Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report
of the GEAE Group
GEAE 12th year - Number 50 - distributed: May 2004
"Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to
face in every Humankind epoch."
Allan Kardec
"It is
unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be
reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."
Mahatma Gandhi
In the last virtual meeting of the GEAE Editors, we came to the
conclusion that reproducing the Codification straight as it was
originally written wasn't the best approach. Instead of doing that, we
thought we could select at each issue a new theme from one
of the works and reproduce it here so that we could all ponder on its
teachings and you, dear readers, would have a chance to ask us
questions in the case you had any doubt.
Having, therefore, to decide which the following theme would be, an
idea came to us
- having possibly come from our guides: "God is Love". So, considering that
the theme chosen from the last issue was GOD, the theme that will
be reproduced in this issue is LOVE. Love as it is presented in Chapter
of The Gospel
According to the Spiritism:
Love your Neighbour as Yourself.
We have other good
news. In the following issue we're going to start a new section called "Spirit Science" where we'll
reproduce a series of articles on that theme from the website of The Spiritst
Society of Florida. We had plans of starting the new section in
this issue but as this issue was already quite large we decided that
the nexr one would be a better choice.
Have a wonderful study and be in peace,
The GEAE Editors
The Causes of Instinct: The Time to Know
Them Has It Come?
Available Observation Elements allow
us to take a Step forward along one of Kardec’s Reasoning Lines
Renato Costa –
From item 12 to
16, Chapter II of Genesis, Allan Kardec develops a reasoning line on
the causes of instinct, ending it in item 17 with the following words:
“All previously explained ways of understanding instinct are forcibly
hypothetical and none of them has a safe character of authenticity.
This question will
undoubtedly be clarified one day when the
observation elements that are lacking are gathered. Until then
all we
can do is submitting the several opinions to reason and logic and
waiting for light to happen. The solution closer to truth will surely
be the one that’s best compatible to God’s attributes, that is, supreme
goodness and supreme justice.”
The purpose of
this work is showing that the observation elements that were lacking to
clarify the question have already been gathered. We don’t feel at ease
to proceed with this argument, however, without first paying tribute to
Allan Kardec for his final observation, a product of his highly
inspired wisdom, that is, when he says that, no matter which hypothesis
proves to be True, it will always be “the one that’s best
compatible to
God’s attributes, that is, supreme goodness and supreme justice. “
We saw in my
article published last month that there is a tenuous border between
intelligence and instinct. I haven’t yet called our reader’s attention,
however, to a fact that was clear then, to say, that intelligent
actions are, under no matter what circumstances, always performed by an
individual and only learned and reproduced by the other members of the
same group after being proved successful. Therefore, before a learned
behavior can crystallize in a group and thenceforth in the group’s
species as a fixed action pattern – another name of instinct, as we
have learned – all members must already share that behavior.
Talking about
Intelligence in Item 12 Chapter III of Genesis, Kardec says that it’s
“unquestionably an attribute of the soul”. Now that we have learned
that individuals are the ones that perform intelligent actions, we need
to find a key to relate the ideas of soul and individuality so that the
comprehension on how that relation occurs allows us to integrate the
teachings of science and those of the Spiritist Codification into a
single understanding. In order to achieve this purpose we are once more
going to make use of the thesis proposed by André Luiz and
developed by
Jorge Andréa as to the development of individuality.
Shortly after
the first half of Chapter II of Jorge Andréa’s excellent work
Creative Drives of Evolution, the author defines the concept of
group-soul. I will try to explain the concept using quotations so that
we can see in which way it will help us in our understanding.

Feeding open mouths, instinct shared by all
members of a species -
“Simpler species
would have a more interconnected spiritual-energy-drive, allowing us to
refer to the group-soul-of-the-species – a dynamic vortex that happens
in the superior dimension, beyond time and space, exercising its
influence upon a whole set of beings. In other words, a single
vibrational field controlling the species to which it’s assigned”.
“As the species
loses its colonial connections, a typical trait of the simplest forms,
its members acquire relative individuality and the dynamic vortex that
directs their destiny succeeds in sculpting a true nucleus - a little I
(see note*) - out of the energy whole of the group-soul-of-the-species.
Therefore, the group-soul, that combined dynamic force that directs the
colonies of minerals, vegetables and primitive animals, would start to
show in its body little whirling centers of motion each representing
the beginning of individuality definition, as a result of evolution’s
maturation. Those however wouldn’t either dare or be able to survive
separated from the colony from which they were formed and from which
they feed.”
‘”At a certain
moment when the maturation of those group-soul ’s dynamic vortexes
reaches a higher degree of affirmation and experience, they tend to
break their dynamic links to the energy that has brought them forth
absorbing whatever they need form the “mother-energy”. When that
happens the group-soul is scattered in proper nucleuses, affirmation of
its little I’s – individualities – starting to have more liberty.”
“This liberating
phase of the spiritual energies must occur in those animal species
where new psychological aspects and the first emotions start to show
and where the sexual mechanism appears with different variations.
Following certain logic we may include in our assertion those animals
whose nervous system reveals the first cells of a future pineal gland
and which are called pineal eyes due to their primitive appearance. …
From those animals onwards the group-soul practically starts
disappearing as it gives place to the birth of individualities.”
We may stop
examining the proposed model for the purpose we have in view.
intelligence, as explained by Kardec, an exclusive attribute of the
soul and intelligent actions, as we can conclude from scientific
studies, something only performed by individuals, it stays clear that
something lies beyond the scrutiny of science, suggesting that there is
something happening in the spiritual dimensions.
Using Jorge
Andréa’s explanation, we can infer that the group-souls of the
primitive species work in the spiritual dimensions under the
supervision of the Spirits that direct their actions in order to
acquire the behavior characteristics most appropriate to the
development of each one, so that those characteristics may next be
added to the knowledge of each species as a whole. Such an
understanding would explain why certain instincts of primitive species,
like the choreography performed by bees when they want to communicate
the location of the flowers from which they suck the nectar, seem to be
directed by superior intelligence, although they remain unchanged
either from one member to the other or from one generation to the next.
As individual
vortexes are formed from the group-soul-of-the-species and
individualities become better and better defined, intelligence in the
members of the correspondent species becomes more and more evident to
scientific observation.
At the present
stage of spiritist and scientific understanding, therefore, I believe
that we can take a step forward along the reasoning line that Kardec
left inconclusive in Genesis with respect to the causes of instinct.
Using the model
proposed by Jorge Andréa we can view the most primitive beings
directed and helped in groups. The cruder the capacities of those
beings and the simpler their needs then the more general that direction
and help will be. As the spiritual principle evolves with the
corresponding definition of the vortexes that will cause the birth of
individualities, the more specific must the direction become and the
help given to each being. Therefore, the importance of general
influence must correspondently decrease. In the same manner, evolution
will take place more and more in the material and less and less in the
spiritual dimensions.
We know that
nationalities, which are no more than communities of Spirits sharing
the same cultural background, have each a corresponding spiritual
protector. So, we know, for instance, that Ismael, Bezerra de Menezes,
Emmanuel and Joanna de Ângelis, just to name a few, are Spirits
charge of the Brazilian people. We know of the responsibility of our
beloved master and model Jesus with respect to the human race and to
the other species of the planet as well as of the responsibility of
other high order Spirits, like Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Mohamed and
Moses, among others, for the communities of other religious traditions,
to whom they stand as masters, prophets or models. However, although
it’s true that we don’t lack the general orientation we need as
creatures, species, religious community and national people, each of us
also has a specific spiritual guide, who follows us along many lives,
always patient and wise.
the noblest organizations of the material dimensions are but imperfect
copies of those that exist in the spiritual dimensions, we think that
an analogy to our educational institutions looks appropriate. In
kindergarten an educator and a few trained attendants can deal with all
the children. In elementary school a main educator and a few support
educators for parallel activities do the job. In intermediate school
there is an educator for each subject and the classes are organized
according to some criteria with more specialization in high school. At
the university specialization increases, contemplating academic areas
of interest whereas the number of educators continuously increases,
including, not only teachers, but lecturers, laboratory advisers and
others. At graduation, on top of all academic professionals available
for undergraduate students, a personal counselor is assigned to help
the student. As support gets more and more focused, however, the
network of support for all the communality remains always present so
that, no matter if the student is in elementary school or graduation,
there are always directors, vice-directors and other professionals in
charge of each specific aspect of academic life.

Teachers and Pupils, here as well as in the
spiritual plane. - Elementary
school class at Escola Espírita Joanna de Ângelis:
Further back in
this simple work I said that I believed that we could take a step
forward along the reasoning line that Kardec left inconclusive in
Genesis with respect to the causes of instinct. I hope that we have
been successful in attaining that purpose.
* Note: The
author gives the name “little I’s” to the first occurrences of
individuality in a species as opposed to the previous evolution stage
when we would refer to the members of that same species only in the
plural form since they would all behave extremely alike.
dos Santos, Jorge. Impulsos
Criativos da Evolução (Evolution’s Creatve Drives).
Rio de Janeiro: Societo Lorenz, 1995.
Costa, Renato. The Tenuous Border. Revista
Internacional do Espiritismo, Year LXXVIII, N 07. Matão: August
Kardec, Allan. A Gênese (Gênesis)..
Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1995.
Francisco Cândido, and Vieira, Waldo. Evolução em Dois Mundos
(Evolution in two Worlds). Dictated by Spirit André
Luiz. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1993.
The Gospel According to Spiritism
The greatest commandment. Do unto others as we would have them do unto
us. The parable of the creditors and the debtors. - Give unto Caesar
that which belongs to Caesar. - INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE SPIRITS: The law
of love. - Selfishness. - Faith and charity. - Charity towards
criminals. - Should we risk our life for a criminal?
1. "But
when the Pharisees had heard that He had put the Sadducees to silence,
they were gathered together. Then one of them, which was a lawyer,
asked Him a question, tempting Him, and saying, Master, which is the
greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love
thy God with all thy heart; and with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind. This is the first and great commandment And the second is like
unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself On these two
commandments hang all the Law the prophets" (Matthew, 22: 34-40).
all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so
to them: for this is the Law and the prophets" (Matthew, 7: 12).
"And as ye would that men should do to
you, do ye also to them likewise" (Luke, 6: 31).
3. "Therefore
is the Kingdom of Heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take
account of his servants. And when he had begun to reckon, one was
brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. But foreasmuch
as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife,
and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. The servant
therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience
with me, and I will pay thee all. Then the lord of that servant was
moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt; But
the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, which
owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by
the throat; saying, Pay me that thou owest And his fellow servant fell
down at his feet; and besought him saying, Have patience with me and I
will pay thee all. And he would not: but went and cast him into prison,
till he should pay the debt So when his fellow servants saw what was
done, they were very sorry, and came and told their lord all that was
done. Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O
thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt; because thou
desserts me: shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow
servant; even as I had pity on thee? And his lord was wroth and
delivered him to the tormenters, till he should pay all that was due
unto him. So likewise shall my Heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye
from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses"
(Matthew, 18: 23-35).
4. "To love your neighbour as yourself: to do
unto others as you would have them do unto you," expresses the most complete
form of charity because it summarizes all of man's obligations towards his fellow
men. We can find no guide to take as an example that is more guaranteed
in this respect
than that we should do to others what we would have them do to us. What
right have we to demand that they
behave in any better manner, that they be more benevolent or more
devoted to us than we are to them?
The practice of these maxims leads to the destruction of selfishness.
When they
have been adopted as a rule of conduct and as the base of all
institutions, then Man will understand true
fraternity, and so make it possible for peace and justice to reign on
this planet.
will be no more hate nor dissensions, but only union, concordance and
mutual benevolence.
5. "Then went the Pharisees, and
took counsel how they might entangle Him in His talk. And
they sent out unto Him their disciples with the Herodians,
saying, Master, we know that thou art true and teachest the way of God
in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the
person of men. Tell us therefore, what thinkest thou? Is it lawful to
give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness,
and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money.
And they brought unto Him a penny And He saith unto them, Whose is this
image and superscription? And they say unto Him, Caesar's. Then saith
He unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are
Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. When they heard these
words, they marvelled, and left Him, and went their way" (Matthew,
22:15-22; Mark, 12:13-17).
6. The
question that was asked of Jesus was motivated by the fact that the
Jews, who abominated
the tribute imposed on them by the Romans, had made the payment of this
tribute a religious
question. Numerous parties had been set up against this tax. So this
payment constituted a point of irritation
amongst them at that time. If this had not been the case there would
have been no point in the question
which was asked of Jesus: "Is it licit for us to pay or not to pay this
tribute to Caesar?" There had
been a trap set by this question because those who had put it expected
the reply to
go against either the Roman authority or the dissident Jews. But Jesus,
'who understood their malice,' got round
this difficulty and gave them a lesson in justice by saying that to
each one should be given what was due
to them. (see INTRODUCTION, under the sub-title: THE PUBLICANS.)
However, we should not understand the words: "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar," in a restrictive or
absolute manner. As in everything that Jesus taught, this is a general
principle which
has been summarized into a practical and more customary form, taken
from a certain circumstance. This
principle is the consequence of the other one in which we should do to
others as we
would have them do to us. It condemns every kind of moral or material
damage which might be caused to another, as
well as all disregard of their interests. It prescribes respect for the
rights of each
person, as each one desires that they be respected. It extends as well
to the fulfilment of our obligations towards
our family, society and authority, just as much as for individuals in
8. Through spiritual progress instincts
become sentiments which are more or less elevated. Love,
being the finest sentiment that exists, summarizes the complete
doctrine of Jesus. At the starting point Man only had instincts; after
some advancement and the onset of corruption, he has sensations; but
when he becomes instructed and more purified he has sentiments. The
most delicate apex of sentiment is love, not the vulgar sense of the
word, but that inner sun which condenses and reconciles all aspirations
and superhuman revelations at its ardent focal point. The law of love
substitutes the selfishness of man with the harmonizing of all beings
in brotherly love, thereby extinguishing social miseries. Blessed is
the one who, having surpassed the state of being human, loves with an
ample love all suffering fellow beings. Blessed are those who love
because they know not the miseries of either body or soul. Their step
is light and they live as if transported outside of themselves. When
Jesus pronounced that divine word: 'love', it made the people tremble
and the martyrs, inebriated with hope, descended
into the amphitheatres.
its turn, Spiritism has come to pronounce the second word in the divine
alphabet. Pay attention, because this word 'reincarnation', lifts up
the tombstones from the empty graves, and triumphant over death,
reveals to astonished people its intellectual patrimony. But it is not
to this that Man is conducted, but rather to the conquest of his own
being, already elevated and transfigured. Blood has redeemed the Spirit
and today the Spirit has to liberate the Man from matter.
I have already said that in mankind's beginning he had nothing but
instincts. Therefore those in whom instincts predominate are still
nearer the starting point than their goal. In order to advance towards
this goal, each one must conquer their instincts to the benefit of
their sentiments; that is to say, these can be perfected by suffocating
all material tendencies. Instincts are the germination and the embryos
of sentiments; they bring progress with them, just as the acorn
contains within itself the oak tree; the less advanced creatures are
those who, after emerging little by little from their chrysalises,
continue to maintain themselves slaves to their instincts. The Spirit
needs to be cultivated as you would a pasture. All the riches of the
future depend on the present labour employed, which will earn much more
than earthly goods, for it will offer glorious elevation. So, having
understood the law of love which joins all creatures, you will seek to
find within it the most sweet delights of the soul which are
the preludes to celestial happiness. - LAZARUS (Paris, 1862).
9. Love is of a divine essence, and everyone,
from the most humble to the most elevated, has
a spark of this sacred fire in the bottom of their hearts. It is a many
times proven fact that both men and women, however vile, base or
criminal, are known to devote ardent affection to living creatures or
objects. This sentiment is resistant to all attempts to diminish it and
has frequently even been known to reach sublime proportions. I have
purposely said that affection is given to living creatures and some
objects, because amongst you are individuals whose hearts are
overflowing with love, but who nevertheless expend a wealth of this
sentiment upon animals, plants and even material things. These are a
kind of misanthropist who, while complaining to themselves about
humanity in general and resisting the natural inclinations of their
souls, which is to seek sympathy and affection around themselves, they
reduce the law of love to the condition of instinct. But no matter what
is done, they will not succeed in suffocating the living seed which God
deposits within every heart at the moment of creation. This seed will
develop and grow, together with morality and intelligence, and although
frequently repressed by selfishness, it will become the origin of
saintly virtues which produce sincere and lasting affections, which in
turn will help in crossing the rugged and arid pathways of human
There are those who repudiate reincarnation, believing that others will
participate in the affections and sympathies of which they are jealous.
My poor brothers and sisters! Your affections have made you selfish;
your love has become restricted to the intimate circle of your friends
and relatives, so that you are indifferent to all others. Well then, so
that you may practise the law of love as God intended, it is necessary
that you learn step-by-step to love all your fellow beings without
distinction. The task will be long and difficult, but it will be
fulfilled because God so desires. The law of love is the first and most
important precept of the new doctrine, because one day it will destroy
all selfishness under whatever form it may present itself, given that
apart from personal selfishness there is also that of the family,
the clan and nationality.
said: "Love thy neighbour as thy self." Well, what is the limit with
regard to your neighbour? Is it the family, the sect, or the nation?
No, it is nothing less than the whole of humanity. In the superior
spheres and planets, reciprocated love harmonizes and directs the
advanced Spirits which inhabit them. Your planet, which is shortly
destined to make appreciable progress, will see its inhabitants
practising this sublime law, which is a reflection of Divinity, in
virtue of the social transformation through which it will soon pass.
Moral betterment of the human race and happiness during terrestrial
life are the results which the law of love will bring. The most
rebellious and corrupt will reform themselves when they see the
resulting benefits stemming from the practise of the precept: "Do not
unto others that which you would not wish done unto you. On the
contrary, do unto others all the good that it is within your power to
Do not believe then in the sterility and hardening of the human heart,
for even against its own will, it must give way to true love which is
like a magnet that is impossible to resist. Contact with true love
revives and fertilizes the seeds latent in every heart The Earth, being
a globe of probation and exile, will then be purified by this sacred
fire. Then you will see practised upon its surface the acts of charity,
humility, patience, devotion, abnegation, resignation and sacrifice,
all of these being the offspring of true love. So do not tire of
listening to the words of John the Evangelist. As perhaps you know,
when sickness and old age forced him to stop teaching, he limited
himself to simply repeating these gentle words: "My children, you must
love one another."
Beloved brethren, make good use of these lessons because although it is
difficult to put them into practise, the soul will reap great benefit
from them. Believe me when I tell you to love one another and make the
sublime effort that I ask of you, then you will soon see the Earth transformed into a Paradise, where the
souls of the just may come for repose. - FÉNELON (Bordeaux, 1861).
10. Esteemed fellow students, the Spirits who
are here present say to you through my intermediary:
"Love with all your hearts so that in turn you too may be loved." This
thought is so completely just that we find within it verything
which can console and alleviate the trials of each day, or better
still, by putting this wisdom into practise you will so elevate
yourselves above all that is material, that you will become
spiritualised even before you leave this earthly body. As the study of
spiritual matters has developed your understanding of the future, of
one thing you can be sure, you are progressing in the direction of God
and will see fulfilled all the promises which correspond to the
aspirations of your soul. This is why it is necessary to elevate
oneself, so we may be able to judge ourselves without the constraint of
matter, and why we must never condemn our neighbour without first
directing our thoughts to God.
To love, in the true sense of the word, is to be loyal, honest and
conscientious; to do to others what we would have them do to us. It is
to look around oneself and seach for the inner meaning behind all the
pain afflicting your fellow creatures, so as to be better able to offer
some relief. It is to consider the great human family as your own,
because this family will, at some future date, re-encounter itself in
the other more advanced worlds together with other Spirits who, like
you, are also God's children destined to infinite elevation. Thus you
cannot deny to your fellow men and women what God has liberally granted
to you, seeing that, on your side, you should be happy that they give
you what you need. Therefore always have a word of comfort and hope for
all who suffer so that you may be wholly just and loving.
Believe that the wise saying: "Love greatly so as to be greatly loved,"
will open up the way. These words are revolutionary and follow a
pathway that is sure and invariable. But those of you who listen to
them have already made some progress; you are much better than you were
a hundred years ago. You have changed so much for your own good that
you can willingly accept a host of new ideas on liberty and fraternity
which before you would have rejected. Moreover, without doubt in
another hundred years or so, you will accept just as easily those ideas
which now you are unable to get into your heads.
Today, when the Spiritist movement has taken such a big step forward,
it is seen how quickly the ideas of justice and renovation, which are a
constant in Spiritist teachings, are largely accepted by the
intelligent world due to the fact that these ideas correspond to all
that is divine within each one. This has come about because you were
prepared by a rich and fertile sowing during the last century, when the
seeds of great ideas regarding progress were implanted in the bosom of
earthly society. As everything is linked together under the direction
of God all lessons, when received and accepted, will be the means of
bringing about the universal interchange of love for one's fellow
beings. In this way all incarnate Spirits, being better able to
appreciate and judge things, will join hands with those from every
corner of this planet. One and all will come together to understand and
love each other, to destroy all injustices and all causes of
misunderstandings amongst peoples.
The great concept of renewal through Spiritism, so well presented in
The Spirits’ Book, will produce the prodigious miracles of the
forthcoming century, and lead to the harmonising of all the material
and spiritual interests of mankind. This will be brought about through
fuller understanding of the maxim: "Love greatly so as to be
greatly loved." - SAMSON, an ex-member of the Spiritist Society of Paris
11. Selfishness, the plague of all
humanity, is hindering moral progress and must disappear from
the Earth. It has been reserved for Spiritism to make this planet
ascend in the hierarchy of the worlds. So selfishness is the target at which
all believers should point their arms, towards which all strength and
courage should be directed. I say 'courage' because this will be
greatly needed by each individual if they are to triumph over
themselves, rather than triumph over others. Therefore let each one use
all their strength to combat their own selfishness, certain that this
monstrous devourer of all intellects, this off-spring of pride, is the
cause of all the miseries found in this world. It is a denial of
charity and consequently the greatest obstacle to human happiness.
Jesus gave us an example of charity and Pontius Pilate an example of
selfishness. While the first, the Just One, was about to traverse the
holy stations of His martyrdom the second was washing his hands and
saying: "What does it matter to me!" He even asked the Jews: "This is a
just man, so why do you want to crucify Him?" Nevertheless, he allowed
them to continue to conduct Jesus to His execution.
Due to the antagonism between charity and selfishness, that leprous
invasion of the human heart, Christianity has still not completely
discharged all of its mission. It is to you, who are the new apostles
of the faith, that the superior Spirits are giving orientation; on whom
rests the responsibility and the duty of eradicating this evil, so as
to give Christianity its full force which will allow it to clear the
way of all obstacles that impede its progress. Expel selfishness from
the Earth so it may ascend the scale of the worlds, seeing that the
time has arrived for humanity to vest its virile raiments; but for this
to be able to happen, it is first necessary that selfishness be
expelled from all hearts. - EMMANUEL (Paris,
12. If mankind loved one another mutually then
charity would be better practised. However, for
this to happen it is necessary to shed the armoured plate that covers
your hearts, in order that they may become sensitive to the sufferings
of others. Severity and rigidity kill all good sentiments. Christ never
avoided anyone, nor did He repel those who came in search of Him,
whoever they might be. He helped the adulterous woman and the criminal,
never fearing that His reputation might suffer as a consequence. When
will you take Him as your model for all your actions? If charity
reigned on Earth then evil could not prevail; it would fade away in
shame; it would hide itself seeing that wherever it went it would
feel out of place. Then evil would simply disappear; be quite sure of
Begin by giving examples yourselves: be charitable to all, without
distinction, and make an effort not to heed those who look on you with
disdain. Leave the task of doing justice to God, to the One who every
day in His kingdom separates the wheat from the chaff. Selfishness is a
total denial of charity. Moreover, without charity there would be no
rest for human society. I go even further and say there would be no
safety. With selfishness and pride, both of which go hand in hand, life
would always be a race in which the most cunning would be the winners.
It would be a fight of interests in which the most saintly affections
would be trodden underfoot, and where not even sacred family ties would be deserving
of respect. PASCAL (Sens, 1862).
13. My beloved children, but a short while ago
I said to you that charity without faith is not enough
to maintain social order amongst men and women and be capable of making
them happy. I could have said that charity without faith is not
possible. In fact, generous impulses can present themselves even
amongst those of no religion at all. Nevertheless unadorned charity,
which can only be practised with abnegation and the constant sacrifice
of all selfish interests, can only be inspired by faith because nothing
but faith can give humanity the courage and perseverance needed to
carry the cross of terrestrial life.
Yes, my children it is useless for a person who is always eager for
pleasure to try to delude themselves as to their destiny on this
planet, by pretending that they are justified in occupying themselves
exclusively with their own pleasure. Beyond doubt, God created us to be
happy in eternity; meanwhile earthly life must serve solely for moral
improvement, which is more readily obtained with the help of physical
organs and the material world. Without taking into account the ordinary
vicissitudes of life, the diversities of tastes, the inclinations and
the necessities, exercising yourselves in the acts of charity is also a
means of improvement. In effect, only by dint of mutual concessions and
sacrifices can harmony be preserved between so many different elements.
Nevertheless, you would be right to affirm that humanity was intended
to be happy in this world, as long as this was sought not in material
pleasures, but in goodness. The history of Christianity tells of
martyrs going happily to their execution. Today in your society there
is no longer a need for Christians to face the holocaust of martyrdom
nor the sacrifice of lives, but only and exclusively the sacrifice of
selfishness, pride and vanity. You will triumph only if you are inspired by charity and sustained by faith.
- A Protecting Spirit (Cracow, 1861).
14. True charity constitutes one of the
sublime teachings which God has given the world. Complete
fraternity should exist amongst all true followers of His doctrine.
Those who are unfortunate and wretched, by this we mean criminals,
should be loved as God's creatures which they are. Pardon and mercy
will be given to them, just as much as to you, if they repent of all
offences committed against His law. Consider yourselves to be more
reprehensible, more guilty, than those to whom you deny pardon and
commiseration because, as often as not, they do not know God as you do
and consequently less will be asked of them than is asked of you.
Do not judge! Oh! Never make a complete judgement, my friends. In as
much as the verdict you pronounce will be applied even more severely to
yourself, so you will need indulgence for those sins you so unceasingly
incur. Are you ignorant of the fact that there are many actions
considered as crimes in the eyes of God, who symbolizes pureness, that
the world does not deem as even small offences.
True charity does not consist of only giving alms, nor even in the
consoling words you may add to your donation. No, this is not the only
thing God demands of you. Sublime charity, as taught by Jesus, also
consists in the constant use of benevolence in all things pertaining to
your neighbour. This sublime virtue can also be used in your
relationships with those to whom the giving of alms would have no
utility, but to whom a few words of consolation, encouragement and love
would raise them up to the Lord.
The time approaches, we repeat, when a great fraternity will reign on
this planet; one in which all mankind will obey the laws of Christ.
These laws will offer both restraints and hopes and will conduct all
souls to the happy realms. Love one another then as sons and daughters
of the same Father; never establish differences between those who are
unhappy, nor despise any living creature, seeing that God desires
everyone to be equal. God permits great criminals to be found amongst
you so that they may serve as a lesson. In the near future, when
mankind finds itself submitted to the true laws of God, there will no
longer be any need for these lessons, because all impure and rebellious
Spirits will have been relegated to the inferior worlds in accordance
with their inclinations.
It is your duty to help those of whom I have spoken with your prayers;
that is true charity. It is not your place to say to a criminal: "You
are despicable and should be purged from the face of the Earth. The
death penalty is much too good for the likes of you." No! This is not
the way to talk! Take note of that model on whom we should base
ourselves - Jesus. What would He have said if He found one of those
unfortunates at His side? He would have wept over them and considered
them to be sick and therefore deserving of pity and would then have
extended a helping hand. In actual fact, you cannot as yet do the same
thing, but at least you can pray for them and help their Spirits during
the time they still have to pass on Earth. Perhaps they will be touched
by repentance if you pray with all your faith. They are our neighbours
just as much as the best of mankind. Their souls, having strayed and
become rebellious, were created as was your own, to be perfected. Help
them then, to get out of the quagmire and pray
for them. - ELIZABETH OF FRANCE (Havre, 1862).
15. A
man's life is in danger; in order to save him another person must put
their life at risk. However, it is
known that the person in danger is a malefactor and that, if they
escape, they may commit other crimes.
Despite these facts should the second person risk their own life in
order to save
that of the criminal?
is a very grave question and can naturally present itself to a
Spiritist. I will reply in accordance
with my moral progress, since what we are dealing with is to know if we
should expose our own life, even if it be for a criminal. Devotion is
blind; just asenemy soldiers are rescued we should also rescue enemies
of society, or in short, malefactors. Do you suppose that in such a
case, it is only death hurrying to snatch away this unhappy person?
Perhaps it is all their past life. Indeed, imagine that in those rapid
instants, in which the last breath of life is being swept away, the
lost person returns to their past or rather it looms before them.
Perchance death comes too soon; the thought of reincarnation may seem
terrible to them. So rush forward! Those of you who have been
enlightened by the knowledge of Spiritism should be the first to offer
aid, to snatch this person from their condemnation and who knows
but that they, who would have died with blasphemy on their lips,
may throw themselves into your arms. In any case, do not stop to ask if
they would or not, just save them, since by this act you are obeying
the voice in your heart which tells you: " You can
save them, so save them then!" - LAMENNAIS (Paris, 1862).
O' Brien, through Francisco Cândido Xavier
(message received on
July 15, 1965 in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA,
reproduced from the
Chapter 40 of the book Entre Irmãos de Outras Terras / Among
Brothers of Other Lands. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1994)
you ought to look ahead and not back where new discoveries show
affirms the machine power. Men now have inventions in order to follow
scientific revolution, but in all the world, around us, there is a
spiritual darkness. Everywhere we can observe frustration, doubt,
and fear of the future.
look like new-rich and new-poor in spiritual truth. Science is lighting
up the
outside of life while crises of anxiety are hurting inside. The world
to us
seems an immense search under assault of dangerous enemies of the soul.
can be
done about this? Do we sit down and applaud it? When I deny help to my
I deny it to myself.
enter more into this problem, because we are immersed in it.
there we must go out of our way top aid the discouraged and helpless
in the Spirit World, we realize this. What about you?
and I
can be firm in truth, but no one of us is guiltless. We fail more
than we think. In other words, we easily fail into weakness,
intolerance, cruelty or impatience. Whenever it happens the obsessing
bring to you their influence. Insanity can appear. Then you must pray
in order
to find a practical way of freeing yourself. Above all, be cooperative.
for the Good. You can help others, because you are never alone.
Whenever you need
help, God is at hand. The inferior spirit must become a true man before
he can
be an angel. All these so called devils, are human beings. Let us bless
them, give them more love.
Responsibilities in Doing
communication received by Yvonne Limoges
We are all in
differentrelationships throughout our material
life (as children, siblings, family relatives, parents, spouses,
co-workers, citizens, and even as Spiritists, and mediums) and in these
relationships, we know in our conduct, we should practice love and
charity to
all. As Spiritists, we know we are supposed to do no wrong, and all the good we are
capable of
doing. We understand that to do all the good we
can do, provides for a higher spiritual maturity. If one professes to
be a
Spiritist, one must accept this; it is to fully realize that we are
to think first of others
before ourselves, that one must do good just for goodness sake and not
out of
self-interest; we are to be
self-sacrificing; and, we are to accept
reserve, resentment, or complaint, the fulfillment of the many duties
responsibilities we have to those in our care and who are
around us.
In order to do
this, and practice this love and charity towards others, it takes a
change in
how we perceive our own wishes and desires. We must stop thinking that
are the only ones who need to be
constantly satisfied or fulfilled or
happy. Spiritists know that there is no such thing as true happiness
upon the
earth. Humans are imperfect beings who
will have suffering in their lives, in one
form or another, due to their very own numerous imperfections.
we can
strive for a certain inner spiritual peace. This can be accomplished
strong faith in God regarding His Laws, which allow us to know with
surety that
nothing happens to us that we do not deserve, AND, if our conduct be
and true, we can feel the wonderful inner satisfaction, when we are
accomplishing in our
lives, what we are supposed to be doing!
feels good
inside helping and providing service to others!
can fill an emotional void (in
our search of happiness) by knowing we are
advancing in our current life by the accomplishment of our duties.
If we receive tokens of gratitude for the good we do others, this can
great as well. But, we should also feel this even when we do not
acknowledgement for our good deeds to others. God knows what we have
done, and
that is the most important thing! Besides, although you may not
remember it
now, you may owe much to those who have been placed in your care in
this life!
You will be atoning for past life wrongdoings.
As Spiritists,
we know that we have
had a myriad of lifetimes and, have been and done many things. This
should allow us to not feel cheated about the life we may wish we could
The reason our life’s circumstances are
the way they are is because of our own
actions in past lives. If we want to
improve our future lives, we must act appropriately and fulfill our
duties and
obligations now in this life. As Spiritists, we know this, so we
come to accept it. So, if we become depressed about our troubles, we
must try
and snap ourselves out of it. We must pray to our spirit guides and God
spiritual strength to support whatever we are
going through, because
that is what they are there for. We
should not wallow in our miseries as this only makes
our situation worse.
Each time we come into the material life, we have
agreed to take on certain obligations and duties. We need to evaluate
where we
have been placed in the current reality of our lives, to see where our
puts us, in order to help those around us and who are
in our care. To reject
our obligations is to deny what we ourselves have promised to do and to
God and His Just Laws, which are for our
own betterment. If we do not fulfill our duties we will be
very disappointed when we return to the spirit world, for we will have
to go
back into the material world and start
all over again, like repeating the same grade again
in school.
what does all
this mean, specifically? It means we must without resentment or
bitterness, and
in as lovingly a way as possible (for we must be at peace within
regarding our obligations)… we must do charity and all the good we can
do by:
taking responsibility for the raising, nurturing, and care of our
children; be
loving, respectful, and supportive of our spouses; go to the assistance
relatives if they need us; love, honor and respect our parents, and
assist them
as they get older; be caring and good co-workers and good citizens to
fellowman, and help all those around us who may need us, as we are
able. As Spiritists, we
should try and teach others, who may be receptive, in understanding the
principles of Spiritism. If we are also
mediums, we should be fulfilling our duties in regards to the
proper use of this faculty; for mediumship is given to humans by God
first for
their own moral betterment and, secondly,
for the spiritual and moral education of
of you have
now in your hands, by your conduct in this life, the future
circumstances you
will be born into, in your next life and/or lives. Spiritists cannot
ignorance of the facts.
your life be
one of advancement! You each can succeed, for you have the knowledge
and the
Trust Always
Meimei through Francisco
Cândido Xavier
Never lose your
faith among the shadows in the world.
Even if your
feet are bleeding, go forward and raise your eyes ever high towards the
Celestial Light Above.
Have faith and
yourself to the good and wait with patience.
Everything upon
the Earth is transitory and renews itself, but what comes from Heaven
has permanence.
Among the most
unhappy of all people, the most unfortunate ones with the saddest of
misfortunes, are those who have lost faith in themselves and in God.
elevate your hearts with expectations and proceed.
Persevere and
serve, learn and improve yourself
Beyond the
shadows of the night, always shines the dawn of a new morning...
Today, you may
be suffering the storms which agonize your heart and torment your
noblest of sentiments bringing you much affliction and sorrow, and even
possibly physical death....but have faith in
tomorrow which may bring fresh Hope.
Andre Luiz, through Francisco C. Xavier
from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese
edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita
Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)
My mother was
not the only one pre
paring to return
to the physical sphere. Laura also found herself confronted with this
commitment. I learned that many workers in the colony, especially those
in the Ministries of Assistance and Regeneration, were planning a
farewell party, which was to be held on the evening when the Accounting
Department presented her with her complete service card.
It is impossible
to express in ordinary words the spiritual significance of that little
party. The family's charming residence wall music and light. Even the
flowers seemed more beautiful. Many families had come to salute their
friend who was about to depart. Most of the visitors left shortly after
presenting their farewell wishes. Laura's more intimate friends,
however, remained until late that night. Thus I had the opportunity to
hear many wise and curious observations.
Laura seemed
circumspect and grave. I saw that she was making a great effort to join
in the general optimism. In the crowded living room she talked with the
Accounting Department representative:
"I don't believe
I'll be staying form more than two days. I have finished my
conditioning at the Preparation Service and at the Ministry of
With a wistful
look, she resumed:
"As you see, I
am ready."
The official, in
a fraternal tone, spoke encouragingly: wonderful to return to the
physical world in your circunstances. In a community of over a million
people, you have thousands and thousands of hours of useful service in
your favor. Besides, the children you are leaving here will continue to
be your greatest incentive."
"All that is
indeed most comforting." She answered, unable to hide her deep concern.
"Yet we mustn't forget that a reincarnation is always an
of the utmost importance. I know that my husband has preceded me and my
beloved children will be my constant friends, yet..."
"Come now, don't
get caught up in conjecture!" Minister Genesius interrupted, "We must
put up our trust in Divine Protection and in ourselves. Providence
resources are unlimited. We must break the dark glasses through which
we see the physical plane as a bitter exile. Don't think of
possibilities of weakness; visualize only the probability of success.
Besides, it's only fair for you to count on us, your friends, a little.
As far as 'vibratory distance' is concerned, we won't be far away.
Think of the joy of helping old friends and of the sublime glory of
being useful."
Laura smiled,
and apparently more cheerful, remarked:
"I have enlisted
the spiritual assistance of all my companions, so that I may remain
mindful of the lessons I have learned here. I realized that the Earth
is full of divine beauty. It's enough to remember that our Sun here is
the same one which shines on incarnate people. But, my dear Minister, I
fear the temporary oblivion that involves us like a dark matter.
Although they no longer hurt, the scars remain – the slightest scratch
would be enough to make them bleed again."
The Minister
nodded understandingly and resumed:
"I am not
ignoring what the shadows of the lower sphere represent, but we must
gather our courage and go on resolutely. We'll help you to work hard
for the good of others rather than for self satisfaction. Remember that
the greatest obstacle, now and always, is being caught up in the
insidious temptations of selfishness."
"Here, " Laura
continued wisely, "we can count on the spiritual vibration of most of
the colony's inhabitants, who live according to the teaching of the
Redeeming Gospel. Even though our weakness may creep up to the surface,
we find our defense in the very atmosphere that surround us. On Earth,
however, our good resolutions are like a flickering flame in a immense
see of aggressive forces. "
"Don't say
that." Answered the generous Minister. "You mustn't attach so much
importance to the influence of the lower zones – it would be the same
as arming the enemy against ourselves. The field of ideas is also a
battlefield. Any really constructive light we may kindle on Earth will
shine forever, for the hurricane of human passions can never blow out a
single one of God's lights."
Our hostess
seemed deeply impressed by the Minister's words. She radically changed
her mental attitude and spoke cheerfully:
"I am sure that
your visit was providential. I need your exhortation to help me
up all my energies. You are right, our mental zone is a constant
battlefield. We must chase evil and darkness out of ourselves,
dislodging them and not letting them assume the importance they always
claim. Yes, I see it clearly now."
With a pleased
smile, Genesius added:
"Remember that,
within our own individual world, each idea works as if it were a
separate entity. When we nourish the elements of good, we work for our
own happiness, because they will develop into our defense. On the other
hand, when we cultivate any element of evil, we work to construct a
secure base for our enemies."
As the Minister
stopped speaking, the Accounting Department official remarked:
"We must
remember that Laura is returning to the Earth endowed with
extraordinary spiritual credit. This very morning the Governor's
secretary sent a note to the Ministry of Assistance recommending that
the reincarnation experts should take the utmost care in dealing with
the genetic background selected to shape our sister's new body."
"Oh yes," she
said, "I asked for it so that I might not be too much affected by the
laws of heredity. I have been rather concerned about the blood."
"And notice, "
continued the official, "that your merit here is great indeed. The
Governor himself saw to the measures to be taken in your case."
"So don't worry,
my dear friend, "Genesius exclaimed with a smile. "You'll be
by numerous friends and companions, all working for your welfare."
"Thank God."
Laura exclaimed, comforted, "Your words have done me so much good. Now
I know I needed to hear you."
Lysias and his
sisters, now including the kind and generous Thereza, showed their
sincere joy at their mother's change in attitude.
"My mother needs
to forget her preoccupations." Remarked the devoted medical attendant.
"After all, we aren't going to stay here doing nothing."
"You are right.
" She agreed. "I'll cherish hope, and will trust in the Lord and in all
of you."
For the rest of
the evening, the conversation generated confidence and optimism, and
the return to Earth was discussed as a blessed opportunity to redeem
old debts and learn new lessons. As I took my leave late in the
evening, Laura said:
"I hope to see
you again tomorrow evening, André. We are holding a little
gathering. The Ministry of Communication has promised us a visit from
my husband. Although he is already bound by physical ties, he'll be
brought here with the aid of some good friends. Furthermore, I'll be
saying goodbye to you all. Please be sure to come."
I thanked her
with emotion, and tried hard to keep back the premature tears at the
departure of my kind friend.
A Spiritist
would not be surprised at what I saw in Lysias' home, but to me it was
a new and interesting experience. Over thirty people were gathered in
he spacious living room. The arrangement of furniture was simple.
Comfortable arm chair were placed in rows of twelve in front of a
platform, where Minister Clarence, who presided over the ceremony, and
Laura and her children all sat. About twelve feet away stood a large
crystal globe approximately six feet tall. Its lower part was wrapped
in wires connecting it to a small apparatus, identical to our
Many questions
whirled through my mind as I looked around that big room. The visitors
had already taken their seats, but I could still hear friendly
conversation going on in the different groups. I was sitting besides
Nicholas, an old worker at Assistance, so I thought I might ask him for
some information. He willingly complied:
"We are now
ready, just waiting for the order from Communication. Our brother
Richard is still in his physical childhood, so it won't be difficult
for him to leave his material form for a short time."
"Will he come
here?" I inquired.
"Why not?" He
answered. "Not all incarnate men are chained to the Earth. Like homing
pigeons which often spend their time flying back and forth between
places, there are some incarnate spirits who actually live between two
worlds." "That, " he added, pointing to the equipment, "is the cabinet
which will show him to us."
"But, why inside
the crystal globe? Couldn't he present himself outside it? "I asked
"We must
remember" continue Nicholas, "that our emotions can transmit disturbing
vibrations. The crystal cabinet is made of insulating material and will
protect Richard from our mental energies."
Just then,
Lysias answered a phone call from Communication. It was time for the
meeting to begin. It was forty minutes past midnight. In answer to my
questioning look, Nicholas whispered:
"Only now is
there enough quiet in Richard's new earthly home. The whole house must
be in silence and his parents asleep. At this early stage of his life,
his spirit is still fairly free, not totally confined to the cradle."
couldn't continue. Clarence rose and asked for perfect unity of thought
and a real fusion of feelings. In the silence that followed, Clarence
offered a simple but moving prayer. Then Lysias played beautifully on
the flute, filling the room with intense vibrations of peace and
enchantment. When the last melodious strains died away, Clarence spoke
"Brothers, " he
said, "let us all send Richard our message of love."
I saw Laura's
daughters and one granddaughter leave the platform and place themselves
near the musical instruments. Lysias followed them. Judith, Yolanda and
Lysias respectively approached the piano, harp and zither, while
Theresa and Heloisa stood by them composing the family choir. I heard
melodious sounds, soft in the beginning, which rose gradually to a
rapturous and divine harmony. I felt myself carried to sublime spheres
of exalted thought. In a few minutes, mellifluous voices joined in. It
was Lysias and his sisters singing a marvelous song of their own
composition. It is difficult for me to put those evocative verses, full
of spirituality and beauty, into human words [10].
I shall try to
reproduced them just to show how beautiful and sublime love is in the
spheres of life beyond the shadows of death:
Dear father, when the night at last
Brings the blessings of sweet rest,
Remember, kindly father well
How much we love and care.
While the stars are twinkling
The melody they softly sing,
Bring your heart wit us awhile.
Come to join us in our prayer.
Let no trials cause you stress
In your brief forgetfulness,
Not let suffering bring you sorrow.
Stay away from evil's pain.
Fear no earthly agony.
Think of our alliance, and you'll be
Strong in the knowledge that tomorrow
Will bring joy's eternal reign.
While you are sleeping in the world,
In our memories now unfur
Heavenly dawns without compare
Here in this life above.
Look to the future happily,
Wait for us; one day we'll be
Together once again to share
The joys of the garden of your love.
Come to us, o father dear,
To the beauty of our sphere.
Come again to this, our nest,
Even though you come in dreams,
For a while forget the flesh.
Come to drink our water fresh,
Full of hope and tenderness,
From this Astral City's streams.
Our home has not forgotten you,
Your sacrifices, your kindness too,
And the clarity sublime
Of your lessons on The Way.
Come across the shadows great,
Free yourself from matter's weight,
Over the mountain you will climb.
Come and join us as we pray.
As they reached
the last words of the song, I noticed that a greyish, milky substance
was filling the globe before us. Soon there stood the handsome figure
of a middle aged man. It was Richard. It is difficult for me to
describe the sacred emotions of the family as they greeted him.
The visitor
first addressed himself to his wife and children for a while. Then,
casting a friendly look toward us, he requested that we sing the same
lovely song once more for him. As he listened to it was moved to tears.
He then turned to us and said:
"Oh, my
children, how great Jesus' mercy is, for He has crowned our home circle
with tonight's supreme joys! In this very room we have together
endeavored to find the way to the higher spheres. We have often
received the spiritual bread of life here, and now we have gathered
here again to receive this sacred incentive. How happy I am !"
Laura wept
discreetly; Lysias's and his sisters' eyes brimmed with tears. I
noticed that the visitor could not speak with ease and apparently had
only a short time to stay with us. Probably all the people in the room
had a similar impression, because Judith, putting her arms around the
crystal globe, exclaimed in loving tones:
"Father dear,
say what you want us to do; let us know how we can help your devoted
Richard looked
lovingly at his wife and said in a low voice;
"Your mother
will soon come and join me, my child. So will you all, in time. What
else could I wish for to make me happy? Let's ask the Master to bless
us forever!"
We were all
moved to tears. When the grayish substance began to form in the globe
again, I heard Richard exclaim with emotion:
"Listen, my
children. I have something to ask you from the bottom of my heart! Pray
to the Lord that I may never, on Earth, have an easy life, so that the
light of gratitude and comprehension may keep always bright in my
The unexpected
petition touched and surprised me at the same time. Richard said
farewell to all while the grayish curtain gradually enveloped the whole
globe. After a few minutes, the globe returned to its ordinary
appearance. Minister Clarence closed the ceremony with a prayer,
leaving us all with an indescribable feeling of happiness.
Our hostess
stood on the platform, surrounded by her visitors, all anxious to
present their congratulations and farewell wishes. As I approached the
group to say goodbye to my kind friend and tell her of my deep
impression and gratitude, someone touched me lightly on the shoulder.
It was Clarence, who said affably:
Tomorrow I will go with our sister Laura to the physical sphere. If you
like, you may come with us to visit your family."
I was taken
back, but while my heart leaped with joy, I instantly remembered my
work at the Chambers. The generous minister, sensing my thoughts,
"You have a fair
number of extra service hours to your credit. Therefore Genesius will
easily grant you a one week leave of absence after your first year of
active collaboration."
Overwhelmed with
joy, I thanked him, weeping and laughing at the same time. At last, I
was going to see my beloved wife and children again.
10 - No less
difficult was its translation, where we were only able to convey an
approximation of the original Portuguese verse. (translator’s note)
Next chapters: 49 & 50
(lasr one)