforts towards our own moral improvement to incarnate into the spiritually higher worlds. But, sooner or later, we will all become residents in those celestial worlds; such is the law of progress.

12-        Conclusion

            The ideas here expressed have been transmitted by the spirit world throughout the ages, at different times in different ways and in different places, presented in ways that the various peoples may understand them. The worlds’ religions and philosophies contain many moral and spiritual truths. But, humans being imperfect have many times distorted or misinterpreted these messages and added their own imperfect ideas.

            The time has come when the spirit world can communicate more fully, clearly, and completely all over the world.

            For those who find other doctrines, religions, or beliefs lacking, you may possibly quench your thirst for spiritual and moral truths in knowledge of Spiritism.

            Spiritism teaches us who we are, where we come from, how we should conduct ourselves, what the purpose of suffering and material life is, and what our final goal should be. It teaches us that there is a Divine Plan, that we are looked after by morally good and superior beings who care very much for us, what we call “death” is only a necessary change with nothing to fear, and what appears to be chaos in the world is only the effects of evolutionary changes which are temporary and transitory compared to the big scheme of things in the universe. Material life may be extremely difficult at times but it seems to me nothing good is ever attained easily.

            The law of progress dictates all will change in our world for the better and we will be the ones to accomplish it, so we can receive the fruits of our own labors.  Isn’t that hopeful and satisfying?

            I thank the Creator and the superior spirits who watch over us!

                                                                                    Yvonne Limoges

                                                                                    The Spiritist Society of Florida

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Spirit Communication received through a medium from the Spiritist Center  La Buena Nueva,
of the former town of
Gracia, Spain.
 Copied and annotated by AMALIA DOMINGO SOLER
Translated from the original Spanish by Edgar Crespo
Edited by Yvonne Crespo Limoges
The Spiritist Society of Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.
First Electronic Edition by GEAE (2002)
Chapter 6

The Best View

Why does man come to this earth, God?  Observing the laws which regulate nature, one can ascertain that the human race comes to dominate all that exists; it comes to take possession  of extensive dominions, to colonize vast continents, and to populate the seas as sailors on ships.

Humankind also comes to study the great library of Creation, and ultimately, to work incessantly, because the ‘Law of Work’ is the Law of Life.

Now, if continuous work is the synthesis of human existence, should not these laws also be employed by religious communities? Yes, because work should be productive, should produce benefits, and it should serve as a means of ennobling man morally and intellectually. But,  the work that most religious communities dedicate themselves to is completely unproductive, because to pray routinely, according to a fixed schedule is a laborious task; for prayer, if like a bird without wings, will fall to the ground, instead of flying through the air. These religious  prayers are like the sound of a bell, which does not pass beyond its own perimeters; it is like a spring of water lost between a cliff, which leaves no trace.

What is a prayer? It is the lament of the soul, and the smile of the spirit! It's a plea from the afflicted, and the sigh of one who hopes! It is the universal language, one which all humanity speaks, when talking to God! And man, who is a being that is very impressionable, and subject to so many varied sensations, is he to then pray and fix his thoughts to God, at a designated hour?
Impossible, completely impossible!  The man who prays when directed, is acting like a energized cadaver, not as a soul with sentiment. Spiritual ecstasy cannot be produced upon command; it is  as free as an has no monastery, and there is no vow that can be made to detain its flight, that's why I believe that most religious communities are doing work that is sterile. They are like ploughman who would furrow a granite mountain, and any groves made, would not even hide an ant.

In those epochs of terror past, when the world was a battle ground, when the right of conquest gave boundaries to the towns, it was then, when timid souls took refuge and looked for religious sanctuary. But when reasonable laws gave man his rights and duties, monasteries and convents became a contradiction. They are places which paralyze life, a stationary place for spirits, and lastly, a living hell for women. Before, I never felt like this, but upon hearing the confessions of many nuns, when those poor creatures opened their hearts to me, how many rivers of tears! How many torments! How many hours of inexplicable agony, I've seen pass before me!

Many women, fanatics, pronounced their vows when they did not even know what it was  like, to live. But later on, when they woke up from their illusions, then horrible impositions obligated them to find out about the accidents of life. At times, when they had to destroy those tiny beings which they would have loved with all their hearts [forced abortions], and without faith and without hope, without any belief, they had succumbed to the most odious of servitude. Oh,  how many sad stories are hidden in the cloisters! And if, in some convents, there are indeed those who are devoted to prayer, those prayers then are nullified! I repeat, those prayers are nullified! True prayer is that which is pronounced when man is suffering much, or when happiness smiles upon him. Prayer is not a word, it is a sentiment. A soul, with a look cast steadfast towards the heavens, is worth more than a thousand rosaries, recited by rote.

Possibly; it is because I have never had a family that I have been, and am, so fond of the bonds that link men and women. When I have seen women separate themselves from the objects of their affections, without hearing the cries of their parents, disdaining the caresses of their brothers and sisters, and fleeing from the true pleasures of life, to lock themselves in a cell, with the most detached selfishness, where everything is denied, where natural laws are obstructed, and when one renounces all of one’s supreme rights,...... freewill is lost!

Oh, how I have suffered in seeing the consummation of such sacrifices! But, I have some  consolation in that I have saved some victims. It is because of this, I have been the target of great hatred; but good must always be done, and the truth should always be spread, without considering nor looking into, the abysses where one might fall. Do good, and sooner or later, you will recover the good fruits of your labor.

Do blind persons not have guides?  If so, then priests, who are supposed to be the anointed ones of our heavenly Father, should conduct the many blind ones who stumble on their passions and fall because of vices, onto the good path. Oh yes, this is the mission of those that call themselves ministers of God. Inspire me, Lord, so that I can fulfill the Divine mandates of Your sacred Law!

And God hears me, yes, because in spite of being hidden away in my humble parish, many have looked for me to ask advice regarding the tribulations of their life; and many families have arrived at safe havens by following my instructions. Inspire me always, Lord!

A few months ago, I was able to calm down a poor elderly man who had arrived at the ultimate point of desperation, in spite of his having a peaceful character. The father of a large family, he recently became a widower and not only did he lose the faithful companion of his life, but he also lost most of his wealth, and the better part of his sight. Seven children needed to be fed. But, his eldest daughter, although young, used her knowledgeable aptitude in music and painting with great brilliance, and helped him with the sale of her paintings to sustain the family.  Her name was Magdalene and she was the comfort and happiness of her father. When she sang, he was in ecstacy.

Sometimes, I liked to go to visit my unfortunate friend, a free-thinker [a Protestant], who lived in the nearby village from my parish. I admired his clear reasoning, his evangelic patience, and his Christian resignation. I envied this unfortunate man because he was loved and surrounded by his family, who were always vying for his affections.

One day he came to my dwelling, supported by one of his sons. I went to greet him, and he threw himself into my arms, crying like a child.

Startled, I asked him, “What’s wrong?”

“They are stealing the daughter of my soul away.....!”

“What is it that you are saying? I do not understand, explain yourself!”

“Listen, they are trying to rob Magdalene from me.”

“Who?”  I asked.

“Who? Those who call themselves the ministers of God!”

“What is it you are saying? You must be feverish,” I said.

“No, I'm not delirious. Do you remember the voice of my daughter who sings as if  an angel had come down from Paradise? Well, that voice, they fancy for themselves, and they plan to take her away.”

“But, how are they taking her? How?”

“By forcing her to enter a convent, because they say that by my side she will learn nothing good, because I'm a reformist. A very powerful family has taken an interest in her, and my child bewildered and fascinated by the advice of a missionary, says she wants to think of the salvation of her soul. Between all of them, they have made her almost crazy, and our home which before was peaceful like heaven, is now a living hell. You know me, Father, you know that my daughter is my life, and that I have dreamed of seeing her married to a man worthy of her.  It is not that I want to keep her for myself, I'm not egotistical. Even if I have to ask for alms at the steps of a church, it would not bother me, if only I could go home at night and hear her angelic voice.  But, to lose her forever, Father Germain, that would drive me insane!”

“Be calm,” I told him, “Everything is not yet lost. I will talk with Magdalene, you know that she respects me very much.”

“You are the only hope that I have,” he said, “If you do not stop her from what she
plans to do, I know what I'm going to do.”

“What will you do?” I asked.

“What will I do?  I will die!”

Without losing any time, I went with my poor friend, asking God to inspire me, so that I would be able at the same time to save two victims, the father and the daughter. I knew that the daughter was too intelligent to live in a convent, and be happy.

When we arrived at my friend’s house, we noticed that two of my superiors were accompanying Magdalene, and were giving lessons to two of her sisters. Upon seeing me, she paled, because without a doubt, she knew why I was there. My colleagues looked at me, and got ready to leave. But before going, one of them told me, “Be careful what you do, we are watching you!”

“You can come after me all you wish,” I replied, “Let it be clearly understood that persecution does not scare me because I know that God is with me, and he that navigates with God, always arrives at a safe port.”

At moments like this, I felt like I was possessed with a wondrous strength, which put me in an empowered trance. It seems that I was of two temperaments. In my remote parish, I am a poor man of simple character, one who is content with seeing monotonous days go by, doing today what I did yesterday, smiling with the children, asking the men of the village about their crops, and reminding the women to keep their children clean, and spending the day looking at the sky, as the Creator paints an infinite palette of colors reaching to the horizon. Seeing me with my tattered habit and my demeanor generally sad and serious, no one would believe that at times, I'm transformed as if enchanted, and my pale eyes acquire an extraordinary brilliance. When I am like that, no one can resist my will, or intense gaze. And this is what happened to Magdalene, who when being left alone with  me, covered her face with her hands, and fell to a chair sobbing. I sat close to her and took one of her hands in mine, and said, “Look at me.”

“I cannot,” she said.


“I do not know why, you make me feel afraid.”

“Afraid? You are afraid of yourself, not of me!”

“I believe that you're right.” she said.

“I know that I am. Look at me, Magdalene, do you believe that I fulfill my duties as a minister of God?”

“Yes, I believe so, but they accuse you as they do my father, of being a follower of the reforms of Martin Luther. They tell me that I will be lost, but that I can save myself if I enter into a convent, which is necessary for my soul to be saved. I know that my father is suffering and his weeping burns my heart. But, between God and my father, I believe that God comes first!”

“That is true,” I replied, “But, do you believe that you will go to God, if you kill your father? Because on the day he loses all hope regarding you, on the day that you pronounce your  vows as a nun for the church, on that very day, your father will kill himself! Magdalene, do you hear me well? He will commit suicide.... and what a way to reach God, by spilling the blood of an innocent being along the way, one you owe your life to!”

“But, does he not have my other siblings? He should let me go in this exemplary way.”

“But, you are not going in the right way, Magdalene,” I said, “Being closed in a convent is contrary to natural law and a woman did not come to this earth to lock herself in a convent. If this were true, God would not have formed the paradise that is talked about in the sacred books. He would have created instead a fortress, and in it, He would have closed up all women. But, He did not, on the contrary, the first couples of the human race who inhabited this planet went to the woods and the valleys, to the mountains and the sea shores, their cries of life resounding all about. Then men and women together, were united, and they created new generations to glorify His Name!  The right path Magdalene; is one that does not abandon the author of one’s life, your father, especially in their last days of life. It is a time, which as you know, he lost his wife, your mother, and his money, and now he would lose the light of his eyes, which is you! Do you know what would be the right path to take? To not abandon him in his old age, to serve him when his eyes fail him, to brighten his nights with the light of your love for him. Also, it is time for you to accept the love of a man of goodness and marry him, thereby helping your father in his old age. This is your obligation, Magdalene, consecrating yourself to your family, this would be the ‘best vow to take’.”

“Where is your intelligence? Where is your sense of reason? Do you think that a good religion is one which would order people to forget those they loved first? They tell you that you your soul will be lost if you stay by the side of your father because he is a Protestant. But, who better than you, to make that decision? What advice has your father always given you? He has told you to be good and honest, hard working, to respect the memory of your mother, and to
love your siblings. And, if you love a man, love one who is worthy of you, and can be your husband. He has also said to love the poor and be indulgent of sinners, and upon the arrival of night fall, that you make an examination of your conscience and confess yourself to God. Do you believe that all of this, will lead to your perdition?  Answer me, Magdalene, with sane logic!”

“In all of this, you are right. But, Father, believe me when I say, those other priests scare me, because when they come they drive me crazy. Also, since the Duchess of C..... is my sponsor and protector, she is the most eager for me to go into that profession. She tells me that she will not abandon my father, and even more so, she said she will see that my siblings are happy if I enter the convent. Otherwise, she says, between you and my father and my independent ways, I will be lost in the world, and there will be no salvation for me.”

“Nothing is lost, Magdalene, if you do not want to lose it,” I said. “Besides, neither your father nor I, have ever given you bad advice, and if you wish to save the life of your father, then you must refrain from entering a convent. Reflect well, and consider this, on the day after you take your vows, you will be sorry, because the shadow of your father will be following you everywhere. When you kneel to pray, you will fall over the body of your father [a figure of speech] and his spirit will ask you in your dreams,‘Why did you permit my suicide?’ Don’t break the familial bonds that God has formed. You can’t lose yourself in the world when the position you hold is one of respect and consideration! What more noble vows could you take than to  promise God that you will serve as a mother, and devote yourself to the care of your poor old father and your little brothers and sisters? What a noble occupation it is to sustain and support your father in his old age, who taught you to pray and bless God! Be reasonable, my child, fulfill the perfect laws of God, and make your father happy in his twilight years, so he can smile and feel grateful, at being caressed by the rays of light, due to your love for him.”

“It's too late, Father Germain, I've given my word,” she said.

“And for the giving of your word, you will sacrifice your father? Magdalene, I want the life of your father, you cannot deny me that.”

At that moment, my old friend entered alone, with unsure steps he approached me like a child just learning to walk. Magdalene rushed to meet him, and the two of them embraced, both covered in each other’s tears.

In ecstacy, I looked at them, and said to myself, ‘This is the true religion, the love of the family! Mutual protection! The tenderness of those we love! A father teaches his child to walk, and eventually the child sustains the father in old age when his steps waver. Oh, love of family! An eternal love of this world! Sacred tabernacle of the ages, where history is guarded and consecrated by the Divine Breath of God. A religion which does not respect nor consider the family, as the most important institution of this earth, has power more fragile than the foam which is lifted up by the waves of the sea.’

Then Magdalene broke her silence by saying, “Forgive me, father. I now understand my madness, and I owe this to Father Germain. I will stay by your side and I swear a solemn promise before God to be your guide and support, and I believe that God will protect us both.”

“Yes, my child,” I said agreeing, “God will watch over you. Believe me, Magdalene, by consecrating yourself to your family, you have sworn ‘the best vow’ that one can take.”

The ‘best vow’, yes, because peace and happiness has returned to reign at the home of my friend. The children have recovered their youthful mother and the blind old man has a skillful companion, and all are smiling and happy. The whole family was alive and well.

What a beautiful and more wonderful picture, as when they came to see me on the day of the town festival. My old house was full of happiness.

That late afternoon, Magdalene and her siblings, sang in the garden like a chorus of angels, and the birds joyfully repeated, “Glory be to God!”

Her father listened with emotion, and told me in a low voice,“Father Germain, I owe you so much! What would you have done with me, without her!”

Thank you, God! The Church persecutes me. They watch me closely and accuse me of leading my sheep, my parishioners, away from the Church. But, while I continue to add to the flock of ‘good Christians’, I believe, Dear God, that I am fulfilling my duty.

Next chapter: 7

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Kardec and Napoleon

Message extracted from the book "Letters and Chronicles", dictated by the
Spirit Brother X (*) to the medium Francisco Candido Xavier, and published
by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation

Reproduced from the Special Edition of The Spiritist Review celebrating Allan Kardec's bicentenary (1894-2004), published by the International Spiritist Council, October 2004.


Soon after the 18 Brumaire (November 9, 1799), and after Napoleon had appointed himself First-Consul of the French Republic, on the night of December 31, 1799, a large assembly of wise and benevolent Spirits gathered in the heart of the Latin spiritual quarters in the Superior Planes of the spirit world to mark the momentous beginning of the new century. Ancient personalities from imperial Rome, pontiffs and warriors from Galia, and notable figures linked to Spain were assembled there for the expressive event.

Legions of the Caesars with their banners; phalanxes of Gaelic warriors; and groups of pioneers of the Hispanic evolvement, along with numerous representatives from the Americas, stood along symbolic lines representing positions of prominence.

But not only dignitaries of Latin descent were represented at the great conclave. Also present were illustrious Greeks, recalling the confabulations of the glorious Acropolis; renowned Jews, awakening remembrances of the Temple of Jerusalem; Slavic and Germanic delegations; great figures from England; Chinese wise men; Hindu philosophers; Buddhist theologians; ancient priests of Olympian deities; renowned clerics of the Roman Church; and followers of Muhammad. It appeared as if Humanity’s scientific and cultural forces had been convoked to gather in one sole place.

In the midst of the magnificence of the delegations gathered there in all their representative splendor were Spirits of early supporters of human progress who would soon return to the incarnate world, or would follow it closely to give combat to ignorance and misery in the arduous preparation of the new era of fraternity and light.

Amid the fulgent sight of the Superior Spirits, showing the resplendence of their souls, were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Appolonius of Tyana, Origen, Hippocrates, Augustine, Fénelon, Giordano Bruno, Thomas Aquinas, Louis of France, Vincent de Paul, Joan of Arc, Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Bossuet, Spinoza, Erasmus, Milton, Christopher Columbus, Gutemberg, Galileo, Pascal, Swedenborg, and Dante Alighieri, to mention just a few of the heroes and champions of terrestrial renewal. In a less prominent position in this magnificent place stood Spirits of a lower order, including several of the well known figures guillotined during the French Revolution, namely Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, Danton, Madame Roland, André Chenier, Bailly, Camille Desmoulins, along with other great personalities such as Voltaire and Rousseau.

After brief remarks from eminent Spirit Guides, invisible trumpets directed towards the earth were heard. Moments later, from within the thick of the night shrouding the colossal body of the European world, and under the custody of enlightened Spirits, emerged a small procession of shadows, appearing strange and hesitant against the brilliance of the festive palace.

It consisted of a group of souls still incarnated, who under the power of the Celestial Organization were brought to the spirit world to reaffirm their commitments.

Heading the group, drawing the attention of all assembled, was Napoleon himself. It was indeed the great Corsican, wearing his usual garments and characteristic hat.

Greeted by several figures from ancient Rome hastily lending him their aid and support, the winner of the battle of Rivoli took seat on a magnificent chair prepared for him beforehand.

Among those accompanying him in this unique excursion were respectable authorities reincarnated in the planet: Beethoven, Ampère, Fulton, Faraday, Goethe, John Dalton, Pestalozzi, and Pius VII, along with many others supporting the welfare of the world and its movements of independence.

Though spiritually constrained by the ties linking them to their carnal bodies, almost all of the newly arrived shed tears of emotion and joy.

The eyes of the First-consul of France, however, were dry in spite of the extreme pallor covering his face. As various Roman legions proceeded to pay homage to him, to which he responded with discreet noddings, the trumpets sounded again, this time differently, as if preparing to soar upward, in the direction of the infinite vastness.

Immediately after, a pathway of light resembling a drawbridge projected from the sky connected itself to the extraordinary citadel, letting through countless resplendent stars.

Upon reaching the delicate soil, however, these stars transformed themselves into human beings covered in radiant celestial light.

Among them all there was one who excelled in superiority and beauty. A brilliant diadem shined on his head, as if surrounding with blessings his gaze filled with tenderness and strength. In his right hand, a gold scepter shone with sublime scintillations.

Imperceptible musicians, by way of the gentle breezes which drifted by swiftly, broke into a chant of hosannas without articulating any words.

The assembly showed profound reverence. Many of the wise men, warriors, artists, and thinkers knelt down while the banners of the vexilaries were lowered silently in a sign of respect.

It was then that the great Corsican began to weep. Standing up, he started to move with great difficulty toward the messenger who held the gold scepter, kneeling before him.

The celestial emissary, smiling naturally, lifted him up at once and motioned to embrace him when the Sky appeared to open up before all present. A voice, energetic yet gentle, strong as the wind and harmonious as the stream of a fountain, called out to Napoleon, who seemed exhilarated both by fright and joy:

«Brother and friend, listen to the Truth which in my spirit speaks to you! You stand before the apostle of the faith which, under Christ’s shield, will break open a new cycle of knowledge on the tormented Earth.»

«Caesar yesterday, and guiding leader today, surrender the cult of your adoration to the pontiff of the light! Reaffirm, before the Gospel, your commitment to aid it in its mission of renewal!»

«Congregated here are the leaders of all epochs. Patriots of Rome and Galia; generals and soldiers who accompanied you in the battles of Pharsalus, Thapsus and Munda; and remnants of the battles of Gergovia and Alesia surprise you here with sympathy and anticipation. In earlier times, seated on the throne of absolutism, you pretended to be a descendant of the gods in order to dominate the Earth and annihilate your enemies. Now, however, the Supreme Lord granted you as cradle an island lost in the sea so you would not lose sight of human smallness. He also determined that you return to the midst of the people you once scorned and humiliated in order to ensure their immense mission among Humanity in the new century that is about to begin.»

«Placed by Celestial Wisdom as the helmsman of order in the sea of blood of the Revolution, do not forget the mandate for which you were chosen.»
«Do not believe that the victories you were vested in by the Consulate should be attributed exclusively to your military and political genius. The Will of the Lord expresses itself in the circumstances of life. Invest yourself with courage to govern without ambition and to rule without hatred. Draw on prayer and humility to avoid falling down the cliffs of tyranny and violence!»

«Designated to consolidate the peace and security necessaries for the exit of the mission of the selfless apostle who will unveil the new era, you shall be visited by the dreadful temptations of power.»

«Do not be fascinated by vanity which will seek to set a crown on your head. Remember that the suffering of the French people, inflicted by the calamity of the civil war, is the price of the human liberty you shall defend up to your own sacrifice. Do not degrade yourself by enslaving weak and oppressed populations, nor taint your commitments with exclusiveness or revenge!»

«Remember that because of injunctions of the past you were reborn to guarantee the spiritual ministry of the disciple of Jesus who returns to the terrestrial plane. Make use of this opportunity to sanctify the sublime principles of goodness and forgiveness, of service and fraternity of the Lamb of God, Who hears us in his glorified throne of wisdom and love!»

«If you honor your promises, you will accomplish the mission with the recognition of posterity and you will climb to higher horizons of life, however, if your responsibilities are neglected, grim torments will heap onto your days which will become dismal lamentations in a vast desert.»

«In the new century, we will begin the preparation of the third millennium of Christianity on Earth.»

«New concepts of freedom will surface for humankind; Science will elevate itself to indefinable heights; cultured nations will forever abandon slavery and the traffic of free people; and religion will release the chains on the minds that up to now locked up the best aspirations of the soul in a hell without mercy!»

«We entrust, therefore, to your valorous spirit the political administration of the impending events. May the Lord bless you!»

Songs of hope and happiness announced in the heavens the arrival of the nineteenth century, and as the Spirit of Truth returned to the Heights followed by several resplendent cohorts, the unforgettable assembly began to dissolve.

The apostle who would later become Allan Kardec, holding Napoleon in his arms, drew him closer to his heart and stayed with him, caringly, until reconnecting him to his carnal body lying on his own bed on the earth.

On October 3, 1804, the messenger of renewal was reborn in a blessed home in Lyon, whereas the First-consul of the French Republic, as soon as he found himself free of the protecting and beneficial influence of Allan Kardec’s spirit and his cooperators who one by one resumed, confident and optimistic, their journey in a carnal body, adorned himself with the purple robe of power, and inebriated by it proclaimed himself Emperor on May 18, 1804, commanding Pius VII to come to Paris to crown him.

Thus, Napoleon, who converted celestial concessions into bloody adventures, ended up being hastily relocated by a determination from the High Above to the healing solitude of Santa Helena, where he awaited death. Meanw hile, Allan Kardec, concealing his own greatness, living as a simple man of the people in the humble role of a school master many times tormented and disappointed, accomplished entirely the divine mission he brought to Earth, initiating the Christian-Spiritist era which gradually will be considered in all quadrants of the Earth as the sublime revival of the Light for the entire world.

Brother X(*) Brother X - pseudonym adopted by Humberto de Campos (1886-1934), Brazilian journalist and writer, author of many Spiritist books.

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Inspirationally written by Yvonne Limoges and originally published in the July newsletter of
The Spiritist Society of Florida

             It has been our experience after over 22 years of having a Spiritist Center and spirit sessions (which is always open to the general public) that there are very interesting and specific reasons why people, will NOT actually attend. People have told us many of these reasons. Although we try to alleviate their concerns, we must accept the fact that not everyone is ready for the study of Spiritism. They do not attend even though they may be very curious about what happens there, they may want to contact a deceased loved one, some ask us questions later about what happens at the meeting, many receive our newsletters, and some are even mediums. Below are some of these reasons:  

- They believe the mediums will read their minds.      
- They believe scary things will happen.
- If they come, spirits will follow them home.
- They fear the unknown - period.
- Embarrassing information about them may be revealed by the spirits to everyone present.
- They are afraid about what a spirit may communicate to them and what they may say.
- They are afraid of what message a medium may receive for them.
- They are afraid of being reprimanded for things they may be doing which are not morally or ethically correct.
- Many are afraid of the Spiritist Concept of “personal responsibility” for all our actions, so they are afraid about their incorrect actions being brought to their attention regarding their own personal character, bad habits, etc.
- Many are afraid that what Spiritists are teaching may actually be true and then they may have to change their whole way of thinking regarding life and how they behave or suffer the consequences; to them ignorance is bliss.
- Many believe in the Spiritist Doctrine but their pride keeps them from attending because they know the more information they know the more responsible they are for their actions.
- Those who are mediums refuse to attend because they refuse to practice their faculty of mediumship for various reasons: out of plain fear; lack of self-confidence; they do not want the responsibility; just plain lack of effort on their part; afraid that using their mediumship will require them to become more moral and they do not want to try and change; and/or they may feel unworthy; they do not want to undergo the study and discipline it requires; and/or they may be afraid of suffering spiritual obsession (although this can happen without their attendance).     
In response to the reasons for NOT attending a Spiritist “Spirit Session” we provide the following:

             The Spiritist Session is a most sacred tool performed with the utmost seriousness, solemnity, and religious of intents. All our mediums have over 20 years study, education, training and experience to carry out their sacred duties with sincere pureness of heart and the utmost humility. They never stop studying. They have confidence and faith in their mediumship faculties, extreme faith in the protection provided by their spirit guides and the spirit guides of our Center, and above all else... faith in the OMNIPOTENT CREATOR... FOR WHICH NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT HIS WILL, for no one or nothing can disrupt a Spiritist Center when the intent of the mediums and participants is serious, sincere, and conducted in a disciplined and sacred manner and in the name of God.  

             God is All Powerful and All Good and All Justice and Compassion. His Superior Spirit Messengers love us and want us to understand Life’s apparent inequities; they want us to be able to communicate with our loved ones who have gone from this material world; they want us to be convinced about “life” after physical death; they want us to learn more about the Universal Moral and Spiritual Laws of the Universe. They do not want to scare us. They want us to learn! They want to console us! They want us to know why we suffer and how to avoid it in our futures!

             Mediums see, hear, and “pick up” from the spirit world only what is permitted by the superior spirits who are all love and very wise. There is strict control by the superior spirits during a Spiritist Spirit session. People need to realize that spirits are everywhere, not only at Spiritist Sessions. Our loved ones in the spirit world would love to be able to speak with their loved ones (though the mediums) still here in the material world. Good and wise spirit protectors only give advice (through the mediums) in a manner and in such a way that many times only that person can understand the particular message. Our experienced mediums are trained (that is why there is mediumship education classes) to be diplomatic regarding sensitive messages and will speak privately to a particular attendee, when necessary. Many spirit communications are given to attendees in a symbolic manner so only they will know the content and true meaning of the message received. At a proper Spiritist session, nothing is going to happen to scare anyone. Nothing is given from the spirit world to a person in question that they cannot handle. Proper Spiritist Centers (and similiar groups) are pursuing in a serious and sacred manner the Supreme Truths of the Purpose of Life and its Universal Laws. Their Mission is Divine and protected by superior spirits and by Permission from the Creator.  

             But, we must also say that not everyone is ready to investigate or study Spiritism, or the like; but their time will come in another life time. Spiritists should never force our beliefs on others. It can be frustrating at times but, we are all at different spiritual, moral, and intellectual levels.
            But for those mediums who refuse to use their faculty (and who know they have it), and who know that they could be providing service to others, and they have access to a place where they may use their faculty properly... they will regret their decision to waste its use, during this existence... May God Bless them! 

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