Advanced Study Group of SpiritismFounded on October 15th 1992 The Spiritist Messenger - Monthly Electronic Report of the GEAE Group GEAE 4th year - Number 1 - distributed: December 1997 |
Christmas Emmanuel |
Beloved Friends,
Let the peace of the Lord abide forever with all of us!
This is the first edition in English (to be delivered monthly) of the already renowned electronic journal of the GEAE, advanced study group of Spiritism. In its current form, mostly written in Portuguese and distributed weekly, the GEAE report has been for 5 years an important and open minded instrument of Spiritist discussion in the world web. Once more the time is come for the blossoming of one so gladly planted seed in the form of a new version specially directed to our English speaking friends. Let us then thank God for His everlasting goodness, since He has giving us, through the Internet, the opportunity for exchanging ideas and hopes, for improving our minds and hearts and for setting our spirits free through the study of the so important subjects of our beloved Spiritist Doctrine. Let also our humble work be specially useful for all those who, still in the lack of a conscious knowledge, feel there is in life something more than their eyes can perceive, whose spirits understand the whole aim and glory of God's creation and whose minds are sufficiently open to realize that our existence will continue forever in spite of all negative claims of Materialism.
``The Spiritist Messenger'' also intends to be a free channel for the Spiritist debate. Our aim is to present, in a coherent way, articles, texts and messages on important Spiritist topics. Since Spiritism deals with the most important questions of the human species, these topics deeply concern everyone, even those who do not accept Spiritist principles, but whose lives are inexorably governed by them. It also aims at bringing together news and notices about upcoming events in the Spiritist movement worldwide. Since our main language is English, in order to make our work easy and due to time limitations, articles and materials should be preferably sent in this language. However, short comments and notices (no more than 40 words) can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish and German.
We again hope that all can profit by the new communication vehicle which has come to express and fulfill old Spiritist ideals, and we most humbly ask for God's and the good spirits' guidance on this new work.
The GEAE Editors
A GEAE statistics:
The GEAE group has 1264 participants
(up to October 1997) spread among 26 countries. The distribution according
to each country is:
Rico |
There are 2321 books in the GEAE
web library in 11 different languages:
A small text on the Spiritism history
is posted on the GEAE web page in order to commemorate the GEAE 5th
anniversary. This text describes
events occurred in several countries. The principal aim of this chronology
compiled by Carlos Iglesias and some friends is to provide a modest starting
point for more advanced researches on the history of the doctrine.
Browsing the home page of the ``Union Spirite Francaise et Francophone'' we surprisingly found out that the ``Revue Spirite'' (The Spiritist Magazine) has been normally published. Its first edition was launched by A. Kardec on January 1858 and lasted until 1976 when the French Spiritist movement underwent a hard internal crisis (even the words ``Spirite'' and ``Spiritisme'' were banished from its official organizations). After the magazine's end, under its fusion with another journal and the appearance of a re-named version ``Renaitre 2000'', a Spiritist group founded the USFF and started a battle for the Revue's publishing rights. A happy end came in 1989 with the revival of magazine [according to Charles Kempf in France].
During our last years of study we realized that the difference of language among the peoples is an almost insurmountable barrier. This barrier not only limits normal communication, but also impedes a better understanding of the truth.
Each people, each group of culturally
related spirits have their own world view, see the reality through a particular
The collection of these different
views is a valuable treasure of mankind. The unrestrained exchange of ideas
from different points of view improves those social groups which are able
to do such exchange.
The intense communication among spiritists from several origins is desirable not only as a fraternal endeavor, but also as a source of constant improvement of the very way people understand the doctrine. It warrants a future opened to new ideas, a constantly renewed doctrine.
Esperanto, Dr. Zamenhof's Lingvo Internacia, together with modern ways of communication can help to this aim. The easiness of its learning can stimulate small study groups in several Spiritist institutions worldwide. Few weeks of effort would make people in such institutions able to communicate with each other. Everywhere there would be people able to translate into their national tongue materials published in Esperanto. Knowing the common language, everywhere spiritists on travel would find someone to understand their ideas.
Also even in the spirit world communication problems may arise. There is no sudden transformation after death, the spirit conserves its linguistic skills and it awakes after death in the same cultural environment as in its previous life. Contrary to general thought, telepathic communication is a very hard acquisition that is only attained by most elevated spirits and a common practice only on the highest planes. See the book: ``O Esperanto como Revelacao'' - Eperanto as Revelation - by the spirit F. V. Lorenz through the mediumship of F. C. Xavier (ed. by Instituto de Difusao Espirita) and also books by Andre Luis and Camilo C. Branco (spirits).
Even if our group had just started to learn Esperanto, we encourage further studies in this language in a new section by publishing texts in Esperanto on its learning and on Spiritism.
We therefore invite all friends to participate by sending texts and works.
Let us all work together to this aim!
GEAE Editors
Is then Spiritism a religion? Yes, of course it is Dear Sirs, it is a religion in the philosophical sense which honor us very much since it constitutes the doctrine through which the fraternity bounds and the communion of thoughts are based upon solid supports: the very laws of Nature, and not upon simple conventions.
Why did we not declare Spiritism as a religion? Because there is just one word to express two different ideas. Also because, according to the general opinion, the word religion is inseparable from the notion of cult. This, however, brings the idea of form to which Spiritism bears no relation at all. Had it been declared as a religion, people would have taken it as a new edition of absolute principles of faith, together with their new cast of priests, hierarchical processions, ceremonies and privileges. They would not distinguish it from the ideas of mysticism and the mistakes of which it is very well free.
Since, according to the usual meaning of the word, Spiritism have no relation to religion, it could not or should not present itself under a title whose meaning gives rise to inevitable misunderstandings. This is the reason for it to present itself just as a moral and philosophical doctrine.
Allan Kardec [In ``Le Spiritisme est-il une religion?'' - Revue Spirite, p. 357, 1868. Trans. by A. L. Xavier Jr.]
Glory to God in the Divine Universe.
Peace on Earth.
Good will toward men.
Bestowing a new era of safety and tranquility, the Supreme Father declared the Heavenly Ambassador endowed with no power to injure or destroy.
No punishment to the mean wealthy.
No penalty to the despaired poor.
No despise to the weak.
No banishment to the sinner.
No hostility to the arrogant pharisee.
No anathema to the unconscious gentile.
Through the hands of Jesus, the Divine Treasure streamed in the service of the good will.
The justice of "an eye for a eye" and "a tooth for a tooth" would finally meet Love ready to sublime abnegation up to the cross.
Terrified before the new light at the stable persons and animals expressed unutterable joy.
Since that unforgettable moment, the Earth would be renewed.
The torturer would be worth of piety.
The enemy would turn into a misguided brother.
The criminal would be considered sick.
At Rome people would gradually suppress slaughters at the circus. At Synod the slaves would no more have their eyes spilt by the harshness of their lords. At Jerusalem the sick ones would no more be forsaken to messy valleys.
Jesus was bringing the message of true fraternity. By disclosing it, he successfully passed from the straw crib to the bloody cross.
Brother or sister who listen to the sweet echoes of the angelic songs, remember that the Master came for us to love each other.
Christmas! Good news! Good will!
Let us bring sympathy to everybody and start to live with Jesus under the splendor of a new day.
In ``Fonte Viva'' by F. C. Xavier
(ed. by FEB).
Trans. by A. L. Xavier Jr.