Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 
GEAE 8th year - Number 31 - distributed: July 2001
    "Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                                                           Allan Kardec 
           June 2001 and the death penalty debate revisited:  
           what Spiritism has to say about it 
            You and the Peace  
            Carlos Iglesia (Brazil)  
           Milena (USA)  
           Reincarnation and You  
           Ernest O'Brien  

           The Astral City - A story of a doctor's odyssey in  
           the Spirit World  
           Andre Luiz, through Francisco C Xavier  
           Chapter 11 & 12. Also available at here or here 

Rabindranath Tabore. "Last Curtain" in "Gitanjali".
Translation made originally from the Bengali.



June 2001 will be an unforgettable month after the execution of the convicted terrorist Timothy McVeigh for his monstrous act against Oklahoma city. In order to properly address the subject of the death penalty (DP) and its implications according to different points of views, we must point out two distinct aspects of the matter:

1) The consequences of the use of the DP to the social order; for instance, if its application influences the mind of potential murderers, if its existence deters crime, etc.

2) The invisible side; that is, what are the consequences of the use of the DP according to Spiritualist/Spiritist views.

First we must remember the fact that materialism claims no consequences at all for the condemned. Consequently, supporters of the DP are more justified in the materialist context. Also, human rights groups find some difficulty in defending the condemned rights in present day society given its widespread implicit materialist faith. Supporters of the DP do not rely directly upon materialism, but instead propose the DP as a way of "avenging" the victims and their relatives. The debate is often fed by somewhat irrational argumentation which is inflated in face of the polemical aspects of the DP. Catholics are openly anti-DP, but not so much for the empathy of the condemned. They believe that death is exclusively God´s right. Secondly, comes the human rights. The Church has recently adopted this view as a result of the thousands killed at the stake for frivolous reasons. Therefore, the Church does not have  the slightest trace of authority to judge on the matter.

No matter how we see the implications of the DP on the social order, one must also analyze the question from the spiritualist poin-of-view. And this implies in accepting certain laws that exist on behalf of truth and not to satisfy our understanding of justice. History tells us that the conception of justice is highly dependent on specific social contexts that are on their turn time dependent. Therefore, we are obliged to separate the discussion in two distinct branches: the one related to our transitory point-of-view and another concerning natural order.

We are living beings whose familiar essence is not founded upon matter. That is, we recognize in us something that can not be confounded with matter. Matter concerns all that we can sense by utilizing our biological organs. However, our state of existence should not be accepted as the ordinary state of existence which is common to all human beings (and animals alike). To believe that only human beings (because of their special biological organization) can think and feel in certain ways is the same as to deny that other beings are devoid of such possibilities. This is clearly anthropocentrism.

Spiritism has shown that the condition of existence of the being is independent from matter. In other words, there is life beyond matter (this also implies that life is probable in other planets even under non-carbon based biological structures), but fundamentally it also has to do with the recognition of the spiritual essence of man. Therefore, the DP has important consequences after the death of the condemned. Death is an irreversible process. A victim´s life cannot be resurrected by the death of the murderer. But the murderer's state of evilness will not be changed by his death either. On the contrary, it sets him free to follow his sick instincts of hate and death. Deep inside all human beings, there is the instinctive notion of eternity (explaining McVeigh´s suggestive idea of quoting Henley´s verses and similar final attitudes of many condemned) which cannot be eliminated because death does not destroy the being. On the contrary, life as matter is the only way of rehabilitation. Obviously, we would not punish the rebel student by sending him home. By freeing the murderer from the bonds that tied his spirit and his sick mind to matter, the DP in fact gives the condemned the ability to access other equally sick minds and to spread the feelings of hate and revenge to other embodied spirits who are able to tune to its uncontrolled feelings. The DP therefore contributes to increase the contingent of criminals in the beyond who look for new victims. Such process of influence is already well known to Spiritists as obsession. It is the uncontrollable bad influence of disturbed spirits upon other spirits. The target or victim can be both a disembodied or an incarnated spirit. Here lies the mystery of many unexplained criminal attitudes (often classified under "depressive driven" acts). We believe that the present-day society is far from understanding these concepts that were wrongly interpreted in the past as demonic possession. In fact, there are no demons but only invisible spirits that, similar to bacteria and viruses, collectively infect the minds of  society, causing it to tune to its intentions. Since natural order does not recognize any difference among human beings (precepts of nationality, religion, state questions are indifferent), the same natural laws governing the relation among national groups are equally valid within a specific group. Situations of war collectively predisposes an entire society to internal war as to hate an external enemy is to become an easy target of hate inside.The mechanism of such action-reaction interplay is only properly understood under the light of the spirit evolution in its successive lifes (i.e., reincarnation, see texts in this issue).

We conclude that the DP does not contribute to the recovery of the criminal spirit. It also does not contribute to alleviate the feeling of sorrow and sadness of the victim´s relatives. It just serves to justify an instinctive feeling of revenge on the minds of some people. And McVeigh is now more than always the "captain of his own soul, the master of his fate".

GEAE Editors


Carlos Iglesia (Brazil)
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you."
Jesus (John 14:27)
Like many other words expressing abstract ideas, "peace" has many meanings. For some people, "peace" means the absence of war. For others, to "have peace" means freedom from material needs, while still for others, "peace" is the peaceful coexistence with families and neighbors.

In our world  the majority of meanings of "peace" usually relates to conditions that are external to the being and naturally temporary, subjected to political, social and economical circumstances.

Among all of these meanings there is a special one which may be regarded as the "true peace": It is the "peace of spirit" that comes out of a free and restful conscience and which is founded upon an unchanging faith in Divine Providence. Jesus referred to this kind of peace when he said: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

From such inner peace of the being - the good treasure of the heart - there comes the balanced individual living in harmony with himself and the world and who, by acting without violence, changes the world around. Nobody should however mistake such peacefulness for nullity of will. The peaceful man is in fact an energetic being whose power is in the service of all. Few individuals in the last century were so peaceful and at the same time so dynamic as Mahatama Gandhi: he freed an entire country using "Ahimsa" (no-violence) and "Satyagraha" (unchanging trust in the truth - see the book "Mohandas K. Gandhi, an Autobiography").

Turning again to the example of Jesus, we realize the true sense of peace that he gave us as an always-living lesson: Be him among humble people, before the Pharisees and others representatives of the Moses' Laws or  before the Roman authorities about to condemn him, Jesus remained always restful. He was aware of God's will and in every circumstance expressed himself with no sign of violence.  Even when he expelled the vendors of the temple (Matthew 21:12), there is no register in the gospels of someone hurt or of any cruelty expressed: he was against an illogical trade in a place that was to represent the Eternal One. In this episode we recognize the displeasure of the Just against the corruption of the most holly feelings.

The Just before God's eyes - an old fashion biblical reference in our times - is the ethical person who loves God with all his heart, with all his soul, and his fellow man as himself (see Matthew 22:37-39) and who fulfills his duties before God and society. He is the "good person" described in "The Gospel According to Spiritism" (Chapter 17), and the definition of the good Spiritist. By acting in the right way, he acquires inner peace and pacifies everyone around him. He becomes the sower of the good seed in every place he is: as a family member, as  citizen, as  worker, a businessman or in whatever political position.

At the end of the nineteenth century, a Polish Doctor of Jewish origin succeed in creating a neutral language for the universal fraternity living in an environment of persecutions and brutal violence against the Jews. Dr. Zammenhof's created "Esperanto", an easy-to-learn language to facilitate the communication among the nations. Even though Zammenhof's ideal remains to be better accepted, the very fact of its existence has driven many people toward mutual understanding and somehow contributed to eliminate hate.

Sidharta Gautama, the Illuminated (Buddha), by teaching the four noble truths and compassion toward all beings started to move the wheel of a doctrine that even today change people's spirit remarkably. Dalai Lhama is a proof of this in his peaceful strife for the happiness of his country.

Amongst Brazilian Spiritists, the examples of Bezerra de Menezes and Francisco Cândido Xavier (Chico Xavier) stand out. The respect for the spiritists ideas in Brazil, the peaceful character of the Brazilian social behavior which manifests itself by the patience in the moments of national difficulties, one thanks the influence of these two noble figures.

In the United States we remember M. Luther King, a peaceful man  who changed the life of million people and shaped and entire new country face.

In the lack of peace inside the individual, the world suffers in many ways. Present days have became notorious by fear of violence: violence of criminality, violence of racial hate, violence of greed, violence of corruption, violence of selfishness, lack of faith and love. Just turn on the TV, watch the headlines and you will delve into a scenario resembling violence movies in their finest details.

No matter the specific case,  the criminal today attracts more attention of the media than a good man. Criminal acts are described with so many adornments that almost no space is left to the good news. Similarly traffickers are preferred to religious leaders, gangs to welfare organizations and murderers to volunteers of the social good. Important initiatives toward collective peace or improving social happiness deserve no mention in the media. No one knows anything them.

One of these initiatives is the main reason for this article - it is the movement called " You the Peace" started by Divaldo Pereira Franco. Divaldo is a famous Brazilian medium and lecturer who maintains an important educational institution to help poor children. His speeches  through the Americas, Europe, Asia, and other places  have spread the knowledge of Spiritism and helped the birth of many spiritist groups everywhere.

The campaign had its beginning some years ago and is yearly held during a great meeting in the city of Salvador (Brazil) generally in December. Everybody is invited to participate no matter the religion or political position.  Artists perform songs on peace related themes  and Divaldo delivers a speech reinforcing the necessity of everyone engagement  in the work of peace. The drive is properly described as not "against violence" but "in favor of peace". In fact "against" suggests a position of defense, implying immobility, while being in favor of the peace - in other words, to exercise no-violence - is an active behavior. To be in favor of peace, acting in accordance to ethics, showing concern about our fellow's good, is essentially the central teaching of every religion.

We all should engage this compaign, because if we had already acquired the peace of spirit, our world would not be so violent. The transition to a better world would be finished.The velocity of this transformation depends exclusively on us. The person of the globalization age is a stressful one running always after the material goods. He is all time concerned about competition only. This person forgets that is useless to conquer the world and to lose the soul.

Let us take profit by the opportunity to think over it, the chance that Divaldo give us with the compaign "You and the Peace". We must participate in the event, even if our physical presence is impossible - because of the distance - let us at least be present spiritually, through  thought and  adhesion to its noble objectives.

Let us also not forget to transmit the news of this initiative to all our fellow sisters and brothers,

Lots of peace,

Carlos Iglesia


Milena (USA)

We would like our Spiritist Center be added to your listing.
Cesar Augusto Spiritist Study Group
P.O. Box 1448
Browns Mills, NJ 08015 USA
(609) 760-6218
We submitted the registration twice already and we still haven't seen it added to your directory.
Thank you



  Ernest O' Brien - medium Waldo Vieira
(Message received on July, 14, 1965 in New York City, NY, USA).
In "Entre Irmãos de Outras Terras" by  Francisco Candido Xavier and  Waldo Vieira. Brazilian Spiritist Federation.

A story of a doctor's odyssey in the Spirit World By Andre Luiz, through Francisco C Xavier CHAPTER 11 & 12. PDF version (~800 Kb) available at and

(Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)

My generous friend was anxious to show me around the numerous districts of the Colony, but pressing duties called him back.

"You will soon get a chance to visit the different departments of our activities," he said, encouragingly. "You see, the Ministries of the city are vast centers of intense work. A through inspection of any one of them would take several days. However, you will not lack opportunities. Even if I find it impossible to accompany you, through Clarence's mediation you will be granted a permit to visit any department you like."

By this time we were back at the airbus and in a few minutes we were on our way home. I did not feel again the sensation of uneasiness I had at first experienced, nor was I constrained by the presence of the numerous passengers in the airbus. I was almost at ease and fell to pondering over some of the questions I was anxious to solve. I took the opportunity to question Lysias further:

"Lysias, my friend, can you tell me whether all spirit colonies are like this one? Do they adopt the same characteristics?"

"By no means. If, on the physical sphere, each region, each town presents its own peculiar features, you can imagine the diversity of conditions existing on our planes. Here, as on Earth, creatures are grouped according to the common sources of their origin and the goal in view. But it must be remembered that each colony, as well as each of us, stands on a different step of the great stairway to perfection. Collective experiences vary among one another. We are only one example of such colonies. According to our chronicles, our predecessors often sought inspiration in the work of the devoted workers of other spheres, just as settlements in formation now seek our help. Nevertheless, each organization posses essentially unique characteristics."

As a longer pause in the conversation ensued, I inquired:

"And did the idea of the division into Ministries originate here?'

"Yes, it did. The pioneers of the Astral City visited New Dawn, one of the most important spirit colonies near us where activities are distributed into departments. Our founder adopted the system, but substituted the word 'ministry' for 'department', except in the case of the Ministry of Regeneration, which only obtained its promotion under our present Governor. Their idea was that the organization into Ministries is more meaningful in a spiritual sense."

"I quite agree." I assented.

"It is important," Lysias continued, "that you realize that our Colony strongly stresses the principles of order and hierarchy. Merit is the only standard used to evaluate those who may be assigned to prominent positions. In ten years, only four spirit entities have been granted missions of responsibility in the Ministry of Divine Union. As a rule, after long periods of apprenticeship and service, we reincarnate to continue our struggle towards perfection."

I was completely absorbed in Lysias' words, and he went on:

"When newcomers arrive showing response to brotherly cooperation, they are lodged in a district of the Ministry of Assistance. If, however, they are recalcitrant, they are taken to the Ministry of Regeneration. As they begin, in time, to improve, they are then admitted as helpers in the services of Assistance, Communication, and Elucidation, in order to prepare themselves for their future tasks on Earth.

"Only a few spirits are allowed the privilege of long stay in the Ministry of Elevation, and very rare indeed are those who are raised to the staff of the Ministry of Divine Union when positions become available every ten years. Let me tell you, the acquisitions required are no mere expressions of idealistic activity. We are no longer on the physical plane, where discarnate entities are obliged to become ghosts.  Our time here is spent in a round of active work. The work in the Ministry of Assistance is difficult and complex; in Regeneration it requires strenuous efforts; in Communication it demands a high standard of individual responsibility; in Elucidation it calls for a great working capacity and a well trained mind, while in Elevation, abnegation and spiritual enlightenment are indispensable. As to the missions of the Ministry of Divine Union, profound wisdom and sincere universal love are essential requisites. The Government, in its turn, is the busy center of all administrative activities, and numerous services are under its direct control, including nutrition, distribution of electrical energies, traffic and transportation. In truth, my friend, labor regulations are always fulfilled here. Rest, on the other hand, is also rigorously observed. This is necessary in order to ensure that tasks are fairly distributed. The only exception is the Governor himself, who works ceaselessly, even during leisure hours."

"But does he never leave the Government House?" I inquired.

"Only when truly necessary for the public welfare. The one exception is his Sunday visit to the Ministry of Regeneration, the zone which contains the largest number of deranged entities because so many of the spirits there are still attuned with their unhappy brothers in the lower zones. Vast multitudes of transgressor spirits are lodged there. Thus, on Sundays, after the collective prayer in the Great Temple of the Government House, our Governor spends the afternoon working with the Ministries of Regeneration on many difficult cases. He sacrifices much to assist our distraught and suffering brothers."

We left the airbus near the Hospital where, I thought gratefully, I would soon find my comfortable room. As we walked, I noticed beautiful music floating through the air. I had first heard the melodies on leaving, and now as we returned, I looked to Lysias for an explanation.

"That music comes from our workshops. After long observation, the Government came to the conclusion that music stimulates labor. Since then, that inspiring incentive has become an established custom in all of our activities."

Meanwhile, we had reached the hospital entrance hall. An attendant came forward and addressed my companion:

"Brother Lysias, you are urgently needed in the pavilion on my right."

My friend left with his usual efficient calmness, while I retired to the privacy of my room, once more to return to endless speculations.

After having received such precious elucidations, I felt most anxious to improve my knowledge of some of the facts he had told me about. His references to spirits in the shadowy Lower Zones aroused my curiosity. The lack of religious instruction on Earth is very often the cause of a serious state of confusion over here. What could the Lower Zone be? I had heard Hell and Purgatory mentioned in the Roman Catholic sermons I had attended out of social obligation, but I never had the slightest notion of the Lower Zone. The next time I met my amiable attendant, I had all of my questions at my fingertips. He listened carefully, then replied:

"Well now, how can you be unaware of that region when you were kept there for so long?

With a shudder of horror, I recalled my past sufferings. Lysias continued:

"The Lower Zone begins on the Earth's crust. It is the shadowy zone for those who, in the world, turned a deaf ear to the call of their sacred duties, which they failed to fulfill, languishing instead in indecision or dragging themselves into the mire of wrong-doings. You see, on reincarnating, a spirit promises to carry out the mission assigned to him in the Father's work. Yet, when he recommences his experiences he finds it very difficult to keep his word. Instead, he blindly follows the dictates of his own selfishness. Thus, he continues to cultivate old hates and passions, forgetting that hatred is not justice, just as passion is not love. All that is superfluous and useless unbalances the harmony of life. "

"After Physical death, great multitudes of obsessed entities remain in that misty region adjacent to the Earth's physical sphere. A well accomplished duty serves as a gateway through which we enter the Infinite. It brings us closer towards our goal - the sacred union with the Lord. It is natural, then, that one who neglects the tasks allotted to him should have that blessing indefinitely postponed."

Lysias perceived my difficulty in grasping the full meaning of the lesson, owing to my almost total ignorance of spiritual principles, and tried to make it more objective:

"Now, suppose that each of us returns to the Earth wearing filthy clothing in order to wash it in the waters of human life. Our dirty garment is our spirit-body, molded by our own hands in past lives. Although we are granted the blessing of a new opportunity on Earth, we generally forget our essential aim. Instead of cleansing ourselves through constructive efforts, we acquire even more stains - we incur heavier debts and imprison ourselves through our own actions. We return to the world to rid ourselves of our impurities, knowing that they are utterly inconsistent with the higher spheres. How, then, can we expect to enter those luminous spheres in an even worse condition? The Lower Zone is a place where negative mental residues are destroyed. It is a sort of purgatory, where the refuse of the illusions acquired by neglecting the sublime opportunity of an earthly life is gradually burned away."

The image could not have been clearer or more convincing. I was simply lost in amazement. Lysias, perceiving how useful these explanations could be to me, went on:

"The Lower Zone should be a region of great interest to those still on the physical plane, for it contains everything which is out of tune with a higher plane. Consider how wise Divine Providence was in allowing the creation of such a plane around Earth. There we find compact legions of irresolute and ignorant souls, not wicked enough to be relegated to colonies of harder expiation, nor sufficiently virtuous to be admitted to higher planes. Those countless inhabitants of the Lower Zone are close companions to incarnate men, separated from them only by vibratory laws. It is no wonder, then, that such places are characterized by serious disturbances. There, rebellious spirits of all kinds are grouped together, forming invisible nuclei of extraordinary power, owing to the concentration of their common tendencies and desires."

"Many people on Earth become desperate when the postman doesn't turn up, or when the train is late. The Lower Zone is full of such desperate creatures, who, after physical death, are disappointed at not finding the Lord ready to satisfy their every whim. When they realize that the crown of glory and eternal life are awarded only to those who have worked with the Father, they show themselves as they truly are, wasting precious time on petty deeds in the Lower Zone. Just as in the Astral City, entities in the Lower Zone form a spiritual community, but their community is peopled with many different types of frustrated, idle and perverse entities. It is the Threshold, a Zone of tyranny and bondage, of exploiters and exploited."

Lysias stopped, but I, greatly impressed, went on questioning:

"But how do you account for this state of things? Do these spirits have no defense, no organization?"

"Organization," Lysias proceeded with a smile, "is an attribute of organized spirits. You see, the Lower Zone to which we are referring is like a home where there is no bread, everybody complains and no one is right. The absent minded traveler will miss his train; the farmer who does not sow cannot reap. However, of one thing you can be sure: even in the shadows and ordeals of the Lower Zone, divine protection never fails its inhabitants. Each spirit remains there just the necessary time, no more, no less. An in order to carry out the work of spirit care in the Lower Zones, the Lord has permitted the establishment of several settlements such as ours."

"I suppose then," I remarked, "that the Lower Zone must be in close connection with the incarnate plane even a kind of continuation of it?"

"So it is," he agreed, "and you will see there the net of invisible wires connecting it to human minds. It is peopled with disincarnated entities and the thought forms of those still on Earth. Every spirit, wherever it may be, is a nucleus o radiating forces which can create, transform or destroy, manifesting as vibrations that Earth science cannot yet understand. Thus, whoever is thinking is emitting positive or negative forces, and is, consequently, constructing or destroying something somewhere. It is by means of those mental currents that men establish connection with entities in the Lower Zone whose tendencies are in accordance with their own, because every soul is a powerful magnet. You see, then, that an invisible army is at work behind the invisible one. "

"The most strenuous missions in the Lower Zone are assigned to devoted helpers of the Ministry of Assistance. If a fireman's work in the great cities of Earth is exhausting and dangerous because of the blazing flames and clouds of smoke he has to fight, no lighter ins the missionary's task in the Lower Zone. These missionaries have to withstand heavy fluids emitted by thousands of minds obsessed in the practice of evil, or terribly chastised by redeeming ordeals. I tell you, my friend, a great deal of courage and a superior capacity for self-sacrifice are necessary to be able to help those who are still unable to understand and appreciate the assistance offered them."

As Lysias paused once more, I exclaimed:

"Oh, how would I like to work to help those unhappy creatures; to offer them the spiritual bread of enlightenment."

My friendly attendant looked at me kindly, and after a few moments of reflection, took his leave with this parting remark:

"I wonder whether you feel duly prepared for such a mission."

In the next issue of "The Spiritist Messenger" - Chapter 13 and 14.


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