Advanced Study Group of Spiritism
Founded on October 15th 1992
The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of   the GEAE Group 
GEAE 7th year - Number 27 - distributed: November 2000
    "Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason face to face in every Humankind epoch." 
                                                                                                                                           Allan Kardec 
           Preface to the first  electronic edition of "Astral  
           City" by  GEAE   
           Carlos Alberto I Bernardo (Brazil)  

           On the mind-body problem  
           Victor Zammit (Australia)  
           Talk shows and Spiritism   
           Janice (USA)  
           The Astral City - A story of a doctor's odyssey in the  
           Spirit World  
           Andre Luiz, through Francisco C Xavier  
           Chapter 3 & 4. Also available at here or here 





News from the afterlife reach us since time immemorial. They teach us, alert us and give us solace. From  Saul  consulting  the  dead  Samuel (Samuel 28:1) on the direction of Israel, to the disciples in  Galilee (Matthew 28:16-28:20) visited by the Master after  crucifixion. From Peter freed from prison by an angel of the Lord (Acts  12:1-12:10)  to the voices which guided  Joan  D' arc  for  the  salvation  of  France. Messages on the state of the human spirit after  death  often  remains hidden in these news.

Messages translated into the proper  language  and  customs  of  their times speak us about  heavens  and  hells,  where  human  beings  find themselves and the results of their actions. These are  more  or  less happy resorts according to the spiritual state of  their  inhabitants. In many instances they are covered with poetry, as in  Dante's  Divine Comedy, or hidden under the symbols of the great mystics.

Even recently, at a time of positivist science, the flux of  news  did not stop. On the contrary, starting in 1848 it has grown increasingly, finding elucidation in the gigantic effort of analysis and compilation carried out by Allan Kardec. Starting with "The Spirit's Book"  (1857) they continued through "Posthumous Works" (1890), strongly intertwined by the 'Revue Spirite' (1858-1859). "To be born, to died, to  be  born again and always move forward" - the several plans of human  existence are unveiled, each one endowed with its proper aim  within  the  great work of evolution.

Spiritism, the set of teachings contained  in  Kardecian  works,  has organized and spread the  interchange  of  news  among  incarnate  and discarnate. Groups were established  in  several  countries.   In  the Brazilian lands however a propitious environment for good mediumnistic work and practical application of the Spiritist postulates was  found. Bezerra de Menezes, Caibar  Schutel,  Euripedes  Barsanulfo  and  many others vividly spread the "Good news", that actually  death  does  not exist, that we found ourselves under transitory study in this material world, that opportunities of work and improvement abound in the  "many Father's mansions"

In a continuously changing world, in which the domain of matter  takes place and the human inner universe remains unknown, materialism  seems little by little to triumph over all the spiritual conquests, reducing to pious myths all the religious  creeds.  In  this  world,  Spiritism stands up straight, marching forward in the enlightenment  of  people. At the very moment when man  find himself far from God, a  masterpiece shows him his supreme target, shaping forever the behavior  of  future generations.

"Nosso Lar" (or "The Astral City"  in  the  present  English  version) appeared on Earth in 1943 through the mediumship of  Francisco  Xavier and edited by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB). The book tells us the odyssey of a recently departed physician who introduces himself under the pen name "Andre Luiz"  (see  forewords  by  Emmanuel  and  J Haddad). The author discloses a spiritual society, a  colony  of  work located in the vicinity of the Earth  surface,  where  one  finds  the happy of sad results of one acts after reaching "the  other  side"  of life. Far from abstractions  or  purely  philosophical  argumentation, Andre Luiz speaks about the actual reality of imperfect spirits  still alive, working and preparing themselves for the next life's struggles.

"Nosso Lar" is an evolving society, much similar  to  the  terrestrial one. It displays many patterns of the Brazilian society at  the  time, forecasting other ones that would arise in the following years.  Using a comparison, "Nosso Lar" is a kind of spiritualized  Rio  de  Janeiro or, more exactly, Rio is a material "Nosso Lar" in so far as  many  of its inhabitants come from this spiritual colony.

Putting aside the Brazilian feature of the colony, "Nosso Lar"  is  an universal example. Wherever the human spirit goes after death, be it a spiritual colony of an English speaking country or a spiritual town in ancient India, it always meets itself,   carrying   its  conquests  or past mistakes, beloved affections or inner enemies. In  one  word,  it goes to a place with which it has strong affinities. And then, perhaps under different customs or dressings, the spirit finds a reality  much similar to the one revealed by Andre Luiz.

So we strongly recommend to all our dear friends the reading  of  this  work. We also hope that  it  can  consolidate  the  certainty  in  the  afterlife and in the maxim "without charity there is no salvation"  as  it did to many Brazilian  fellows.  We  remark  that  just  after  the edition of this book,  as  if  reinforcing  a  practical  teaching  by Bezerra de Menezes, Brazil saw the appearance of many Spiritist groups attached to the ideal of social and  spiritual  assistance  works.  In this way, Spiritism became one of the leading schools  of  thought  in Brazil.  Thanks  to  this  book,  we  find  today   assistance   works everywhere, no matter how small the Spiritist group.

Finally, we would like to recall one of the strongest messages of this book: "work appears when the worker  is  ready".  Let  us  be  in  the service of our beloved sisters and brothers, that God  will  open  the closed gates, placing us at the exact position  where  required  hands lack.


Carlos A Iglesia Bernardo,
GEAE editor.
October 15th 2000.
Victor Zammit

The mind/brain debate has been going for too many  centuries.  Without any objective evidence, materialists claim that mind and brain are the same thing. As a psychic investigator, I state in absolute terms  that there is overwhelming objective evidence that  the  mind  is  not  the physical brain. The physical brain dies when the physical  body  dies, but the mind survives physical death.

Accordingly, the uniqueness of the mind  has  to  inevitably  be  seen whole-istically and in context of human survival.  My  research  shows from Silver Birch and other highly spiritually evolved  intelligences, the mind is not only where the brain is situated - the mind transcends earth's existence, i.e. I will be including everything I came  across regarding the full functioning of the mind.

The mind - is pure vibrating energy:

Not all minds are equal in development, some  minds  are  more powerful and other minds are extremely more powerful than others, a superior mind can  influence and  manipulate  inferior,  less evolved minds - even from great physical distances, in the afterlife can transfer the etheric body from one  place to another faster than the speed of light, is eternal because it is part of the 'Universal  Cosmic  Mind' - or as others see it is as a 'spark' of the  Divine.
Victor Zammit PO Box 1810
Dee Why 2099, Australia
+61  2   9453   5119




Here is a list of URLs for the talk shows I am regularly submitting an introduction to Spiritism request. It would not hurt if  many  of  us could make a show suggestion.  Ten minutes a week is all it takes!  We need to come together on this.

This is what  I  am  requesting:  I  would  like  to  introduce,  "The Christian Spiritist  Movement  in  America,"  to  the  North  American Audience.  Our belief is based on Christianity combined  with  Science and Philosophy.  Below you will find URL that explain who we are  and what we do.  Please take a moment to visit these  sites  or  phone  me directly.  I promise you will not regret doing so.

Lets take a stand!  Help me do this!


P.S.  Where can I get 1000 or so pre-printed flyers  about  Spiritism. I.e., what we had in the bookstore during the Miami Convention.  Should I write to the Washington D.C. office?  I would like to convert  these flyers into mailers and mail them locally.  Also place these flyers in public distribution areas.  DISSEMINATE!

Janice Diamond
109 West Main Street
Annville PA 17003
1.877.867.5617 (toll-free)



A story of a doctor's odyssey in the Spirit World By Andre Luiz, through Francisco C Xavier CHAPTER 5 & 6. PDF version (~800 Kb) available at and

(Translated from the 25th Portuguese edition entitled "Nosso Lar". First Portuguese edition published in 1944 by Federação Espírita Brasileira, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.)

As we advanced, I saw from  my  stretcher  the  pleasant  surroundings which slowly unfolded to my view. Clarence, leaning on a staff made of some luminous substance, stopped before a  heavy  gate  built  into  a
great wall which was covered with a flowery wine. He touched a certain spot in the wall, the gate opened wide, and we  entered  in  a  silent procession.

A warm glow bathed everything there. The graceful play  of  lights  in the distance reminded me of a beautiful sunset in  springtime.  As  we proceeded, I saw before me charming buildings and  beautiful  gardens. At a sign from Clarence my stretcher was laid down and in front of  us there stood an entrance to  a  great  white  building  similar  to  an earthly hospital. Two young men in white  tunics  ran  eagerly  to  my stretcher, moved me into an emergency bed, and carried me  in.  Before he left, I heard Clarence say: "Take him to the pavilion to the right. I am expected elsewhere now, but  I  will  come  to  see  him  in  the morning." I gave that generous old man a parting smile of gratitude as I was taken away to a large, pleasant, richly furnished room and  laid
on a comfortable bed.

My heart was overflowing with gratitude towards my kind attendants.  I tried to address them but only managed to ask: "Friends, I  beg  you, what is this new world I find myself in?  From  what  star  does  this bright invigorating light emanate?" One of them laid a tender hand  on my forehead as if I were an old friend, and explained: "We are located in the spiritual spheres close to the  Earth,  and  the  Sun  that  is shining on us at this moment is the same one that warmed you on Earth. However, our visual perception is far keener here. We can see that the star the Lord lighted to guide our activities is  far  more  beautiful than we ever realized while on Earth. Our Sun is a  divine  source  of life which has its light's source in the Creator of All Things."

I felt a profound sense of veneration and awe as I gazed at  the  soft light streaming through my window. I realized  that  on  Earth  I  had never looked up at the Sun and raised my thoughts to the One,  in  His infinite mercy, had given it to us to shine on our journey. I was like a blind man who, after living so long in darkness, is blessed with the ability to see the splendor of nature.

Just then they brought me some stimulating broth and a glass  of  cool water, refreshing water. The water seemed  infused  with  some  divine fluid (*), for just a little of it quickly produced a reviving  effect. The food, whether a soothing nourishment  or  extraordinary  medicine, revived me beyond my expectations;  new energies  pervade  my  entire being and profound emotions stirred in the depths of my spirit. I ate, unaware of the experience which was soon to follow.

I had scarcely finished when heavenly music  -  soft  waves  of  sound rising to higher spheres - floated into my room. That wonderful melody went straight  to  my  heart.  I  looked  to  my  attendant  for  some explanation, and he said: "This is the eventide service of the  Astral City. Every department of this colony of service, dedicated to Christ, is attuned with the prayers at the Government  House. Now stay here in peace. I will return as soon as the service is over." As  he  prepared to leave, I was suddenly filled with anxiety. "May I go with  you?"  I pleaded. "You are still weak," he explained, "but if you feel that you can"

That music had filled me with renewed energies, yet I was barely  able to rise from my bed. Aided by my attendant and with faltering steps  I reached the enormous hall where a great assembly was praying in  deep,
silent concentration. The delicate garlands of flowers which hung from a brilliantly lit dome seemed to form a symbol of higher spirituality. I could hardly contain my feelings of overwhelming  surprise.  No  one seemed to notice my presence  they all looked as if they were  waiting for something. I had to work to hold back all of the questions forming in my mind. I quickly noticed in the background  an  intensely  bright light reflected on  a  giant  screen.  By  some  process  of  advanced television, a marvelous temple appeared on the screen a moment  later. In it was the image of a venerable old man, dressed in white,  sitting in prayer. Around his head shone a halo of brilliant  light.  Slightly below him, seventy-two figures accompanied him in silent prayer. I was surprised to see that Clarence was among the.

I was unable to restrain my curiosity. I pulled at my attendant's arm, and he  responded,  whispering  so  softly  his  words  resembled  the murmuring of a light breeze:  "Keep  quiet.  All  the  residences  and institutions of the Astral City are praying, with the Governor through long distance projection  of  sound  and  light.  Let  us  praise  the invisible Heart of Heaven." He had scarcely finished speaking when the seventy-two figures began singing a sweet  and  exquisitely  beautiful hymn. As I looked at Clarence, his countenance seemed to shine with an intense high light. The celestial voices rose in  melodious  cadences, in a most beautiful hymn of gratitude. Mysterious vibrations of  peace and joy floated in the atmosphere, and as the silvery notes died away, a wonderful heart, blue with golden rays (**), became visible above  us in the same distance. Soft music began, seeming to arise perhaps  from distant spheres, and suddenly we were  showered  with  beautiful  blue flowers.

Although I could easily seem  them,  I  could  not  grasp  those  tiny flowers with my hands. On touching our foreheads they melted away, and at one touch of their fluidical petals I felt an  extraordinary  surge of energy, as if some soothing balm had been applied to my heart.

As soon as the impressive service was over I returned to the  chamber, tenderly aided by my assistant. I was no longer the ailing patient  of a few hours before. The first collective prayer I had attended at  the Astral City had worked a radical change in  me.  An  unexpected  peace filled my soul for the first time in many years of suffering,  and  my heart, so long empty, was once again filled with hope.

(*) In Spiritist terminology, fluid and fluids designate a substance of magnetic nature that can be manipulated by both spiritual  beings  and man on Earth.

(**) Note by the spiritual author: "A symbolic  image  created  by  the mental vibrations of the Colony."

I awoke the following day after a deep, refreshing sleep. A comforting light poured through my window, bathing everything in  the  room  with radiance and felling my heart with hope. I felt like a new man, filled with renewed energy and the joy of living. Only one thing  clouded  my soul - I longed for my home and for my family so far away.

Numerous questions troubled my mind, but my feeling of relief  was  so great that it calmed my spirit and kept me from further contemplation. I wanted to get up and enjoy the beauty of my surroundings but I could not. I realized that without the magnetic cooperation of my  attendant I would not be able to leave my bed.

I had scarcely gotten over the many experiences when the  door  opened and Clarence entered, accompanied by a friendly stranger. They greeted me cordially, wishing me peace. My rescuer  from  the  Lower  Zones (*)
asked about my general health, and my attendant quickly came to inform him.

Henry de Luna of the medical staff of the  spiritual  colony.  Brother Henry was dressed in white  and  his  face  radiated  benevolence.  He examined me at length, then smiled and spoke:

"It is a pity that you've come here by way of suicide."

Clarence remained calm but  I  felt  a  surge  of  revolt  within  me. Suicide? I remembered the accusations of those perverse beings in  the Lower Zones. Even though I was grateful to my benefactors, I  couldn't accept this accusation.

"I believe you are mistaken," I said, distressed, "my  departure  from the world had other  causes.  I  fought  over  forty  days  trying  to overcome death. I suffered through two serious operations  because  of an intestinal occlusion."

"Quite so," the doctor continued, calm and  perfectly  composed,  "but the occlusion was the result  of  very  serious  causes.  Perhaps  you haven't thought it over enough. The spirit body presents within  it  a complete history of the actions practiced on Earth."

Leaning over me, he went on, pointing to different parts of  my  body. "Let's look at the intestinal zone," he said, "the occlusion  was  due to cancerous elements, which in turn arose from some indiscretions of yours, in which you contracted syphilis. The disease  might  not  have assumed such grave characteristics  had  your  mental  attitudes  been firmly based on the  principles  of  moderation  and  brotherly  love. Instead, you chose a dark, exasperating way of  life  which  attracted destructive vibrations from those around you. You never imagined  that anger attracts negative forces, did you? Your lack of self control and your thoughtlessness  in  dealing  with  others,  whom  you  so  often unthinkingly offended, frequently left  you  under  the  influence  of sickly and inferior beings.  These  circumstances  greatly  aggravated your physical state."

After a long pause, in which he went on examining me  attentively,  he continued: "Have you observed, my friend, that your liver was  damaged through your action? That your kidneys were also  mistreated  in  your
reckless disregard for the divine gift of physical existence?"

I felt deeply disappointed, but the doctor, seemingly  unaware  of  my anguish, continued to clarify: "The bodily organs possess incalculable reserves in accordance with the Lord's designs. You, my friend, evaded many excellent opportunities  and  wasted  the  precious  blessing  of physical existence. The long term assignment which you had been  given by those of greater  spiritual  accomplishment  was  reduced  to  half hearted attempts at  work  which  you  never  completed.  Your  entire gastronomical  system  was  destroyed  as  a  direct  result  of  your "harmless" excesses in food and drink,  and  your  essential  energies were devoured by the  syphilis  you  contracted  through  still  other excesses. As we see, the diagnosis is incontestable."

I thought about problems of human life,  and  reflected  on  the  many opportunities I had lost. In my life on Earth I had  own  many  masks, tailoring them to the situation at hand. I had never imagined I would be asked to account for those seemingly unimportant episodes. I had at that  time  conceived  of  human  error  according  to  human  laws  everything not prohibited by those laws was  natural  and  acceptable. Here, however, I found another system of judging those errors.  I  was not confronted by stern judges pronouncing harsh verdicts,  or  facing torture or the infernal abyss. Instead, smiling benefactors  commented on my weaknesses as if they were dealing with a wayward  child.  Their superior compassion struck a blow to my human pride.  If  only  I  had been tormented by diabolic beings I would have found my  failure  less bitter. Clarence's sympathetic kindness, the doctor's  warm  tone  and the attendant's good-natured patience all served to turn my  pride  to shame. I covered my face with my  hands  and  sobbed  brokenheartedly, realizing  that  Henry  de  Luna's  conclusions  were  irrefutable.  I admitted the full extent of my faults. Only one  torturing  truth  now remained before me: I had truly committed suicide. I  had  wasted  the precious opportunity of human  life,  and  was  nothing  more  than  a castaway rescued by charity.

It was then that Clarence, stroking my  hair  in  a  fatherly  manner, spoke: "Stop lamenting, my son. I went in search of you in  answer  to the intercessions of those who love you in the  higher  spheres.  Your tears will grieve their hearts. Surely  you  would  rather  show  your gratitude by remaining calm during the  examination  of  your  faults, wouldn't you? True, your diagnosis points clearly to  suicide,  but  I assure you that hundreds of others leave the Earth  daily  in  exactly the same way you did. Therefore, still your heart. Use the treasure of
repentance well; keep the blessing of remorse in  your  soul,  however late it has arrived. Don't forget  that  worrying  doesn't  solve  our problems. Put your trust in the Lord and in  our  brotherly  devotion. Rest your troubled heart; for many of us have already  gone  the  same way as you." At these generous words I  rested  my  head  against  his shoulder and wept.

(*) Lower Zones are the shadowy regions where excessively self-centered souls or those with a guilty ridden conscience find  themselves  after death. (Translator's note.)

In the next issue of "The Spiritist Messenger" - Chapter 5 and 6.

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