Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report
of the GEAE Group
GEAE 12th year - Number 49 - distributed: April 2004
"Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to
face in every Humankind epoch."
Allan Kardec
"I count him
braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for
the hardest victory is over self."
This issue of Spiritist Messenger will start a new section called "The
Codification". In this section we intend to publish each month a small
Chapter or part of a larger one reproduced from the works of the Spiritist Codification.
We'll reproduce the works in the same order as they were written and
first published. So the first work to be reproduced here is The Spirits' Book,
the main work of the Codification, first published in 1857. The Spirits'
Book covers the fundamentals of the
Spiritst Doctrine concerning the nature of Spirits, their
manifestations and how they relate to men; moral laws, present and
future life and the destiny of humankind. It's both an introduction to
the other works and a summary of them, which, on their turn, can each
be seen as an unfolding of one of the issues it covers.
The Spirits' Book's
first question shows the wisdom of Allan Kardec as well as the answer
shows the wisdom of the Spirits that worked together with him.
Kardec did not ask "Who is God?" since such a question would carry a
prejudgment, to say, understanding God as a being, a creature. He asked
"What is God?" instead, being thus prepared for the answer that the
Spirits would give: "God is the
Supreme Intelligence, First Cause of all things."
The answer given by the Spirits didn't give any chance for a
misinterpretation. They didn't say that God was "the Creator" but "the
Primary Cause". There is a huge difference between those two
expressions. The idea of God as the Creator is present in other
religions and it has been frequently questioned by the advances of
science. After all, the more science advances the further back in time
the idea of a Creator must go. In the past one could say that God
created the plants, the animals, the planets, no longer today. Even
when some theologians tried to see in Stephen Hawkins' proposal of the
Big Bang the moment of creation, the famous and brilliant scientist
said that his theory did not account for a Creator.
Being the Primary Cause however is something rather different. The
primary cause is primary, that is, no matter how further back in time
science shows the mechanism of evolution working, the primary cause
will always stay before it as the starting point of everything.
As we can see, if we have so much to ponder after reading only the
first question and its reply, it's easy to conclude that we have a huge
work to do from now on. If you, dear reader, wants to ask any question
about the Chapter reproduced in this issue please feel free to write to In
the following issue, if possible, we'll publish our comments.
Have a wonderful study and be in peace,
The GEAE Editors
the fact that I was engaged in investigating Spiritualism, so called,
was announced in a contemporary(1): and in consequence of the many
communications I have since received, I think it desirable to say a
little concerning the investigation which I have commenced. Views or
opinions I cannot be said to possess on a subject which I do not
pretend to understand. I consider it the duty of scientific men who
have learnt exact modes of working to examine phenomena which attract
the attention of the public, in order to confirm their genuineness, or
to explain, if possible, the delusions of the honest and to expose the
tricks of deceivers. But I think it a pity that any public announcement
of a man's investigation should be made until he has shown himself
willing to speak out.
(1) "The
A man may be a
true scientific man, and yet agree with Professor De Morgan when he
says: "I have both seen and heard, in a manner which would make
unbelief impossible, things called spiritual which cannot be taken by a
rational being to be capable of explanation by imposture, coincidence
or mistake. So far I feel the ground firm under me; but when it comes
to what is the cause of these phenomena I find I cannot adopt any
explanation which has yet been suggested... The physical explanations
which I have seen are easy, but miserably insufficient. The spiritual
hypothesis is sufficient, but ponderously difficult."
Regarding the
sufficiency of the explanation, I am not able to speak. That certain
physical phenomena, such as the movement of material substances, and
the production of sounds resembling electric discharges, occur under
circumstances in which they cannot be explained by any physical law at
present known, is a fact of which I am as certain as I am of the most
elementary fact in chemistry. My whole scientific education has been
one long lesson in exactness of observation, and I wish it to be
understood that this firm conviction is the result of most careful
investigation. But I cannot, at present, hazard even the most vague
hypothesis as to the cause of the phenomena. Hitherto I have seen
nothing to convince me of the truth of the "spiritual" theory. In such
an inquiry the intellect demands that the spiritual proof must be
absolutely incapable of being explained away; it must be so strikingly
and convincingly true that we cannot, dare not, deny it.
Faraday says:
"Before we proceed to consider any question involving physical
principles we should set out with clear ideas of the naturally possible
and impossible." But this appears like reasoning in a circle: we are to
investigate nothing till we know it to be possible, whilst we cannot
say what is impossible, outside pure mathematics, till we know
In the present
case I prefer to enter upon the enquiry with no preconceived notions
whatever as to what can or cannot be, but with all my senses alert and
ready to convey information to the brain; believing, as I do, that we
have by no means exhausted all human knowledge or fathomed the depths
of all the physical forces, and remembering that the great philosopher
already quoted said, in reference to some speculations on the
gravitating force, "Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it be
consistent with the laws of nature; and in such things as these,
experiment is the best test of such consistency."
The modes of
reasoning of scientific men appear to be generally misunderstood by
Spiritualists with whom I have conversed, and the reluctance of the
trained scientific mind to investigate this subject is frequently
ascribed to unworthy motives. I think, therefore, it will be of service
if I here illustrate the modes of thought current amongst those who
investigate science, and say what kind of experimental proof science
has a right to demand before admitting a new department of knowledge
into her ranks. We must not, mix up the exact and the inexact. The
supremacy of accuracy must he absolute.
The first
requisite is to be sure of facts; then to ascertain conditions; next,
laws. Accuracy and knowledge of detail stand foremost amongst the great
aims of modern scientific men. No observations are of much use to the
student of science unless they are truthful and made under test
conditions, and here I find the great mass of Spiritualistic evidence
to fail. In a subject which, perhaps, more than any other lends itself
to trickery and deception, the precautions against fraud appear to have
been, in most cases, totally insufficient, owing, it would seem, to an
erroneous idea that to ask for such safeguards was to imply a suspicion
of the honesty of someone present. We may use our own unaided senses,
but when we ask for instrumental means to increase their sharpness,
certainty and trustworthiness under circumstances of excitement and
difficulty, and when one's natural senses are liable to be thrown off
their balance, offense is taken.
In the countless
number of recorded observations I have read, there appear to be few
instances of meetings held for the express purpose of getting the
phenomena under test conditions in the presence of persons properly
qualified by scientific training to weigh and adjust the value of the
evidence which might present itself. The only good series of test
experiments I have met with were tried by the Count de Gasparin, and
he, whilst admitting the genuineness of the phenomena, came to the
conclusion that they were not due to supernatural agency.
pseudo-scientific Spiritualist professes to know everything: no
calculations trouble his serenity, no hard experiments, no long
laborious readings; no weary attempts to make clear in words that which
has rejoiced the heart and elevated the mind. He talks glibly of all
sciences and arts, overwhelmingly the enquirer with terms like
"electro-biologize," "psychologize," "animal magnetism," etc.- a mere
play upon words, showing ignorance rather than understanding. Popular
science such as this is little able to guide discovery rushing onwards
to an unknown future; and the real workers of science must be extremely
careful not to allow the reins to get into unfit and incompetent hands.
investigations which so completely baffle the ordinary observer the
thorough scientific man has a great advantage. He has followed science
from the beginning through a long line of learning and he knows,
therefore, in what direction it is leading; he knows that there are
dangers on one side, uncertainties an another, and almost absolute
certainty on a third: he sees to a certain extent in advance. But,
where every step is towards the marvellous and unexpected, precautions
and tests should be multiplied rather than diminished. Investigators
must work; although their work may be very small in quantity if only
compensation be made by its intrinsic excellence. But even in this
realm of marvels, this wonderland towards which scientific enquiry is
sending out its pioneers, can anything be more astonishing than the
delicacy of the instrumental aids which the workers bring with them to
supplement the observations of their natural senses?
The Spiritualist
tells of bodies weighing 50 or 100 lbs. being lifted up into the air
without the intervention of any known force; but the scientific chemist
is accustomed to use a balance which will render sensible a weight so
small that it would take ten thousand of them to weigh one grain; he
is, therefore, justified in asking that a power professing to be guided
by intelligence, which will toss a heavy body up to the ceiling, shall
also cause his delicately-poised balance to move under test conditions.
The Spiritualist
tells of tapping sounds which are produced in different parts of a room
when two or more persons sit quietly round a table. The scientific
experimenter is entitled to ask that these taps shall be produced on
the stretched membrane of his phonautograph.
The Spiritualist
tells of rooms and houses being shaken, even to injury, by superhuman
power. The man of science merely asks for a pendulum to be set
vibrating when it is in a glass case and supported on solid masonry.
The Spiritualist
tells of heavy articles of furniture moving from one room to another
without human agency. But the man of science has made instruments which
will divide an inch into a million parts; and he is justified in
doubting the accuracy of the former observations if the same force is
powerless to move the index of his instrument one poor degree.
The Spiritualist
tells of flowers with the fresh dew on them, of fruit and living
objects being carried through closed windows, and even solid
brick-walls. The scientific investigator naturally asks that an
additional weight (if it be only the 1,000th part of a grain) be
deposited on one pan of his balance when the case is locked. And the
chemist asks for the 1,000th of a grain of arsenic to be carried
through the sides of a glass tube in which pure water is hermetically
The Spiritualist
tells of manifestations of power, which would be equivalent to many
thousands of "foot-pounds," taking place without known agency. The man
of science, believing firmly in the conservation of force, and that it
is never produced without a corresponding exhaustion of something to
replace it, asks for some such exhibitions of power to be manifested in
his laboratory, where he can weigh, measure and submit it to proper
For these
reasons and with these feelings I began an inquiry suggested to me by
eminent men exercising great influence on the thought of the country.
At first, like other men who thought little of the matter and saw
little, I believed that the whole affair was a superstition, or at
least an unexplained trick. Even at this moment I meet with cases which
I cannot prove to be anything else; and in some cases I am sure that it
is a delusion of the senses.
I by no means
promise to enter fully into this subject; it seems very difficult to
obtain opportunities, and numerous failures certainly may dishearten
anyone. The persons in whose presence these phenomena take place are
few in number, and opportunities for experimenting with previously
arranged apparatus are rarer still. I should feel it to be a great
satisfaction if I could bring out light in any direction, and I may
safely say that I care not in what direction. With this end in view, I
appeal to any of my readers who may possess a key to these strange
phenomena to further the progress of the truth by assisting me in my
investigations. That the subject has to do with strange physiological
conditions is clear, and these in a sense may be called "spiritual"
when they produce certain results in our minds. At present the
phenomena I have observed baffle explanation; so do the phenomena of
thought, which are also spiritual, and which no philosopher has yet
understood. No man, however, denies them.
The explanations
given to me, both orally and in most of the books I have read, are
shrouded in such an affected ponderosity of style, such an attempt at
disguising poverty of ideas in grandiloquent language, that I feel it
impossible, after driving off the frothy diluent, to discern a
crystalline residue of meaning. I confess that the reasoning of some
Spiritualists would almost seem to justify Faraday's severe statement -
that many dogs have the power of coming to much more logical
conclusions. Their speculations utterly ignore all theories of force
being only a form of molecular motion, and they speak of Force, Matter
and Spirit as three distinct entities, each capable of existing without
the other; although they sometimes admit that they are mutually
It has been my
wish to show that science is gradually making its followers the
representatives of care and accuracy. It is a fine quality that of
uttering undeniable truth. Let, then, that position not be lowered, but
let words suit facts with an accuracy equal to that with which the
facts themselves can be ascertained; and in a subject encrusted with
credulity and superstition, let it be shown that there is a class of
facts to be found upon which reliance can be placed, so far, that we
may be certain they will never change. In common affairs a mistake may
have but a short life, but in the study of nature an imperfect
observation may cause infinite trouble to thousands. The increased
employment of -scientific methods will promote exact observation and
greater love of truth among enquirers, and will produce a race of
observers who will drive the worthless residuum of Spiritualism hence
into the unknown limbo of magic and necromancy.
Spirits' Book
First - Causes
and Infinity
What is God?
"God is the
Supreme Intelligence-First Cause of all things."¹
2. What is to be understood by infinity?
which has neither beginning nor end; the unknown: all that is unknown
is infinite.''
3. Can it be said that God is infinity?
incomplete definition. Poverty of human speech incompetent to define
what transcends
is infinite in His perfections, but "infinity" is an abstraction. To
say that God is infinity is to substitute the
attribute of a thing for the thing itself, and to define something
unknown by reference to some other thing
equally unknown.
of the Existence of God
4. What proof have we of the existence of
axiom which you apply in all your scientific researches, 'There is no
effect without a cause.' Search out
the cause of whatever is not the work of man, and reason will furnish
the answer
to your question."
To assure
ourselves of the existence of God. we have only to look abroad on the
works of creation. The universe exists,
therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt
that every effect has a cause, and to assume
that something can have been made by nothing.
What is to be inferred from the intuition of the existence of God which
may be said to be the common property of the human mind?
"That God
exists; for whence could the human mind derive this intuition if it had
no real basis?
The inference to he drawn from the fact of this intuition is a
corollary of the axiom. 'There Is no effect
without a cause.'"
May not our seemingly intuitive sense of the existence of God be the
result of education and of acquired ideas?
"If such
were the case, how should this intuitive sense be possessed by your
the intuition of the existence of a Supreme Being were only the result
of education It would not be universal, and would
only exist, like all other acquired knowledge, in the minds of those
who had received the special
education to which it would be due.
Is the first cause of the formation of things to be found in the
essential properties of matter?
"If such
were the case, what would be the cause of those properties? There must
always be a first cause."
attribute the first formation of things to the essential properties of
matter, would be to take the effect for the cause,
for those properties are themselves an effect, which must have a cause.
What is to be thought of the opinion that attributes the first
formation of things to a fortuitous combination of matter, in other
words, to chance?
absurdity! Who that is possessed of common sense can regard chance as
an intelligent
agent? And, besides, what is chance? Nothing."
harmony which regulates the mechanism of the universe can only result
from combinations adopted in view of
predetermined ends, and thus, by its very
nature, reveals the existence of an Intelligent Power. To attribute the
first formation of things to chance
is nonsense for chance cannot produce the results of intelligence. If
chance could be intelligent,
it would cease to be chance.
What proof have we that the first cause of all things is a Supreme
Intelligence, superior to all other intelligences?
"You have
a proverb which says, 'The workman is known by his work.' Look around
you, and,
from the quality of the work, infer that of the workman."
judge of the power of an intelligence by its works as no human being
could create that which is produced by nature,
it is evident that the first cause must be an Intelligence superior to
may be the prodigies accomplished by human intelligence, that
intelligence itself must have a cause and the greater
the results achieved by it, the greater must be the cause of which it
is the effect. It is this Supreme
Intelligence that is the first cause of all things, whatever the name
by which mankind may designate it.
of the Divinity
10. Can man comprehend the essential
nature of God?
"No; he
lacks the sense required for comprehending it."
11. Will man ever become able to
comprehend the mystery of the Divinity?
"When his
mind shall no longer be obscured by matter, and when, by his
perfection, he shall have brought himself
nearer to God, be will see and comprehend Him."
inferiority of the human faculties renders it impossible for man to
comprehend the essential nature of God. In the infancy
of the race, man often confounds the Creator with the creature, and
attributes to the former the
imperfections of the latter. But, in proportion 55 his moral sense
becomes developed, man's thought penetrates
more deeply into the nature of things, and he is able to form to
himself a juster and more rational idea of
the Divine Being, although his idea of that Being must always be
imperfect and incomplete.
If we cannot comprehend the essential nature of God, can we have an
idea of some of His perfections?
"Yes, of
some of them. Man comprehends them better in proportion as he raises
himself above
matter; he obtains glimpses of them through the exercise of his
When we say that God is eternal, infinite, unchangeable, immaterial,
unique, allpowerful, sovereignty just and good, have we not a
complete idea of His attributes?
judging from your point of view, because you think that you sum up
everything in those terms; but you must
understand that there are things which transcend the intelligence of
the most
man, and for which your language, limited to your ideas and sensations,
has no expressions.
Your reason tells you that God must possess those perfections in the
supreme degree;
for, if one of them were lacking, or were not possessed by Him in an
infinite degree, He would riot be
superior to all, and consequently would not be God. In order to be
above all things,
God must undergo no vicissitudes, He must have none of the
imperfections of which the imagination can
is eternal. If He had had a beginning, He must either have sprung from
nothing, or have been created by some being
anterior to Himself. It Is thus mat, step by step, we arrive at the
idea of infinity and eternity.
God is
unchangeable. If He were subject to change, the laws which rule the
universe would have no stability.
God is
immaterial, that is to say, that His nature differs from every-thing
that we call matter, or otherwise. He would
not be unchangeable, for He would be subject to the transformations of
God is
unique. If there were several Gods, there would be neither unity of
plan nor unity of power in the ordaining of the
God is
all-powerful because He is unique. If He did not possess sovereign
power, there would be something more
powerful, or no less powerful, than Himself. He would not have created
all things and those which He had
not created would be the work of another God.
God is
sovereignty just and good. The providential wisdom of the divine laws
Is revealed as clearly In the smallest things as In
the greatest and this wisdom renders it impossible to doubt either His
justice or His goodness.
Is God a being distinct from the universe, or is He, according to the
opinion of some, the result of all the forces and intelligences
of the universe?
"If the
latter were the case, God would not be God, for He would be effect and
not cause; He cannot be both cause
and effect."
exists. You cannot doubt His existence, and that is one essential
point. Do not seek to go beyond it; do not
lose yourselves in a labyrinth which, for you, is without an issue Such
would not make you better; they would rather tend to add to your pride,
by causing you to imagine that
you knew something, while, in reality, you would know nothing. Put aside systems. You
have things enough to think about that concern you much more nearly, beginning with
yourselves. Study your own imperfections, that you may get rid of them;
this will
be far more useful to you than the vain attempt to penetrate the
What is to be thought of the opinion according to which all natural
bodies, all the beings, all the globes of the universe are parts of the
Divinity, and constitute in their totality the Divinity itself; in other words the
Pantheistic theory?
"Man, not
being able to make himself God, would fain make himself out to be, at
least, a part of God."
Those who hold this theory profess to find in it the demonstration of
some of the attributes of God. The worlds of the universe being
infinitely numerous, God is thus seen to be infinite; vacuum, or
nothingness, being nowhere, God is everywhere: God being everywhere,
since everything is an integral part of God, He is thus seen to be the
intelligent cause of all the phenomena of the universe. What can we
oppose to this argument?
dictates of reason. Reflect on the assumption in question, and you will
have no difficulty in detecting its
Pantheistic theory makes of God a material being, who, though endowed
with a supreme intelligence, would only be on a
larger scale what we are on a smaller one. But, as matter is
incessantly undergoing transformation, God,
if this theory were true, would have no stability. He would be subject
to all the vicissitudes, and
even to all the needs, of humanity He would lack one of the essential
attributes of the Divinity -viz.,
unchangeableness. The properties of matter cannot be attributed to God
without degrading our idea of the
Divinity and all the subtleties of sophistry fail to solve the problem
of His essential nature.
We do not
know what God is but we know that it is impossible that He should not
be and the theory just stated is in
contradiction with His most essential attributes. It confounds the
Creator with the creation, precisely as though
we should consider an ingenious 'machine to be an integral portion of
the mechanican who invented it.
intelligence of God is revealed in His works, as is that of a painter
in his picture but the works of God are no more God
Himself than the picture is the artist who conceived and painted it.
and Seminars by Divaldo Franco in the UK
In June, Divaldo
Franco will be giving Lectures and Seminars in London and Brighton.
London: June 2 to 5 -
Lectures and Seminars with Divaldo Franco
Brighton: June 6 - Seminar
with Divaldo Franco
World Spiritist
Congress - October 2004
Kardec – The Initiator of a New Era of Regeneration for Humanity”
- 2nd October
2.00 – 6.00 pm –
Reception and Registration.
7.00 pm –
Opening Ceremony - Lecture: «ALLAN KARDEC – THE EDUCATOR AND
- 3rd October
9.00 am – 12.40
Objective: To
emphasize the doctrinal basis of the Spiritist Teachings and the
outcome of acceptance of the reality of the spiritual being and its
9.00 am. –
9.10 am. –
Philosophical Basis of the Spiritist Doctrine
9.50 am. – Man
and his Spiritual Evolution
10.30 am. –
Influence of Spiritism on the March of Progress
11.10 am. –
11.30 am. –
Spiritist Ethics
12.10 – 12.40 pm
- Questions and Answers
12.40 – 2.30 pm.
Lunch Time
2.30 – 6.10 pm.
Objective: To
emphasize the purpose of spiritual manifestations and offer guidelines
for this practice
based on the
Spiritist Teachings. In addition, to highlight the role of mediumistic
interchange in the
lives of people
and families as a natural consequence of Spiritist knowledge.
2.30 pm. –
2.40 pm. – The
Influence of Spirits on Human History
3.20 pm. –
Criteria for the Analysis of Mediumistic Manifestations
4.00 pm. –
Mediumistic Influence and the Identity of Communicating Spirits
4.40 pm. –
5.00 pm. –
Mediumship Practice Based on Spiritist Ethics
5.40 pm. –
Questions and Answers
6.10 pm. –
Musical Presentation/ Free time to visit the exhibition and autograph
- 4th October
9.00 am – 12.40
Objective: To
emphasise the importance of a moral and Christian way of life through
interpersonal and social relationships.
9.00 am. –
9.10 am. –
Proposal of the Spiritist Teachings for Man’s Future Education
9.50 am. –
Charity from the Spiritist Point-of-view
10.30 am. –
Family Ties – The Basis for Society
11.10 am. –
11.30 am. - The
Need for Promoting Goodness While Building Peace
12.10 – 12.40
pm. - Questions & Answers
12.40 – 2.30 pm
- Lunch Time
2.30 – 4.30 pm.
Objective: To
emphasise psychological and social consequences based on knowledge of
the various
states of the
soul in the spirit world.
2.30 pm. –
2.40 pm. – Death
and Spirit Life According to the Spiritist Teachings
3.00 pm. –
Communicating Spirits and Their Varying States of Mind
3.20 pm. –
Repercussions from Messages Received from Familiar Spirits
3.40 pm. – The
Justice and Harmony of Natural Law
4.00 pm. –
Questions & Answers
4.30 pm –
5.00 – 7.00 pm.
Objective: To
focus on scientific evidence that proves the veracity of spiritual
interchange and that of
5.00 pm. –
5.10 pm. –
Characteristics of Spiritist Revelation: The Relationship Between
Spiritism and Science
5.30 pm. - The
Role of the Perispirit in Reincarnation and Spiritual Manifestations
5.50 pm. –
Health, Bioethics, and Ecology in the Light of the Spiritist Teachings
5.10 pm. –
Spiritist Response to Research Related to Human Genome
5.30 pm. –
Questions & Answers
5.00 pm. -
Musical Presentation/Free time to visit the exhibition and autograph
- 5th October
9.00 – 11.00 am.
Objective: To
show a panoramic view of the growth of the international Spiritist
9.00 am. –
9.10 am. –
Spiritist Movement in the Nineteenth Century
9.30 am. –
Spiritist Movement in the First-half of the Twentieth Century
9.50 am. –
Spiritist Movement in the Second-half of the Twentieth Century
10.10 am. –
Spiritist Movement – Actual Phase – Internationalisation
10.30 am. -
Questions & Answers
11.00 am. –
11.20 am – 12.10
pm. – Lecture: ‘La Revue Spirit’ – Its Objectives and Historical Facts.
12.40 – 2.30 pm
- Lunch Time
2.30 – 4.40 pm.
Objective: To
offer a panoramic view of various experiences through Systematic Study
courses and the dissemination of Spiritist Teachings.
2.30 pm. –
2.40 pm. –
Systematic Study Courses on Spiritism
3.00 pm. –
Spiritist Books
3.20 pm. –
Campaign for the Dissemination of Spiritism
3.40 pm. –
Dissemination Through Radio, TV, and the Internet
4.00 pm. -
Questions & Answers
4.40 pm. –
5.00 – 7.00 pm.
1 – The
programme will be presented in Panels (Modules) without any other
simultaneous activities. The inclusion of Free Themes during this
Congress will not be possible due to time and space constraints.
2 – Simultaneous
translations into French, Portuguese, Spanish, English, and Esperanto
will be available according to the need of participants in each
A special
exhibition will be organised by the International Spiritist Council
wherein each member country will have a space to display poster
materials depicting the Spiritist Movement in their country. Further
information to be announced at a later date.
There will also
be an exhibition on the «Life and Work of Allan Kardec».
in French
in English
reproduced from pages 11 and 12 of the TRIMESTRIAL BULLETIN of the Support Coordination of
the European Spiritist Movement - INTERNATIONAL SPIRITIST COUNCIL
- Year 6, Number 21 - January - February - March 2004
Power of Prayer
through Waldo Vieira
(message received on
June 9, 1965 in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA,
reproduced from the
Chapter 39 of the book Entre Irmãos de Outras Terras / Among
Brothers of Other Lands. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1994)
may be
tempted to shrug our shoulders before the power of evil.
can we
overcome temptation? May the faith be seen through us.
need to
see Christ’s lessons in all circumstances. We grow in Jesus’ love as we
live by
faith each day. The disciple proposes and the Master disposes.
spend their lives forever anxious and angry over every little trifle.
They look
as if they live on selfishness and cruelty in constant dissatisfaction.
must we
avoid this failure? First, it means changing their attitude from
self-pity to
one of courage and fight on. Besides we must vaccinate ourselves
against fear.
power of
prayer is our strength. Some of its fruits are peace, hope, joy, love,
trust in
Jesus. Then why do we not look to Him at all times for the things we
“The kingdom of God is within you.” We should never forget the divine
and the divine direction.
has its own credit. Faith is revealed by deeds. When man helps somebody
Christ’s name, Christ answers this man by helping him through somebody.
must pray always. We should not underestimate the value of our
with God.
we have
to go through hard times? Are our spirits low? Let us go praying.
light and our guidance in our own thoughts.
Ye yourselves apart into a desert
place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they
had no
leisure so much as to eat.” – Jesus (Mark, 6:31)
How Can I Strengthen My Belief?
communication received by Yvonne Limoges
must open your heart, sincerely and honestly, by starting a
conversation through fervent prayer with God and your protector
spirits. The fluidic link that this will establish, if you take the
effort to do it, will allow the spiritual fluids to penetrate and
surround you, this will inspire feelings you will have never felt
before. These inspirations will lead you to believe in yourself and in
All Powerful God. You will gain a spiritual strength of which you never
realized possible!
Talk more consistently to your guardian angel (your protector spirit)
and talk to God. Ask for help and this belief you want, because you
know it is good and will make you strong. God loves you and waits so
patiently for all His children to reach out to Him. You will never be
What can you say to Him? Start with…that you love Him for
creating you and giving to you all those around you who love you. Thank
Him for creating the beauty of Nature and the wondrous Universe. Thank
Him for the many blessings you have, for there are always those worse
off than you. Ask for the spiritual help you know you need.
A long time ago, Jesus said, “Seek and ye shall find” and this still
holds true. You must make the first move. Ask for God’s help in
understanding Him and in understanding yourself.
Prayer is the key to strong belief and strong faith. Only you,
yourself, can start the process. But, when you do it with firm
determination, you will be amazed on how strong you will inwardly
feel…. Oh, how powerful and sure you will feel about what is right and
wrong to guide your actions. You will be without fear! You will have no
doubt that God is with you, and with that inner spiritual power, you
can be and do anything if it’s for your own good and the good of
May God Bless you all and be strong! You all can do this! We, who are
your spirit guides are with you and are waiting. Call on us!
Andre Luiz, through Francisco C. Xavier
from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese
edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita
Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)
Towards evening, Lysias invited me to accompany him to the Music Fields.
"You must relax a little, André. " he said kindly. Seeing my
reluctance, he added:
"I'll speak to Tobias. Narcisa herself has taken the day off to rest.
Com on."
By now I noticed a singular change in myself. Despite the short time I
had been working there, I felt greatly attached to the Chambers of
Rectification. Minister Genesius' daily visits, Narcisa's company,
Tobias's inspiring example and my fellow workers' companionship had
touched me deeply. Narcisa, Salustius and I spent all our leisure time
trying to make little improvements in the place, to make it more
cheerful and comfortable for the patients, whom we loved with all our
hearts. Considering my relatively new position in the Chambers, I
needed Tobias' permission to go out, so we both went in search of him.
With respectful familiarity, Lysias talked to my instructor, who
readily agreed:
"Good idea. André must get acquainted with the Music Fields."
Patting me affectionately on the back, he added:
"Go and enjoy yourself. Come back late in the evening, whenever you
like. All our different branches of service are well attended."
I followed Lysias to his home in the Ministry of Assistance. It was a
true pleasure to see Laura again, and to learn that Heloisa's devoted
mother would be returning from the Earth the following week. The house
was filled with joy. Both the area indoors and the garden were more
beautiful than ever. As we left, Lysias' mother took my hand and said
"So, from now on the Music Fields will have one more regular attendant.
Watch your heart! As for me, I'll stay home today. It won't be long
before I find food for my soul on Earth..."
We departed cheerfully. Young women accompanied Polydor and Estacius,
who were talking amiably. Lysias and I took the airbus, and soon
disembarked in one of the squares of the Ministry of Elevation. Lysias,
walking beside me, said affectionally:
"You are going to meet my fiancée. I've told you a lot about
"It's funny," I observed intrigued. "that one would find engagements
here as well."
"Why not? Does love dwell in the mortal body or the eternal soul? On
Earth, my friend, love is like a gold nugget hidden among rough stones.
It is so often mixed in with people's needs, desires and lower
tendencies that people rarely distinguish it from an ordinary pebble."
The explanation was logical. Seeing that I agreed, Lysias continued:
"The betrothal is far more beautiful here in the spirit sphere because
our senses aren't obscured by the veil of illusion. We show ourselves
as we really are. Lascinia and I have failed many times in past earthly
experiences. I must confess that most of the falls were due to my
thoughtlessness and lack of control. Whe males on Earth still do not
fully comprehend the liberty that social laws grant us. Seldom do we
use it to help our spiritualization. Instead, we often abuse that
freedom in a slippery descent towards animality. Women, on the other
hand, have had, up to now, the advantage of being submitted to much
sterner discipline. In transitory earthly life, they are oppressed by
our tyranny and made to bear our impositions. Here, however, we go
through a readjustment of values and learn that we are never really
free until we learn to obey. It seems paradoxical, but it's the perfect
"Tell me Lysias, have you any plans for a future earthly experience?"
"Why, of course. I must increase my spiritual accomplishments and pay
off my debts to the Earth, which are still considerable. I believe
Lascinia and I will return to the physical plane in about thirty year's
time. Meanwhile, we intend to settle down very soon in a happy little
home of our own."
We then arrived at the Music Fields. Lights of exquisite beauty bathed
the park. It was like a scene from a fairy tale. Luminous fountains
spouted out their waters, forming wonderful designs. The sight was
quite new to me. I was about to express my admiration when Lysias spoke:
"Lascinia always comes here with her two sisters. I hope you will make
them a pleasant escort."
"But Lysias, " I returned, doubtfully, considering my old marital
status. "you know I am still bound to Zelia..."
My friend burst out laughing, and added:
"Well I never! No one is trying to encroach on your sense of fidelity.
Yet I don't thing marriage should make you oblivious of social life.
Have you forgotten how to act as a brother, André?"
Rather embarrassed, I also laughed. We were now at the entrance. Lysias
approached the gate and bought our tickets. On entering the park, I
noticed a great number of people around a graceful stand where a small
orchestra was playing some light music. Flower-bordered paths extended
before us in several directions, leading to the park's interior.
Noticing my appreciation of the songs I heard, Lysias explained:
"At the outer edges of the fields, several styles of music are played
to please the personal taste of each group of those who cannot yet
understand the sublime art. In the center, though, there is universal
and divine music, the higher and sanctified art."
Indeed, after walking along pleasant lanes, where each flower seemed to
rule in its own kingdom, I began to hear an exquisite melody. On Earth
there are small groups that favor fine music, while the multitudes
prefer their own regional music. Here, however, it was the opposite.
The center of the park was crowded. I had already seen numerous
gatherings in the colony, such as the festival held in our Ministry in
honor of the Governor, but what I saw in this park exceeded everything
that had previously filled me with awe. Yet the brilliance of the scene
was not due to superfluity of excess of any kind, but rather to the
artistic blending of simplicity and beauty. The women there exhibited
refined elegance and good taste, without any excess which could detract
from the divine simplicity.
Boughs of great trees, different from those on Earth, adorned the
lovely, softly-lit arbors. Loving couples lingered along the flowery
lanes, while groups of ladies and gentlemen animatedly discussed lofty
and constructive topics. Although I felt insignificant before that
selected assembly, I also felt a silence sympathy from those who
glanced at me. I heard parts of discussions concerning the physical
sphere, didn't detect even the slightest trace of malice or reproach of
incarnate men. They discussed love, intellectual culture, scientific
research and constructive philosophy in an atmosphere of understanding
and good will, without any clash of opinions. I observed that those of
greater enlightenment lowered the vibration of their intellectual power
while the less endowed tried to raise theirs. In numerous groups I
could heard reference to Jesus and the Gospel, but what impressed me
most was the prevailing feeling of joy in all the conversations. Nobody
referred to the Master with negative vibrations of useless sorrow or
unjustified discouragement – they remembered Him instead as the supreme
Instructor of visible and invisible earthly organizations, full of
understanding and kindness, but also conscious of the energy and
vigilance necessary to preserve order and justice. I was charmed by
that optimistic community, which seemed to be the fulfillment of the
hopes of many a noble earthly thinker. Although enraptured by the
music, I heard Lysias explain:
"Our harmony instructors absorb rays of inspiration in the higher
spheres, just as earthly composers are sometimes brought to spiritual
planes such as ours, where they receive melodic expressions. They, in
turn, transmit those impressions to human ears, after adapting and
adorning the themes with their own genius. The universe, André,
fraught with beauty and sublimity. The eternal and shining rays
of Life have their origins in God."
At that moment, a graceful group approached us. It was Lascinia and her
sisters. Lysias put an end to his explanations so that we might welcome
A year had passed in constructive work, which had been a great solace
to my heart. As I gradually learned how to make myself useful and find
pleasure in serving, I became more confident and happy.
Although I yearned to return to my earthly home, I had not yet been
given the opportunity. When, on several occasions, I had meant to ask
permission, something seemed to hold me back. Had I not received the
kindest help from everyone? Wasn't I surrounded by the friendship and
esteem of all my companions? I recognized that my wish would have been
granted if it had been useful to me, and I decided to wait patiently.
Although I was working at Regeneration, Laura and Tobias constantly
reminded me that Minister Clarence was still the person responsible for
my stay in the colony. I often met the generous Minister of Assistance,
but he never mentioned the subject. Clarence never changed his reserved
attitude in the exercise of the authority inherent in his obligations.
Once, during the Christmas festivities in the Ministry of Elevation,
probably sensing how deeply I missed my wife and children, he touched
lightly on the subject, telling me that the day was not very far when
he would accompany me to the old home. Joyous hope had filled my heart,
and I thanked him emotionally. Still, it was now September, 1940, and I
still had not seem my dream realized.
The knowledge that I had spent my time in useful service in the
Chambers comforted me. Our work went on uninterruptly and I worked
tirelessly. I had become familiar with nursing in the different wards,
and had learned how to read patients' thoughts. I kept in touch with
poor Elisa and tried my best to assist her indirectly through her
struggle for spiritual recovery. But as I gradually reached emotional
balance, the desire to visit my loved ones became more and more
intense. My home-sickness hurt me deeply. The only solace I had were my
mother's occasional visits. Although she lived in a higher sphere, she
never abandoned me to my fate. The last time we had met she said she
had some new plans in mind, which she would soon tell me. Her attitude
of resignation had deeply impressed me, and I awaited her next visit,
anxious to know those plans.
At last, in early September of 1940, she came to the Chambers. After
her usual loving greetings, she informed me that she intended to return
to the physical plane. In a gentle voice, she unfolded her plan. I was
surprised and upset by the idea, and protested:
"I really disagree. Why should you return to the flesh? Why begin the
weary wandering again without the immediate need to?"
In dignified serenity, my mother replied:
"Have you forgotten your father afflicting condition, my son? For many
year I have worked to lift him up, but all my efforts have been in
vain. Laertes has become a skeptic with a poisoned heart. Should he
persist in such an attitude, he might be drawn into deeper abysses.
What should we do, then? Do you have the heart to see your father in
such a condition, and yet refrain from doing everything in our power to
help him?"
"Of course not." I answered, greatly affected. "I would work hard to
help him. But mother, you could find the means of assisting him here."
"No doubt I could. However, spirits who really love aren't satisfied
with lending a helping hand from a distance. What good are all the
riches in the world if we can't share them with our loved one? Would
you be content to live in a palace from which your children were
excluded? No, I can't maintain my distance. Now that I can count on you
on this side, I'll join Luiza, and help your father find his way to
After a few minutes of deep thought, I insisted:
"But mother, are you sure there is no other way to do it?"
'"No, it wouldn't be possible. I have thoroughly examined the subject,
and all my superiors have agreed with my decision. I can't raise the
inferior to the superior, but I can do the opposite. There is nothing
else I can do, and there mustn't be a minute's hesitation on my part. I
have, in you, support for the future. Don't lose your way, my son, and
when you are able to go through the spheres that separate us from the
Earth, give your mother all the assistance in your power. Meanwhile,
don't forget your sisters, who may still be in the dark zones
undergoing active purification. In a very short time, I'll be back in
the physical world, where I'll met Laertes to carry out the task the
Father will assign us."
"But, " I asked, "how are you going to meet him? In spirit?"
"No." Replied my mother, her face assuming a significant expression,
"With the help of some friends, I started preparing his immediate
reincarnation, and last week I settled him on Earth. He was never aware
of any direct help from us, because we availed ourselves of a time when
he was trying to escape the women who still subjugated him. This mental
attitude was very helpful , and we succeeded in binding him to his new
physical body."
"Is this possible? What about our individual liberty?" I asked.
Mother smiled rather sadly and explained:
"There are some reincarnations that are carried out rather drastically,
and if the patient lacks the courage to accept the sacred but bitter
medicine, his friends help him to swallow it down. The soul can't claim
unlimited freedom unless it fully understands its duty and performs it.
Besides, we must bear in mind that the debtor is a slave to his debts.
God created free will; man created fatality. We have to break the
chains we ourselves have forged."
While I lost myself in deep thought, Mother continued her observations:
"The poor girls who persecuted him won't give up their intent. Were it
not for our spirit guards, he might have been deprived of this
opportunity for reincarnation."
"Good Lord!" I exclaimed. "Can't it be possible? Are we at the mercy of
evil forces to that extent? Are we mere puppets in our enemies' hands?"
"These questions, my child, " declared my mother with great serenity,
"should come from our heart and lips before contracting any moral debt
and transforming our brothers into adversaries. Never take any loans
from iniquity..."
"And what of these women?" I asked. "What will become of them? "
"They will be my daughters.' Mother answered with a smile. "You mustn't
forget that I am returning to the world to help your father. No one is
able to assist efficiently by intensifying the enemy's forces, just as
on Earth you can't extinguish a fire with gasoline. Love is
indispensable, André. Those who disregard this truth go astray
and become wanders in the desert. Those who err leave the highway and
gradually sink into the mire. Your father is now a skeptic, and those
unhappy women, wading in the mud of ignorance and delusion, carry heavy
burdens. In the near future, I'll gather them in my motherly arms, thus
accomplishing my new mission."
Her eyes shining with unshed tears, gazing at the future horizons, she
"And later on, who knows? I may come back to the Astral City, bringing
along other sacred affections for a great festival of joy, love and
Full of awed respect for her sublime abnegation, I knelt down and
kissed her hands. From that moment my mother was no longer simply my
mother to me, but much more. She was also a messenger of divine
goodness who could transform her most cruel enemies into children of
her heart in order to give them the opportunity to retrace their steps
and start anew as true children of God.
Next chapters: 47 & 48.