Editorial |
The Prayer of Caritas (and original in French) |
Dear Friends,
We return the normal edition of "The Spiritist Messenger" after some months of interruption due to technical problems. We apologize for the lack of information during this period. We have struggle to normalize our activities which is now concentrated through the new website:
We ask you to update your link since
we plan to keep this address for the future. The GEAE site is now
divided into two distinct areas:
These languages were chosen for
the sake of simplification in face of the cultural environment where the
majority of the group members live. However, we continue to support the
submission of materials in other languages which will be published in special
editions. The new page is being remodeled to accommodate updated information
about Spiritism (a Spiritist vocabulary, new translations, online books
and different material of study for the interested net reader). We are
waiting for the contribution of all members who are the cause of existence
of the GEAE group.
This is a special edition where we could not forget all those who died on the tragedy of September 11. Let us all remember this day, making a single prayer of reverence, asking for God´s help, not only for their spirits (which we know are well assisted) but for the souls of all their relatives who remained in the material world.
In order to remember their spirits and express our feelings, we offer to all the readers and their relatives the "Prayer of Caritas" who was obtained on a Christmas day in 1873 by Mrs. W. Krell still in the days of codification. It is highly expressive both in the content as in the expression directed to the Superior Power which governs us all.
GEAE editors
God, our Father, who is power and goodness, provide strength to he who is experiencing pain and anguish. Give light to he who seeks the truth!
Fill the human heart with love and compassion!
God, please give the traveler the star that guides, solace to those in pain, and rest to the sick and weary!
Father! Give the guilty repentance, the spirit the truth!
Give the child guidance, the orphan a father. Lord! Let Your goodness encompass everything that You have created!
Clemency, my God, to he who does not know You. Hope to he who is in pain. Let Your Will allow the consoling spirits to spread peace, hope and faith everywhere!
God! May a single ray of light, a spark of Your divine love blaze the Earth! Let us drink from the fountain of that infinite and fruitful goodness and all tears will be dried and all pain lessened. A single heart, a single thought will rise to You, like a cry of gratitude and love!
Like Moses on the mountain, we await You with open arms, Oh Almighty! Oh Greatness! All Powerful, All Beauty! All perfection! And we wish in some way to receive your mercy.
God, give us the power to help progress that we may rise up to You; Give us pure charity, give us faith and reason, give us simplicity that will make our souls the mirror on which Your image should reflect!
Spirit communication received by Mrs W Krell, on December 25 1873.
25 Decembre 1873
Dieu, notre père, qui avez puissance et bonté, donnez la force à celui qui subit l'épreuve! Donnez la lumière à celui qui cherche la vérité!
Mettez au coeur de l'homme la compassion et la charité!
Dieu! Donnez au voyageur l'etoile directrice, à l'affigé la consolation, au malade le repos!
Père, donnez au coupable le repentir! Donnez à l'èsprit la vérité!
Donnez à l'enfant le guide, donnez à l'orphelin le père! Seigneur, que votre bonté s'etende sur tout ce que vous avez créé!
Pieté, mon Dieu, pour celui
que ne vous connait pas, espoir pour celui qui souffre! Que votre bonté
permette aujourd'hui aux esprits
consolateurs de répandre
partout la paix, l'espérance et la foi!
Dieu! Un rayon, une étincelle de votre amour peut embraser la terre, laissez-nous puiser aux sources de cette bonté féconde et infinie, et toutes les larmes seront séchées, toutes les doleurs calmées; un seul coeur, une seul pensée montera jusqu'à vous, avec un cri de reconnaissance et d'amour!
Comme Moise sur la Montagne nous étendons les bras vers vous, ô puissance, ô bonté, ô beauté, ô perfection et nous voulons en quelque sorte forcer votre miséricorde! Dieu! Donnez-nous la force d'aider au progrès afin de monter jusqu'à vous! Donnez-nous la charité pure, donnez-nous la foi et la raison! Donnez-nous la simplicité qui fera de nos âmes le miroir où doit se refléter votre image!
Rayonnements de la Vie Spirituelle
Edition de L'union Spirite Belge
- 1949
Communications de Esprits obtenues
par Mme. W. Krell
the editorial board editor-en@geae.inf.br |
distributed by e-mail (English, Portuguese and Spanish versions). |
electronic books, newspapers reports, info on the Spiritist movement worldwide, institutions, events and Spiritist links. |