Advanced Study Group of Spiritism on October 15th 1992 The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of the GEAE Group GEAE 8th year - Number 40 - distributed: July 2003
- Presenting our new colaborator
Yvonne Limoges, SSF, Florida, US
- Congress Medinesp 2003, São Paulo, Brazil
- In Preparation (Emmanuel)
- The Astral City, Chapters 27 & 28
The man whose acquaintance with the world does not lead him deeper than science leads him, will never understand what it is that the man with the spiritual vision finds in these natural phenomena. The water does not merely cleanse his limbs, but it purifies his heart; for it touches his soul. The earth does not merely hold his body, but it gladdens his mind; for its contact is more than physical contact, it is a living presence. When a man does not realise his kinship with the world, he lives in a prison-house whose walls are alien to him When he meets the eternal spirit in all objects, then is he emancipated, for then he discovers the fullest significance of the world into which he is born; then he finds himself in perfect truth, and his harmony with the All is established.
We are glad to introduce our new collaborator, Renato Costa, who will from
now on work together with Ademir Xavier Jr. on the edition of the Spiritist
Messenger as well as on updating the English version of GEAE’s homepage.
Renato is a 48-year-old married engineer who has three children. He lives
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and works as an Assistant Manager for a large
Brazilian Company. He is a medium, and the Web designer for IEJA - Joanna de Ângelis Spiritist Institution
(of which he is an active member) and also manages a discussion board on Yahoo!
where he spreads the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine throughout the world.
He also has a special interest for languages. He has studied English since
he was nine years old and at the age of fifteen he received the University
of Cambridge’s Certificate of Proficiency in English. He also speaks French
and Spanish. He writes articles in Portuguese and English, which are published
in the “RIE - Revista Internacional de Espiritismo.”, a monthly spiritist
magazine from São Paulo, Brazil, which was founded in 1925 by one
of our spiritist pioneers, Cairbar Schutel.
The members of the Editorial Council of GEAE would like to give a warm
welcome to Renato Costa and we are absolutely convinced that he will aid
in our humble efforts towards the development of a fraternal media for the
study and dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine, which we hope will help
many people throughout the world in need of higher knowledge regarding the
phenomena of life and its true meaning.
Much peace,
GEAE Editors
Book Review on Reaching To Heaven
written by James Van Praagh
The main purpose of the Brazilian Medical Spiritist Association - AME-Br
is to promote the study of the Spiritist Doctrine, as established in the nineteen
century by French philosopher and educator Allan Kardec, and its phenomena
especially with regard to their relation, integration, and links with the
areas of Philosophy, Religion, and Science, in particular with the Medical
Sciences. To reach this objective, AME-Br is involved in carrying out
events, studies and experiments to demonstrate the relationship that exists
between each of these areas and the fundamentals of the Spiritist Doctrine.
Every two years AME-Br organizes a national congress for the medical spiritist
community of Brazil, which has also been attended by medical doctors of many
Latin American countries and to which speakers from Europe and North America
have been invited. Attendance to MEDINESP congresses has oscillated
between 600 and 1000 participants. The theme of this year congress MEDINESP
2003, which will be held jointly with the II Congress of the International
Medical Spiritist Association - AME-International, is “Science and Spirituality:
Complementarity and Integration.” As the theme implies, the objective
of the congress is to discuss the many common and complementary aspects that
have been identified in recent years between the modern concepts of Medicine
and Health Care and the scientific, moral and religious teachings of the Spiritist
Doctrine. In addition to Brazilian speakers, around 40 of them, four
foreign scientists have already agreed to deliver plenary conferences, namely
Dr. Harold Koenig (USA), Dr. Peter Fenwick (UK), Dr. Amit Goswami (USA) and
Dr. Uma Krishnamurthy (India).
Additional information on MEDINESP 2003 can be found in the AME-BR web page:
"I will put my laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."
Paul, Hebrews, 8:10
We will translate the Gospel
In all languages
In all cultures
Exalting its magnificence
Emphasizing its sublimity
Spreading its poetry
Commenting on its truth
Interpreting its lessons
Impressing it upon our reasoning
Perfecting our hearts
Reforming our intelligence
Renovating laws
Improving customs
And illuminating pathways.
But the time will come
When the Glad Tidings will need to be imprinted within ourselves
In the intimacy of our minds
in the innermost depths of the heart
Through words and actions
Principles and ideals,
Aspirations and hopes,
Gestures and thoughts.
Because, verily,
If Heaven allows us to disseminate its Divine Message to the world,
One day we will be required to convert ourselves
Into the living examples of the Gospel on Earth.
("Our daily bread", tranls. by Jussara Korngold and Maria Levinson, Spiritist Alliance for Books)
(Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)
Chapter 27 WORK AT LAST
Never could I have pictured the scene now before my eyes. It was neither hospital nor a conventional nursing home, but a series of vast inter-communicating wards crowded with carcass-like human forms. A strange clamoring filled the air - groans, sobs and plaintive phrases uttered at random. Ghastly faces, bony hands and monstrous bore witness to their terrible spiritual misery. So upsetting were my first impressions that I had to resort to prayer to keep my strength. Tobias called an old nurse:
"There are so few assistants today." He asked, surprised, "What has happened?'
"Minister Flacus sent word that most of them were to accompany the Samaritans [7] on their rounds in the regions of the Lower Zone."
"Well, the," Tobias decided calmly, "We must fill the gaps. There is no time to waste."
"Brother Tobias, Brother Tobias! Have mercy." Cried out an old man, clutching the bed and gesticulating like a madman, "I am suffocating! This is a thousand times worse than death on Earth. Help! I want to leave this place, to get out.... I must have air, more air!"
Tobias approached and examined him carefully, and inquired:
"Why is Ribeiro so much worse?"
"He was had one of his worst crises." Informed the nurse, "Assistant Gonçalves attributes it chiefly to the heavy charge of dense thoughts emitted by his incarnate relations. As he is still very weak and lacks the mental strength to break away from his Earthly ties, the poor creature has not been able to resist their influence."
While Tobias gently stroked the patient's forehead, the nurse continued:
"Early this morning, he rushed out of the ward, crying loudly that he was needed at home; that he couldn't forget his wife and children; that it was cruel to keep him here away from them. Lawrence and Hermes tried in vain to bring him back to bed. Therefore, I thought that it would be in his best interests to take away his energy and mobility, which I did by applying some prostrating magnetic passes to him."
"You did well," agreed Tobias thought fully, "I will see that measures are taken against the influence of his family's attitude. They must be given a greater share of worries so that they may leave Ribeiro in peace."
I looked intensely at the patient, trying to determine his emotional state. He wore the typical expression of the mentally deranged and seemed utterly unconscious of what was being said about him. He called Tobias automatically, as do children who know their benefactor. My new instructor, noting my amazement, explained:
"The poor thing is still in a nightmarish phase, during which the soul is wrapped up in its own afflictions, with little perception of anything else. Man, my friend, reaps exactly what he has sown. Our poor Ribeiro has been a prey to numerous illusions."
I wanted to ask about his history and the source of his sufferings, but remembering Laura's advice on curiosity, I kept my peace. Tobias addressed the patient with kind words of encouragement and hope, and promised he would see to the means of improving his condition, that for his own good he should calm down and take his confinement in bed patiently. Ribeiro, trembling pitiably and ghastly pale, smiled sadly and thanked him with tears in his eyes.
We walked slowly along, between numerous rows of well-kept beds. Unwholesome exhalations filled the place, caused, I later learned, by the mental emanations of those who were still under the painful impression of physical death, or dominated by the low vibrations of inferior thoughts. "These wards are used exclusively for male entities."
"Tobias, Tobias, I am parched and starving!" shouted a patient.
"Help me, brother!" yelled another.
"For the love of God, I can't stand this any longer!" cried out a third.
My heart was heavy before so much suffering, and I could not help asking:
"My friend, how sad it is to see all these sufferings and tormented spirits. Why must there exist such a dismal place?"
Tobias replied with perfect composure:
"In observing this scene, you must try to see beyond the pain and isolation. Remember, brother, that these patients have already left the Lower Zones, where so many pitfalls lie in wait for those who have heedlessly neglected their spirit selves. In these chambers patients are not only cared for, they are also prepared for their future redemption. We must bear in mind that their suffering is of their own doing. Man's life is always centered wherever his heart is."
And, after a pause during which he seemed deaf to the clamoring around us, he added:
"They are smugglers of eternal life."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"They expected mere earthly acquisitions to have the same value in the Spirit spheres. They believed that criminal pleasures, the power of money, infringement of the law and the imposition of self would cross the frontiers of the sepulcher and still be in force here, offering them new opportunities for further follies. They were thoughtless businessmen who forgot to exchange their material acquisitions for spiritual currency. When in the flesh, they travel to a foreign city, they always took care to provide themselves with the currency of the country which they visit. Yet, while certain of the inevitability of the final trip to the spiritual regions, they neglected to acquire spiritual values. Thus the millionaire of the physical sphere becomes the spiritual pauper."
How true! Tobias' words could not have been more logical. After distributing comfort and hope, he leaded me to the next ward. Narcisa, the nurse, followed us and deferentially opened the door.
As I entered, I nearly staggered with heart-sickening surprise. It was a chamber of vast proportions where thirty-two men, with sinister countenances, lay quite still on very low beds. Their almost unnoticeable breath was the only sign of life they presented.
"These unhappy entities are in a sleep much heavier than that of most of our ignorant brothers. We call them the negative believers, for instead of accepting the Lord, they were unconditional slaves of self; instead of believing in life, action and work, they admitted only the victory of crime, immobility and eternal nothing. They transformed their earthly experience into the constant preparation for a long slumber; and as they had no notion of good, of brotherly cooperation, there is nothing left for them now but to sleep on for years and years as helpless victims of ghastly nightmares."
I was horrified at these explanations and stared at Tobias, who began to carefully apply strengthening passes on the patients. When the treatment on the first two was over, they both began vomiting a black substance, a dark and viscous matter with cadaverous emanations.
"They are expelling poisonous fluids." Explained Tobias calmly.
Narcisa was doing her best to keep up with the cleaning, but in vain; for by this time a great number of them had begun expelling the same dark and fetid matter. It was then that I instinctively got hold of the cleaning implements and set myself to work. The nurse seemed thankful for my help, and Tobias threw me a glance that well expressed his satisfaction and gratitude.
The work continued throughout the day, bringing with it a blessed fatigue. No friend in the physical world could possibly appreciate the sublime joy of the physician recommencing his self-education from the humblest of nursing tasks.
7 - Organization of spirit benefactors in the Astral City (A note by the
spirit author.)
Chapter 28 ON DUTY
Electronic weekly report - Boletim do GEAE Monthly English report: "The Spiritist Messenger" Home page - "The Spiritism Web" - contains Spiritist information in general: electronic books, newspapers reports, info on the Spiritist movement worldwide, institutions, events and Spiritist links. Collection in Portuguese (Boletim do GEAE) Collection in English (The Spiritist Messenger) Collection in Spanish (El Mensajero Espírita) (Free) subscriptions