Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 
GEAE 12th year - Number 46 - distributed: January 2004
    "Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                           Allan Kardec



" Be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi


Dear Readers,


We are entering a new year full of hope in peace and love for all humanity.


Considering the moments that we are living, we must be aware that peace will only be achieved when each of us creates peace within ourselves. As Joanna de Ângelis so wisely taught us, legitimate peace is the one that arises from a happy heart and from a mind that understands, acts and trusts.


So, if we want to promote peace we have first to be happy with the opportunities life presents to us so that we may evolve. Then we must understand fully God’s laws and act according to them, no matter how hard doing so may look to us. Finally we have to trust God fully knowing that no matter how awkward God’s answers to our prayers may seem to us they will always be what we need and not what we want.


Unconditional love is our ultimate goal. So if we want to see it prevailing on Earth we must start doing our best to develop it first within ourselves.

The best exercise to develop unconditional love is start praying with a pure heart for those who hate or dislike us, for those that have done bad deeds against us. If we have a
chance, let us help them whenever they need although they will obviously restrain from ever asking us for any kind of help. If a person usually annoys us, let us start paying more attention to what the person says. Perhaps we use to get annoyed with that person without having ever paid real attention to what the person needs. We must examine each moment of our daily life and sort out all the events that disturb us. Then we must study each of those events and study the best approach in order to transform those disturbing moments into delightful ones. It may take a long time but with our faith and dedication, every moment of our life will be a wonderful experience and every person we meet will be dear and beloved to us.


May this New Year be the beginning of our transformation. Let us pray together for peace and love everywhere and pray that God’s loyal servants may help us to do our part to reach such a noble aim.

Much peace


The GEAE Editors


A Mistake in Issue 45

Dear Readers,

In our last issue (#45) our Editorial contained a beautiful Christmas message which was referred as having been written by Spirit Maria Dolores through medium Franciso Xavier. That information was wrong. The text was written by an unknown author but we confused the information given in two different emails from the same source what lead us to do the mistake.

Although we are aware that our small mistake was unable to reduce the meaning of that wonderful message, we thought that we owed you an explanation and an excuse, so here it is.

Much peace

The GEAE editors


Quantum Physics and Spiritism I: An Alert !

Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca

Department of Chemistry, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey, 08854-8087, USA
Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, S.P.

Despite the fact that the phenomena at the level of Quantum Physics show that reality is very different from what we are used to see, we lack more research in order to say that Quantum Physics is confirming the spiritist principles.

This paper was first published in Portuguese in the 485th – August/September 2003 - issue of  Jornal Alavanca, in Campinas, SP, Brazil. This version is the author’s translation of the original paper.

Some spiritist and religious groups have considered Quantum Physics as the theory that will prove the existence of God or the spirits. In this paper, we present a more careful point of view. In fact, the phenomena at the level of Quantum Mechanics have made the scientists feel perplexed because they show that the reality that our five senses show us is an illusion. However, it does not mean that Quantum Physics or, more appropriated, Quantum Mechanics is accepting the existence of an “exterior cause” or “something beyond matter”, in a spiritualistic meaning, as it has been proposed by several people of different spiritualist doctrines (including Spiritism). The Spiritist Movement, in our opinion, must take a special care with the connections between the concepts and ideas from Physics and those from Spiritism.

In this paper, we shall present a very important alert. Affirmations as “the perispirit causes the fluctuation of quantum vacuum”, “Quantum Physics proves the existence of God” and “the negative space-time represents the spiritual world” have not scientific and spiritist credibility yet, just because they were not obtained either using scientific or the spiritist criteria of research. Nobody knows how these conclusions were obtained; which theoretical or experimental steps were followed to reach them. In order to produce a scientific research, it is not enough that the subject is related to a common scientific area and also it is not enough that the author is a scientist. What is necessary is the presentation of a complete and detailed explanation based on both the scientific disciplines and Spiritism (in the case of subjects related to Spiritism).

Despite the noble purposes of our spiritist brothers who publish these ideas, they can bring negative consequences for the Spiritist Movement. We quote Allan Kardec to see the focus of the problem (Issue VII of the Introduction of The Spirits’ Book[1]): “In the absence of facts the wise man suspends his judgment”. That is the main reason for what we must take care with the propagation of spiritist ideas using scientific knowledge to explain them. As the paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics have not been solved by the scientists yet it is wise to wait for future development of this area of research.

It is not because some experimental results in Quantum Mechanics were not explained that it is possible to conclude that God and/or the Spirits are the ones that caused them. That is not a conclusion that can be called “scientific”. That is not the right way to make or produce scientific knowledge. The main problem is that such a way of making statements exposes Spiritism to unnecessary criticisms just by the people that know very well what is science and how to work on it: the scientists.

New discoveries cause great revisions in the existent theoretical models. That demonstrates the fragility and the ephemeral character of recent theories in Physics. Recently we had the opportunity to comment on this fragility in one of these recent theories in Physics due to an important experimental result in the field of Physics of Particles[2]. We also compared the solidity of the Spiritist Doctrine that passed unchanged by all modern discoveries of the twentieth-century [2]. This solidity occurs because Spiritism is a doctrine based on experimental facts [2]1 .

It is common to think that the scepticism of scientists is a very negative quality Nevertheless, it is a wise characteristic as we can see. Imagine if Science starts accepting all strange theories and doctrines, from spiritualism, only because they are based on Quantum Mechanics. A quick search on the internet shows that there are lots of religious and mystic groups using Quantum Mechanics as a basis for their fundamental principles. It is important to realize that the scientific community prefers to reject such ideas instead of accepting any wrong one. Is this not similar to the orientation that the Spiritist Doctrine gives us with respect to new and different questions? The spirit of Erasto orientated us: “it is better to repel 10 true ideas than to admit even one lie, one false theory”[4].

This affirmation does not detain anyone from making serious research on subjects connecting Science and Spiritism. Theoretical proposals will be always welcome. However, it is necessary that the researcher knows perfectly both the scientific and the spiritist concepts. Each theoretical proposal must be consistent with both the material phenomena and the Spiritist Doctrine. Another important thing is that every unproved idea or every suggestion must be declared as “not proved” or as a “suggestion”, respectively, because these ideas cannot be considered as being scientifically proved. The reader deserves knowing the exact status of the research in a given area.

In the next paper (part II) we shall explain why some of the phenomena at the level of Quantum Physics generate the idea that something invisible or divine is behind them. We shall comment on positive and negative points about the Prof. Dr. Amit Goswami’s recent spiritualistic proposal for the solution of the paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics.

We would like also to remember Allan Kardec’s skepticism with respect to the phenomenon of “the dance of tables” before knowing the causes of that phenomenon. He first thought that it was just a funny social meeting without any serious reason. As soon as he became aware of the phenomenon, he tried to understand it in terms of his scientific knowledge. But when he saw that the phenomenon showed an intelligent manifestation he started a long and patient work of research and only after too much observation, study and analysis did Allan Kardec publish the first book of the codification, The Spirits’ Book. Dear spiritist brothers, science got much more developed since that time. Nevertheless the example of Allan Kardec continues being as actual as it was before. If we are not capable of understanding the scientific method, we can understand Allan Kardec’s method of study and research. Let us follow his example! Only after much patience, observation, meditation, study and analysis we can publish our ideas. It is not necessary to be fast. Future generations will thank the efforts of today.


The author is pleased to thank Mr. Renato Costa for revising this English translation.


[1] A. Kardec, The Spirits’ Book, Editora FEB, 6a Edition, (1996).
[2] A. F. da Fonseca, Revista Internacional de Espiritismo, março, p. 93 (2003).
[3] F. Capra, O Tao da FísicaI, Editora Cultrix LTDA, 15a. Edição, (1993).
[4] A. Kardec, Revista Espírita 8, p.257, (1861).

1 In the paper of reference [2] the reader will also find a comment on the criticisms about the famous book  “The Tao of Physics”[3].


After All

Anderson, through Francisco Cândido Xavier

(message received on June 10, 1965, in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, reproduced from the Chapter 36 of the book Entre Irmãos de Outras Terras / Among Brothers of Other Lands. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1994)


The conflicts of our times show failings in our hearts.

Evolution has actually become a tragedy today. It looks as if mankind were crossing a tunnel of darkness. Everywhere we are involved in anguish and confusion.

What is the trouble?, inquires a neighbor.

What do I care?, answers another.

What should we do? Let us get on with our work because Christ’s words have not changed. In spite of all difficulties, the Gospel has the answer to every spiritual problem.

We do not serve for our sake, but for Him.

Jesus is the heart of the Gospel. The best of everything in the way to God revolves around Him. In fact, what we can realize is always a small thing. However, we should not forget that a great city starts with a small stone. We are in the Christian life for the Kingdom of God. We cans top, to walk slowly or go a little faster.

In spite of our failings, it is important to our interest now that, as Christians, we do not hesitate to take our stand with Jesus. After all, the question is grave and this is the most important problem of the Christian life. Christ measures our lives not in terms of intelligence or fortune, but trough services to all men.

Spiritists, You Have a Treasure in Your Hands, Share It!

Spirit communication received by

Yvonne Limoges

The Spiritist Society of Florida

Just as has been said by the superior spirits and Kardec, the gift of mediumship is for each medium’s own moral betterment first, and then for helping others. The same applies to the knowledge obtained by the Spiritist Doctrine, for we are responsible for all the good we could have done, but did not do.
The time has come for the knowledge that has been hidden and kept behind closed doors, to see the light of day! Do not become closed societies. Spiritists, you each have a moral duty to help others (your families, friends, acquaintances, etc.) and to share your spiritual knowledge! God and the superior spirits are with you in helping you to spread "The Way and the Word" as in the times of Jesus. Be not like some of the apostles who denied knowing Him and His Teachings!
As the famous Spiritist from Spain, Miguel Vives said, "Spiritists, you have a treasure in your hands!" But, it is a treasure to share with your brothers and sisters on this planet, because that is performing a supreme charity. It is through this very process that eventually the entire planet will change, evolve, and transform into one of regeneration.  
This does not mean you bring it up at inappropriate times to make yourself look ridiculous. There is a time and a place for everything. It is to share with those, using your commonsense, who you believe would be amenable to its teachings. You can test the waters, so to speak, by starting slowly with the basics (belief in a Just and Loving God, belief in a soul, reincarnation, the existence of a spiritual and material world, etc.) Besides, many people have had so-called psychic experiences but are afraid to speak of them. Also, do not allow newcomers to sway you from Spiritism’s proper practice. Explain the rules clearly and firmly. You and your spiritual guides are in control. If one has a fairly thorough knowledge of the Doctrine and is practicing it properly and sincerely, than you are prepared. You cannot wait for perfection from yourselves, for you are all imperfect humans!  
Those who you tell about the Doctrine will either accept it (in part or wholly), or not. Some will listen and think about it, and never be convinced. Others will have found the answers to the questions they have been seeking all their life. There will also be those who seek you out. Either way, when each one of them returns to the spirit world, as we all do, the knowledge that you gave them, this spiritual gift, will ease their transition and better prepare them for life in the spirit world; for the knowledge you gave them will be brought to their attention upon their return. You will have done them the greatest charity by helping them to take the first step in their spiritual transformation; for spiritual knowledge is never forgotten.
Have faith in God, Spiritists, not in imperfect humanity! You are never alone. The good spirits help guide lost souls to your Spiritist Groups. There are no coincidences! Each person who comes will take what they need and what they can spiritually digest, according to their level of comprehension. Some will say they are coming and never show up. Some come and will never return, some will return occasionally, and some will be complete converts. Either way, who are we to judge any of them? Spiritists, your only solemn duty is to practice the Doctrine to the best of your ability and spread the Word as you are able, whatever happens afterwards, is between each individual and God.  
Jesus preached to those who would listen and did not worry about what happened to the spiritual seeds He spread. He Knew that was in God Hand’s and in the individual’s freewill to accept or reject His teachings, each according to their understanding. He fulfilled His Sacred Duty and so started change in the world!  
Workers of the Last Hour, your time is here! Have you spoken of what you believe to your own individual family? Are you teaching your own children your Spiritist beliefs? Have you spoken of your beliefs to your relatives, best friends, and acquaintances? Believe us when we say that the people who are close to you, are beside you for good reasons. When you have the chance to profess your belief, do you refrain for fear of ridicule? You can help many, so do not lose out on wonderful opportunities.  
My children, God is with you, do not doubt it! God wants all His children to have the spiritual knowledge that will answer their questions as to why they suffer and why they have so many sorrows. Those who spread spiritual knowledge with sincerity and pureness of heart, have much spiritual protection, and your efforts will be seconded by spirit guides eager for those in their care to learn from you! They continue teaching what you have started, when the person’s spirit returns to them during sleep.
In ages past, there have been individual prophets to bring the Word of God to His children. Now, with the world at so many levels of spirituality and so diverse, the Creator depends on each of His Spiritual Worker’s help to do this important work. So Spiritists, with your faith ever so strong in God Almighty, do your moral duty, and leave the rest in God’s Very Capable Hands!




By Andre Luiz, through Francisco C. Xavier

(Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)


Tobias' case made a deep impression on me. The memory of his home organized according to new principles of brotherly union, haunted my mind. After all, I also still considered myself the head of an earthly household and could well imagine how difficult it would be if I had found myself in a similar position. Would I have the courage to follow Tobias' example? I thought not. I could not see myself as capable of worrying my dear Zelia so much, nor would I accept such an imposition on her part.

My observations of Tobias' household tortured my mind, and I could find no satisfactory answer to my questions. I felt so perplexed that the following day I decided to pay Lysias a visit in my leisure time, in order to consult Laura, whom I trusted as a mother.

I was welcomed with great joy and had to wait for an opportunity to talk calmly with my friend's mother. When the young people left for their usual evening entertainment, I found myself alone with my generous friend. Although embarrassed, I told her what was troubling me. She listened attentively and responded with a knowing smile:

"You were right in coming to discuss this question with me. The solution of any soul-searching problem requires friendly cooperation."

After a brief pause, she went on:

"Tobias' case is but one example of countless similar arrangements here and in other spiritually evolved communities."

"But it does shock our feelings, doesn't it?" I remarked earnestly.

"From a merely human point of view, those things are even scandalous; however, my dear friend, we must now consider, above all, principles of a spiritual nature. So, André, we have to try to understand the evolutionary phases of life. Since we have to undergo a long period of animal existence, we cannot expect to get rid of it all of a sudden. We take centuries to emerge from the lower stratum. Sex is one of the most misunderstood of divine faculties. Thus, for the present, it won't be easy for you to grasp the evolved aspect of the domestic organization you visited yesterday. Still, you may be sure that great happiness reigns there, through the atmosphere of comprehension between the performers of the earthly drama. It isn't everyone who succeeds in substituting bonds of light for chains of darkness in such a short time."

"But is that a general rule?" I asked, "Do all men and women married more than once reorganize their home here to include all those with whom they may have formed affectionate ties?"

"Don't jump to conclusions," continued Laura, patiently, "Go slowly. Many may feel affection but have no affinity. You must bear in mind that vibratory conditions are far more important here than on Earth. Tobias' case is an example of the victory of true fraternity, won by three souls struggling for the acquisition of an evolved understanding. Whoever does not conform to the law of fraternity and mutual respect will automatically be barred from crossing those frontiers. The somber regions of the Shadowy Zone are crowded with entities that failed in similar trials. As long as they go on hating, they remain as unsteady compass needles, moved by every antagonistic influence. Likewise, if they don't understand the truth, they succumb to the domination of falsehoods and are unable to enter the zones of superior spiritual activities. Countless are those who suffer for long years without spiritual relief, only because they will not conform to the laws of legitimate fraternity."

"What happens then?" I asked as Laura paused briefly, "Since the poor souls on such trials aren't admitted to the spirit communities of evolved apprenticeship, where do they live?"

"After truly infernal torments of their own inferior creation," she continued, "they return to the physical sphere to begin again the lesson they wouldn't learn in the spirit plane. Divine Mercy grants them new bodies and complete oblivion of the past. They will then receive through blood ties those they deliberately shunned out of hate or incomprehension. We can thus realize and appreciate more the transcendental significance of Jesus' exhortations when He advises us to seek immediate reconciliation with our adversaries. We should follow this advice for out own good. Those who know how to use their time wisely can, on closing their earthly career, attain lofty spirit conditions with an untroubled conscience. Even though they may have to return to the flesh, their burden of trials and tribulations will be considerably lighter. Many spirits will spend centuries trying to overcome bitter feelings of hatred and resentment during their earthly sojourn, only to revert to them again on reentering the spirit world. The problem of forgiveness, according to Jesus, is extremely serious, and cannot be accomplished merely with lip service, for while a superficial pardon is but a question of words, those who would really forgive must dig deep into themselves and cast off the venomous dregs of former times."

Laura fell silent, as if pondering the far-reaching import of the profound concepts she had just voiced. Availing myself on the pause, I remarked:

"The experience of marriage is very sacred to me." My friends was not surprised at my observation, and replied:

"To spirits still undergoing simple animal experiences, our conversation must be devoid of all interest, but we, who have already learned the importance of illumination with Christ, must take into due consideration not only the experience of matrimony but also all sexual experience, as it greatly affects the life of the soul."

My wife ha always occupied a sacred place in my heart, above all other affections. Nevertheless, at these words, remembering my past as an ordinary man, I could not help blushing. On hearing Lysias' mother now, I recalled the time-honored words of the Old Testament: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house nor his wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ass, nor his ox, nor anything that is thy neighbor's". Suddenly, faced with Tobias' case, I felt unable to continue. Laura sensed my inner embarrassment and continued:

"Wherever the task of readjusting wrongs is common to all, there must be room for a great brotherly understanding and a deep respect for the Divine Mercy that offers us so many opportunities to work out our amends. For the creature who has already acquired some spiritual enlightenment, every sexual experience assumes an unsuspected significance. This is why no truly redeeming mission can be fulfilled without legitimate brotherly understanding. Just a short time ago I heard a highly-evolved instructor in the Ministry of Elevation declare that were he able he would materialize himself on the physical plane to teach the representatives of religious denominations in general, that, to be divine, all charity must be based on human brotherhood."

My hostess then closed our talk by inviting me to see Heloisa, who was still confined to her room. After a short visit to the young newcomer from the physical plane and noticing with pleasure her marked improvement, I returned to the Chambers of Rectification immersed in deep thought. I was no longer concerned with Tobias' conduct nor Hilda's or Luciana's attitude. I was filled with a profound awe at the all-embracing issue of human fraternity.


I didn't know how to explain my wish to visit the Women's Department of the Chambers of Rectification. Nevertheless, I spoke to Narcisa about it, an she immediately offered to take me there.

"When the Father summons us to a certain place," she said kindly, "surely there is some work awaiting us there. Each situation in life has a desired end. Remember to watch for this principle in apparently causal visits. As long as our thoughts are turned to the practice of good, it won't be difficult to identify divine suggestions."

That same day, she and I went to find Nemesia, the prestigious superintendent of the Women's Department. It wasn't hard to find her. In the ward I saw rows of women in immaculately well-kept beds, all of them pitiable human wrecks. Here and there I heard heart-rending cries and agonizing exclamations. Nemesia, radiating the same kindness as Narcisa, welcomed me cordially.

"I suppose you must be accustomed to these scenes by now. The situation is about the same in the Men's Department."

And, with an expressive gesture to her companion, she went on:

"Narcisa, will you please show our brother all the different sections that you think may be educational for him? The ward is open to you."

On our way, we began discussing human vanity, always inclined to physical pleasures, and recalling observations and teachings on the subject. We reached Pavilion Seven, where I saw rows of women lying in a long line of beds each set equally distant from the others. I was studying their faces when one caught my eye. Who could the woman with that particular embittered face be? She looked prematurely old and worn, her lips twitching with a frustrated expression of irony and resignation. Her eyes were dim and sorrowful, and her sight seemed to be defective. With a heavy heart, I restlessly searched my memory. In a few moments I remembered her from my past – it was Elisa, the same Elisa I had known in my youth. Suffering had changed her, but there was no doubt in my mind.

I perfectly remembered the day an old friend of my mother's brought the poor girl to our house to enter our service. At first there was nothing unusual in our relationship, but gradually we forgot ourselves. Abusing the relationship between one who orders and one who serves, we grew more and more intimate. Elisa seemed to be frivolous and thoughtless, and when we were alone she often referred to her earlier irresponsible adventures, breaking down the last barriers of self-restraint between us.

One day, my mother called me to account. Such intimacy, she exhorted, was not good. It was quite right to be kind and generous to the maid, but our relationship should stay within wise limits. It was too late, though. We had already gone beyond those limits, and soon Elisa, lacking the courage to accuse me to my face, left our home.

Time passed, and the episode receded in my memory to a mere incident in my life. But, as everything else, it was not blotted out of my mind, and here was Elisa before me, downtrodden and humbled. Where had that wretched creature lived, who so early in life had experienced such sufferings? Where had she come from? This case was not like Silveira's in which I had shared responsibility with my father. Here, the debt was all mine. I was nervous and put to shame by the accusing reminiscences and, like a child anxious to be forgiven for wrongdoing, I turned to Narcisa for guidance.

At times I admired the trust those saintly women inspired in me. I might never have had the courage to ask Minister Clarence for the explanations I had asked of Lysias' mother. I probably would have acted otherwise had I been in Tobias' company at that moment. Considering that a generous and Christian woman is always a mother, I opened my heart to the kindly nurse, who seemed, by the way she looked at me, to understand everything. As I began to talk, I could hardly keep back my tears. I was only halfway through my painful confession when she interrupted me:

"You needn't go on, André. I can already guess the end of your story. I fully realize your moral torture from my own personal experience. However, you mustn't indulge in destructive thoughts. Since the Lord has granted you the opportunity of meeting this sister, it must be because He thinks it's time to repay your debt."

"Don't be afraid." She said, sensing my indecision, "Go to her and try to comfort her. Remember, brother that we always find the fruits of the good or evil we have sown. This statement isn't a mere doctrinal phrase – it's a universal reality. I have learned a great deal from similar situations. Blessed are the debtors who are ready to pay."

Seeing that I had already made up my mind to atone for the wrong committed, she added:

"Go on, but don't tell her who you are for the moment. Leave that for later, when you have already managed to help her. It won't be difficult, as she will continue to be almost blind for some time yet. By her aura, I can classify the poor thing as one of those unfortunate fallen women and defeated mothers."

We approached Elisa's bed and I began to speak comfortingly to her. She told us her name, and that she had been brought to the Chambers three months ago. Determined to humble myself before Narcisa so that the lesson should be indelibly written on my soul, I inquired:

"You must have suffered a great deal, Elisa. Was yours an unhappy life?"

Sensing the affectionate tone of my question, she smiled at me resignedly and said:

"Painful experiences are always eloquent examples." I replied.

The patient, who had undergone a deep moral transformation, reflected for a while, as if conjuring up the past, and began her story:

"I wasted my life as do all those reckless women who exchange the blessed bread of work for the venomous gall of illusion. Born in an extremely poor home, I was still very young when I went into service in the home of a well-to-do businessman. He ha a son who was as young as I. There my life underwent a great change. An undue intimacy gradually developed between his son and myself until at last all reaction on my part would have been useless. I forgot that God never denies work to those who wish to live worthily, and gave myself up to a series of painful experiences, which I needn't relate. I tasted the good things of life – material comfort, luxury, pleasures and gay company. But they were soon followed by self-hatred, venereal diseases, hospitalization, abandonment and disillusion. In the end came blindness and physical death. In great despair I wandered for a long time, until one day I prayed so fervently to the Blessed Virgin that, for her sake, some heavenly messengers rescued me and brought me here to this generous house of assistance."

"And who was that man that made you so unhappy" I asked, moved to tears.

I heard my name and that of my parents', and anxiously asked her whether she hated him:

"All through my past suffering, I cursed him with mortal hatred; but Sister Nemesia has changed me. I realize now that to hate him I should have to hate myself, for in my case, the blame must be shared between us. So, I mustn't reproach anyone."

Touched by her humility, I took her hand. A tear of remorseful repentance fell on it.

"Listen, my friend," I said with strong emotion, "my name is also André, and I want to help you. >From now on you may count on me. I'll do all I can for you."

"And your voice," she remarked, ingenuously, "is like his."

"Up to now," I went on, "I haven't had a family, so to speak, here in The Astral City. So you will be my dear sister, and can rely on my devoted friendship."

"Oh, how grateful I am to you!" She exclaimed, drying her eyes which lit up with a radiant smile, "It's such a long time since I heard a kind voice comfort me with affectionate words. May Jesus bless you."

At that moment, as my tears fell abundantly, Narcisa, in a motherly gesture, took both my hands and repeated Elisa's words:

"May Jesus Bless you."

Next chapters: 41 & 42.



Dear Sirs,

I enjoyed reading your report, especially the text by Renan Lacerda - 'Spiritualism vs Materialism'.

Having discussed the article with my wife, and not being an expert on the Bible, can you please give the
evidence for the following (quoted from the article):

'Jesus and his disciples had preached (and many thereafter had accepted) the concept of reincarnation.'

My understanding of reincarnation is the belief that a dead person's spirit returns to life in another body.

Biblical references would be appreciated.

With thanks and best wishes,

Bill Jenkins (Poland)


Dear Bill,

Thank you for you gentle words about our SM45.

Answering your questiom, I would like to say that not only did Jesus teach about reincarnation but also several references in the New Testament original Greek and Hebrew text did show that he did accept reincarnation as a fact as did his disciples and many people at the time.

Unfortunately the translators have changed the scriptures so that they became compatible with the dogmas created by the Roman Church. Despite such a shameful attitude, however, some of those references remained and can still be seen in the translations. Let us take a look at a few quoting from "The Blue Letter Bible" (

The Man Blind from his Birth

Jhn 9:1   And as [Jesus] passed by, he saw a man which was blind from [his] birth.

Jhn 9:2   And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

Jhn 9:3   Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

The question done by the disciples asking if he (the blind man) would have sinned before becoming blind shows clearly that they were referring to a previous life, considering that the man had been born blind from his birth in the current life.

If the disciples had asked an absurd question Jesus would have surely taken advantage of the opportunity to show them that a man having a single life couldn't have sinned before his one and only birth. However, Jesus did not criticize what they had said. When he answered that the man had been born blind so that the works of God should be made manifest in him he was letting us know that - at least from that moment on - the man had nothing more to repair being blind.

They who take the Sword will Perish with the Sword

Mat 26:52   Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Jesus obviously knew that lots of people killed other people with swords and were not killed in the same way . at least in the same life. So the only possible way to understand what Jesus said is accepting that there are several lives and that we all have to repair our wrongdoings.

John the Baptist and Elias

Mat 11:12   And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Mat 11:13   For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.

Mat 11:14   And if ye will receive [it], this is Elias, which was for to come.

Mat 11:15   He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Mat 17:12   But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.

Mat 17:13   Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist.

Jesus was absolutely clear when he said that John the Baptist was Elias who had returned.

There are several books in Portuguese showing other references but understanding them requires an amount of writing something that is not possible in a simple reply like this one.

Several sites can be found in English showing references to reincarnation in the Bible, both Old and New Testament. Any search engine will return you a good material to study. Some of those sites show understandings on reincarnation different from ours. However, they will be useful showing the references that you want.

There are also sites trying to deny that there are references to reincarnation in the Bible. It would be surprising if there were not. You may read them if you will but as you will see they offer so weak and prejudiced arguments that they can't be taken seriously.

Much Peace

Renato Costa


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