Advanced Study Group of SpiritismFounded on October 15th 1992 The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of the GEAE Group GEAE 5th year - Number 11 - distributed: September 1998 |
Obedience and Resignation Lazarus |
While looking for a opening quotation in commemoration of the GEAE birthday, the passage above came up to us.
Leon Denis' phrase reflects our impression on the ideas and news which have been debated by the group. It is hard to underestimate the forecasting signals of the Great Things, the aspiration for renewal, the weariness of the current world model that is essentially materialist.
We see the Pope claiming his followers for an alliance between Faith and Reason. We see companies investing in "social" works of philanthropy and education. We contemplate the present economical crisis as nothing more than the consequence of the way nations treat each other: as mere consuming markets.
We also see Spiritism to become firm in the countries where it has been developed since its inception, and conquering new lands. The last World Spiritist Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, lively testified these impressions.
Therefore, we thank God and our spirit friends for the opportunity to study and take part in such a singular era, so full of transformations and challenges, by helping, although humbly, the Great Things to become true.
We wish all the best in happiness and peace to our friends. We thank you for your support and, at same time, invite you to continue in our group in the next year.
And let us all cooperate with the work of the fighters of thought: Allan Kardec, Léon Denis, Camille Flammarion, Bezerra de Menezes, Amalia Domingos Soler ... to give a complete list would be impossible now in so limited space.
Best regards
The editors GEAE
Jorge Gomes
Over 3000 participants, coming from 28 countries, gathered at the Congress Center of the International Fair of Lisbon, Portugal and constituted the largest Spiritist meeting ever occurred on Earth: the Second World Spiritist Congress. The first one, a couple of years before, was in Brasilia, Brazil, and assembled about 2600 people.
This second congress was sponsored by the International Spiritist Counsel and organized by a special commission of the Portuguese Spiritist Federation. The congress started on September 30th and last until October 3rd under the slogan "O Espiritismo perante o terceiro milenio" (Spiritism before the third millennium). The opening session in the main hall initiated with a seminal colloquia by Divaldo P. Franco. First day activities ended about 6 p. m. During the four days, 6 auditories (and more 2 halls) were filled with expositions on free themes (about a hundred), panels, workshops, cultural activities (poetry, music etc) forming a lively environment to the participants.
Several consecrated names of the Spiritist movement were present, as well as unknown names to the Portuguese public such as Dr. Jorge Andrea who specially captivated many of them. The biggest delegation (formed by Brazilians) was composed of 1800 people, followed by the Portuguese one with 1000. Several Spiritist bookstores met at the 8th pavilion: the Portuguese Spiritist Federation (Livresp Lta, "Livraria Espirita"), the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), Guatemala's Spiritist Federation and several others. In an interview to the "Revista de Espiritismo", Dr. J. Andrea put forward his opinion on the meeting:
"I would like to tell our dear Portuguese fellows about our happiness with being in this land, with the meeting of consciousness we are making. This is the great aim of this congress, a meeting of consciousness for spiritual awareness. Because Portugal is the gate of Spiritism in Europe and I don't doubt it. You are given a wonderful support. This is the beginning, the starting point to accept a science which is about to come."
This and others opinions are found on the home-page of the magazine "Revista de Espiritismo"
which also contains extended notes. Strangely enough was the little impact of the event on the media. In any way, we give our thanks to the organizing commission of the Portuguese Spiritist Federation which worked well in favour of the participants.
The next congress will happen in Guatemala in the year 2001.
The doctrine of Jesus constantly teaches obedience and resignation, two virtues which are the companions of mildness and activity, although Man wrongly confuses them with denial of sentiment and free-will.
- Obedience is the consent of reason; resignation is the consent of the heart. -
Both are active forces since they carry the burden which has fallen upon them due to foolish revolt. The coward cannot be resigned, any more than the prideful and selfish can be obedient. Jesus was the very incarnation of these virtues, which were despised by material antiquity. He came to Earth at a time when Roman society was perishing in the failings of corruption. He came so that, even in the bosom of depressed humanity, the triumph of sacrifice and the renouncement of sensuality would shine forth.
Thus, each epoch is marked with the stamp of the virtue or vice which it has either to save or to lose. The virtue of this generation is intellectuality, the vice is moral indifference. We merely use the word 'activity' because a genius may suddenly rise up and discover for him or herself the horizons which will be seen by the multitude only at a later date. Whereas activity denotes the reunion of endeavours of everyone in order to reach a somewhat less brilliant conclusion, but one which will confirm the intellectual elevation of an epoch.
Submit yourself then to the impulsion we have come to give your spirits. Obey the great law of progress which is the promise of your generation. Woe to the lazy ones, woe to all those not open to understanding! Woe unto them! Because we, who are the guides of humanity on the march, shall apply the whip and subdue the rebellion by means of the double action of brake and spur. All prideful resistance will have to be overcome sooner or later. However, blessed be all those who are mild for they will lend yielding ears to these teachings.
Lazarus (Paris, 1863)
In: "The Gospel According to Spiritism".
Trans. by Janet Duncan.